Following directives from the Haryana State Pollution Control Board (HSPCB), the Gurugram administration has imposed the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP), Stage 3, which bans all construction and demolition activities.
Stubble burning news: He informed that for the convenience of the farmers in the district, a 50 per cent discount on taking equipment related to stubble management and custom hiring centers, which have been made available to any registered farmer group or panchayat on an 80 percent grant.
Following the death of six children in a water-filled pit yesterday, the Bajghera village panchayat today held a meeting and issued an advisory for the residents to keep their children away from ponds and pits in the area. Local youths were also advised not to go for swimming or bathing in such pits
The latest Tweet by ANI states, UPDATE | Gurugram, Haryana: Bodies of all 6 children recovered. All children were aged between 8-13 years. We re making announcements in local area to inform us if any other child is missing. If needed, we ll comb the pond again or drain it: DM Nishant Yadav UPDATE | Gurugram, Haryana: Bodies of All 6 Children Recovered. All Children Were Aged . - Latest Tweet by ANI.