China long sought a middle course for relations with the Middle East between Moscow and Washington, exploiting rifts along the way. Today, with its increasing diplomatic and economic power, it is poised to take center stage in the region.
"What the outside world can expect includes, at least, two aspects. The first one is the beginning of a gradual recovery of communication and dialogue between the diplomatic teams of the two countries. The second one is a gradual resetting of various working mechanisms in bilateral relations," Shao Yuqun noted
At talks with the US leader, the Chinese president also made it clear that the Taiwan issue is the key one for China and central to the political foundation of Beijing-Washington relations, Shao Yuqun stressed
SINGAPORE - The world is in for a decade-long geopolitical contest that could prove more intense and dangerous than the Cold War, an eminent political scientist said on the topic of US-China relations at a forum on Thursday (Dec 6).