Kanpur's divisional commissioner Lokesh M will replace Maheshwari who was also removed from the position of Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority (GNIDA) CEO on July 9.
Ritu Maheshwari, who has been posted in Noida for a long time, has been removed from the post of Noida Authority CEO. He has been replaced by Kanpur Divisional Commissioner Lokesh M. Ritu Maheshwari took over as the CEO of Noida on July 12, 2019. She held this position for about four years. Ritu is…
Kanpur's divisional commissioner Lokesh M will replace Maheshwari who was also removed from the position of Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority (GNIDA) CEO on July 9.
The Uttar Pradesh government has appointed Ravi Kumar N G, Divisional Commissioner of Gorakhpur, as the new CEO of the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority (GNIDA). He will replace Ritu Maheshwari, who will continue as the CEO of Noida Authority. Maheshwari had been holding the additional charge of GNIDA CEO since September 2022., Delhi News, Times Now