world. how about going to? hannity anthony fauci grilled of the hill, and as always, his memory seems a little off. take a loof.k. i why was it so important i the virus not have started in a lawatersb? why was it so important that?ow the virus not we don t know. we know is important someone in the biden administration, so much so that the top people much at mit, the top people at facebook are asking, why are we getting all this pressurfacebookaskingel to downplay the lab leak theory ? and guess what? we have dr.. rand paul, senator rand paul, he actually has the actual smoking gun emails. he put paul, in his book. anyway, the once drunk with power, dr. fauci a skirted accountability for years while gaslighting the american people every step of the way. but a free pass that might soons be oveoor. d we ll check in with rand paul. that s coming up. also tonight, wells , mass amnesty for illegal immigrants, according to this new report, the biden administration, they just
between the scientists. fauci says all the scientists sciei saysn they all said its on wasn t gain of function. let me see the deliberations. at i want to see the arguments for and against. they won t reveal this. they are against tighter lipped thany the cia on this. and the nih ha ts resisted realy requests from democrats and republicanys the democrat chair. my committee has cosigned this request. it s ovef myr year old and my individual requests are three years old. they have they have obscured. and according to fauci sed, thte assistant that he threw under the bus today, david moran s . o hi according to him, it was a targeted cover up and thatas they destroyed emails and evidence. but today, the most shocking e-g and surprising thing was anthony fauci threw faucs 20 year assistant under the bus and acted as if he d hardly ever him.was ne he wasn t part of the inner circle. he never made decisions, had noy access to my office. all completely. wait a minute. of whaoffice