Caller okay. Yeah my question is in terms of the gentleman from the cato institute, about what makes him an expert on the inner city given all hes throwing out are numbers which tends to not reflect the reality of the situation the gentleman hes talking about some of the realities versus whats occurring in the country. Michael . Well thats right. I grew up in a middle class, working class family in lily white western massachusetts, so ive not lived in the inner city other than washington, d. C. In my life, so i cant say that ive experienced anything like what a young black man experiences today, and i wont pretend that i have the same experiences as they are. What are you studying at cay toe . But i worked for years on inner city poverty issues, met with people in the inner city, talked to them traveled, and worked in as many areas as i can, so i mean, i think i have expertise, and if the question is they disagree with my facts, figures, and the numbers, i want to know what they disagr
If we are just being joined, were asking for your viewpoints on the tentative deal announced in switzerland a short while ago between iran and the socalled plus one countries, a deal that would see at least the goals for the Iranian Nuclear facilities and the lifting of all sanctions, that was the goal of the negotiations. How far along . We do not quite know yet. We will hear more from the president p or he will be speaking at 2 15 eastern. We will have that live for you here on cspan pair we will be taking your calls and comments. David in indiana, hi, david. Caller i welcome this agreement. As we find out more about it, we will be able to judge it at her. What we do know is this can accomplish what none of the other alternative accomplishments can accomplish great sanctions cannot do it. Military action can at most setback irans program by three years to five years while guaranteeing iran will eventually develop a bomb. A solution intrinsically verified is by far the best thing. It
Be put on the endangered species list, where if that happens that could really harmed the economy here in nevada. Wildfires or invasive species. Wildfires are number one, which is driven by an invasive grass. Catastrophic wildfire and invasive species. Based on the sagegrouses current needs, there are many who believe putting it on the endangered species list will only hinder its recovery. There are still those who advocate for its listing. I think one way it will help is that will it will bring it more into the spotlight for the general public. People tend to pay more attention when a species is in peril, and it is obviously listend. That may generate more conservation activity. If the bird is listed, offline management will have to do consult with the u. S. Fish and Wildlife Service on any measurement activities that occur within areas that are determined to be sagegrouse habitat, which is a large percentage of northern nevada. This will slow down this process of doing habitat restor
That affect the nation. Students were asked to create their documentaries based on the theme the three branches and to demonstrate how it policy law, or action has affected them or their community. Justice best in sparks, nevada is one of our second prize winners. Her entry focused on animal conservation. It affects us all. We are all going to be affected by this. If we live in a beautiful state like nevada, the health of our state. If our land is not healthy, how can we as a people be healthy. It impacts us all. The Actual Health of our wildlife population. To many, the endangered species act is a it is putting the greater thats what we set out to discover. The greater sagegrouse is a declining species, there were over 16 million. Today there are fewer than 200,000. The number continues to drop. The Current Situation with the sagegrouse, the numbers are down to about 5000, the amount of habitat the bird has has been reduced by half since the early 1900s due to development ranching, wi
Accidental hazard material and chemical terrorist attack is the necessity of working with federal, state and local Law Enforcement agencies to preserve evidence and maintain seen security for the criminal investigation. A little bit more complex situation might involve an Infectious Disease such as smallpox and in that event, the Public Health community would play a larger role in working with us to manage that incident. It would be important to track down who was exposed to the disease and who came in contact with these patients in this type of event this is where you see symptoms they not be present or may not arise immediately, but in the doing days. Although each of these agents are chemical involved, might have their own intricacies. There are some commonalities within response to a chemical or biological attack. Firstly Accurate Information is one of the most aspect of that. One of the goals of a terrorist attack is to cause public panic. It is important Accurate Information abou