and could there perhaps be unexpected economic benefits for the uk if it gets this balance right? i think the uk has a lot more to gain from separating itself from the us to a certain degree. stick with the us on national security, but don t go into the excesses of economic warfare. in particular, i think the uk can benefit from continuing to export higher education to get investment for r&d within the uk and to avoid particular military technologies, but still have plenty of room for cultural exports. how are you? good. nice to see you again. yes, very good to see you. very good to see you. some say non alignment would actually be the only economically sensible course for post brexit britain to chart. just as india, for instance, remained nonaligned between the us and the soviet union during the original cold war.
In the book, 'Latin American Foreign Policies in the New World Order' contributors say these countries should attempt to steer their foreign policies away from decisions and actions that are not determined by national interest.