i m norah o donne hllere in our i neede,8d $400. judgeud jy: why? cause i was ingettg hoa use. ou annncer: no m?oney noroembl. j udge judy: widhy d you asm k hitoak te out this ryig hh-priced loan? iid dn t have thet. res judge judony: d tov me into $4a ,800 house. announcer: l untishhae d a prm oblewiimth h. judgeud jy: foi und tou at shawn was nva coicd tefelon. tathat point, id tolhim thatco we uld lnoonger see eathch oer. you are suchus a htl,er mssi. mms. nn aouernc: judge judy. you aroue abt etonter the courtroom you aroue abt etonter the courtroom ofud jgeuditshh eindlin. ca ptnsio paid for by s cbtelevision distribution awshn chboris ykin is sugin his irex-glfenrid, esmyha simms, fo ur annpd ailoan and wlostag.es byrd: o!rder all rise! your honor, ithiss seca number 182 tonhe calendar hein t mteatr of boykin sivs. mms. jgeud judy: thank. you
tank for the final push. you may notice that my voice sounds just a little hoarse. as mitt romney literally runs away from questions about mourdock s rrape remarks. tonight, senator barbara boxer on the romney failure to lead. the daily beast s michael tumas kirks on the president s no m momentum and today s big endorsement. plus another plutocrat is shaking down employees to vote for romney. and congressman elijah cummings on the right wing effort to true the vote by intimidating minority voters. food good to have you with us tonight, folks. the latest comments about rape have the republican party scrambling and mitt romney going silent. senate candidate richard mourdock out of indiana caused unwanted intention when he said pregnancies results from rape are a gift from god. the story is out there in the popular culture.
come on, honey. (jamie) oh. ooh. there you go. t. and there happen to be four t s. whoo! so that s a good thing. all right. $1,200. boy, you ve been playing it close, that s for sure. ooh. h. and there are two h s. pick up that wild card, one of you. (jamie laughs) there you go. okay. i d like to buy a vowel. all right. e. whoo! what do you want to do next? buy another vowel. mm-hmm. a. all right. m. no, there s no m, i m afraid. craig, daniella, your turn.
y yell,t depends kinder of le ho t yl, d hanendl k sdff lho tan ff memes. jean do u thk th wha yo did s wr g mes. ano ththha yod wr a? y. jud jeane: younow ? it w wro. en t pole ca y why d n t udea : ou w u dr tha wood what rou t puoled oca thehyall? dt i ean dr dha.odt itpus ju o as heonl? a in . i did itjus th the kind o didid the th tindid hethin. jud jeane: youre yingou p the tickown ind t hen eyud peape: roupr ayed ng pheckn tn y peu?pred um-m. jud jeane: d yotell the ach ers at y wer gom-g to ill the m iud teahe: cayoll e h s out y terhe gotom?lhe iheca t t um-m. jud jeane: d yomean it? ocour, no m- buit i just udeceaause: yoanhey ? ot ourno bu itheistnseimheeot but - ei im udgeeani: yomeanf u di t g the b youould- ve h the geniyoan di gheould h mbeeah. j ge jnine gran a, t m beair re ts ishe trd me tt ththe lice ave j j ne anbeen talle in a inci ntber t is tin volvg yo trathndsoe n.cee en le wh a is ciing here? lvyo
of le ho t yl, d hanendl k sdff lho tan ff memes. jean do u thk th wha yo did s wr g mes. ano ththha yod wr a? y. jud jeane: younow ? it w wro. en t pole ca y why d n t udea : ou w u dr tha wood what rou t puoled oca thehyall? dt i ean dr dha.odt itpus ju o as heonl? a in . i did itjus th the kind o didid the th tindid hethin. jud jeane: youre yingou p the tickown ind t hen eyud peape: roupr ayed ng pheckn tn y peu?pred um-m. jud jeane: d yotell the ach ers at y wer gom-g to ill the m iud teahe: cayoll e h s out y terhe gotom?lhe iheca t t um-m. jud jeane: d yomean it? ocour, no m- buit i just udeceaause: yoanhey ? ot ourno bu itheistnseimheeot but - ei im udgeeani: yomeanf u di t g the b youould- ve h the geniyoan di gheould h mbeeah. j ge jnine gran a, t m beair re ts ishe trd me tt ththe lice ave j j ne anbeen talle in a inci ntber t is tin volvg yo trathndsoe n.cee en le wh a is ciing here? lvyo ra wsol, wreal don t k no whs g