on the romney failure to lead. the daily beast s michael tomasky on the president s momentum and today s big endorsement. plus another plutocrat is shaking down employees to vote for romney. and congressman elijah cummings on the right wing effort to true the vote by intimidating minority voters. good to have you with us tonight, folks. the latest comments about rape have the republican party scrambling and mitt romney going silent. senate candidate richard mourdock out of indiana caused unwanted intention when he said pregnancies results from rape are a gift from god. the story is out there in the popular culture. comedian tina fey took on mourdock s comments last night. i wish we could have an honest and respectful dialogue about these complicated issues, but it seems like we can t right now. and if i have to listen to one more gray-faced man with a $2
tank for the final push. you may notice that my voice sounds just a little hoarse. as mitt romney literally runs away from questions about mourdock s rrape remarks. tonight, senator barbara boxer on the romney failure to lead. the daily beast s michael tumas kirks on the president s no m momentum and today s big endorsement. plus another plutocrat is shaking down employees to vote for romney. and congressman elijah cummings on the right wing effort to true the vote by intimidating minority voters. food good to have you with us tonight, folks. the latest comments about rape have the republican party scrambling and mitt romney going silent. senate candidate richard mourdock out of indiana caused unwanted intention when he said pregnancies results from rape are a gift from god. the story is out there in the popular culture.
away from questions about mourdock s rape remarks. tonight, senator barbara boxer on the romney failure to lead. the daily beast s michael tomasky on the president s momentum and today s big endorsement. plus another plutocrat is shaking down employees to vote for romney. and congressman elijah cummings on the right wing effort to true the vote by intimidating minority voters. good to have you with us tonight, folks. the latest comments about rape have the republican party scrambling and mitt romney going silent. senate candidate richard mourdock out of indiana caused unwanted intention when he said pregnancies results from rape are a gift from god. the story is out there in the popular culture. comedian tina fey took on mourdock s comments last night. i wish we could have an honest and respectful dialogue about these complicated issues,