The nursing superintendent of GB Pant Hospital in New Delhi has apologised for issuing a controversial circular that barred nursing staff from speaking in Malayalam on duty, saying he had “no intentio
The hospital had withdrawn the circular on Sunday, saying it was issued “without any instruction or knowledge of the hospital administration and the Delhi government”.
A hospital’s misplaced priorities
June 10, 2021 00:41 IST
The notice by GB Pant Hospital to its staff against the use of Malayalam was in poor taste
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Nurses walk to a Covid-19 ward at Ramaiah Medical College hospital in Bengaluru on June 8, 2021. | Photo Credit:
The notice by GB Pant Hospital to its staff against the use of Malayalam was in poor taste
A noted botanist of Indian origin working in the United States, Kamaljit Bawa, had expressed an important idea that our identity is also determined by our geography. He had gone on to suggest that given the range of life forms found in India due to a variety of climatic zones, we should see biodiversity as part of our identity. As is only reasonable to expect, the botanist might have been motivated by the need to preserve his turf at any cost, but, at any rate, he has opened up scope for imagination. That we should think of the biodiversity of India as an aspect of our identity i