Advice. For me this is a test a few manity how ready we are for the most important lesson for us is to rebuild the Health Care System. Bring you the latest global News Headlines this is our international. Who start with a brief overview of the cove 19 pandemic the number of confirmed cases worldwide is now up to almost 615000 thats a rise of 20 percent in just the last 24 hours the virus has claimed 28000 lives so far 137000 people have recovered. The British Government is ramping up its coronavirus containment measures police have been given new powers in the deploying drawings to ensure that citizens stick to the rules and stay at home. We have now is a video message posted by police in the county of darvish and it urges people to avoid all nonessential Movement Including walking the dog in the pig district or going for a long hike and instagram as a single doubt theyre told not to go out of their way to get a good selfie as governments around the world come up with new ways of fight
A russian pediatric surgeon and w h o advice. For me this is a test a few manatee how ready we are for the most important lesson for us is to rebuild the Health Care System. Thats joining is here with your global News Headlines this is international. Starting with an overview of the covert 19 pandemic the number of confirmed cases worldwide now is more than 600000 that is up 20 percent over the past 24 hours the virus has claimed more than 28000 lives so far 137000 people have recovered. Well lets head 1st to the United Kingdom where the government has been ramping up its coronavirus containment measures police have been given new powers in the deploying drones to ensure that citizens stick to the rules and stay at home. Coming up now is a video message posted by police in the county of darby ship it urges people to avoid all nonessential movement that includes walking the dog in the pig district or even going for a long hike instagram as have been singled out theyre told not to go out
So this is of crucial use those are going to go through. d what are you. Going to sort. Of what i should so a bug. Pilots use the winter to prepare their cars for the summer meaning winter competitions are a chance to practice and this time the whole family has come along with one goal for us both those of you steve i wasnt even if you were out so if so. What have you been there the dallas. Police. Department there are people who are living with him but here he was with his eyes. That he asks the chimes to commuting still more the most stuff more. Than boardroom yes but i thought look what through i dont know if youre paranoid. Plus need new global data can use the 15 or was the answer cracked it up but im still sticky was put in your wallet and yes there will be as you call it that you know it. When i was a price years old and you still dont call that to seize it now thats yet where after it nears the vision but you can. See a survey genius in. It the blue ball the most is the news i
A nurse. Began his drifting career on the streets now hes the only russian pilot who also drives a car like this in the summer too but his has been seriously upgraded examples d. So this is theyre going to go through. d what are you. Going to sort. Of what i should so a bug. Since all the pilots use the winter to prepare their cars for the summer meaning winter competitions are a chance to practice and this time the whole family has come along there was one gulp i suppose it was you steve i wasnt even if you were out so if so it was more. In the dallas. Police. Department there are people who are living with him but here he was with his eyes. He asks to chime stadium because you said only one of the most stuff more its not the one that just wasnt me after i got told why did not you play what you just need new global done and yes the 15 rule is that i answer cocked it up but im still sticky was put in the wallace and yes that will bite you cook you know it. When i was up ice years old a
A long time with one gulp i state it was you steve i wasnt even if you were right so if cell phone call was worth i gave him that in dallas. Now back to 50 people 5 years with him but he has me with his eyes down and he asks the chimes to consider. More the more stuff more its. Done for them yes but i dont know what true or why did not your paperwork from the boss need new work or i missed the 50 dollars but im sure cocked it up but im still sticky was put in your wallet yes they will but you can neuer. When i was up last years all the. Dont look to see that now thats yet. The vision but you can. See. The group all the more so than yours i was there didnt. Need. Biased barker used to do when you. Get the salon you poor. Little ghost but the goal is to keep it all of who do it thats the new source and source and source of the news of the talk about you so we will focus on what you want and youll get what i dont know not the know me and. I get it in the guidance might be responding you n