The Delhi High Court on Thursday reserved its order on bail plea of Raj Singh Gehlot, Chairman of the Ambience Group of Companies, who was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on charges of money laundering in connection with an alleged .
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday opposed the bail application of Avantha Group promoter Gautam Thapar, saying all allegations made against Thapar are well corroborated with the evidence and statements rendered by employees of .
Avantha Group promoter Gautam Thapar, who was arrested in connection with alleged misappropriation of a Rs 515 crore loan of Yes Bank, approached the Delhi High Court on Thursday, seeking regular bail in the case.
Avantha Group promoter Gautam Thapar, who was arrested in connection with alleged misappropriation of a Rs 515 crore loan of Yes Bank, approached the Delhi High Court on Thursday, seeking regular bail in the case.Thapar was arrested in August .
The Delhi High Court on Thursday admitted the appeal of former Union Minister MJ Akbar challenging a trial court order which had dismissed the criminal defamation case filed by him against journalist Priya Ramani.