Amid media reports of staff disgruntled with a hiring policy change, the international Evangelical foster and immigrant resettlement charity Bethany Christian Services has confirmed that it only hires Christians who align with its core beliefs and doesn't allow them to promote political causes in the workplace.
Harvest Christian Fellowship Pastor Greg Laurie discussed the future of the pro-life movement post-Roe and how the church can take an active role in helping to end abortion.
Harvest Christian Fellowship Pastor Greg Laurie discussed the future of the pro-life movement post-Roe and how the church can take an active role in helping to end abortion.
During the 51st annual March for Life Friday, pro-life activists discussed whether the pro-life movement was prepared for Roe v. Wade's reversal as politicians hold differing views about the pursuit of nationwide abortion restrictions and what gestational age to base those restrictions on.
Attendees of March for Life 2024 offered differing opinions of former President Donald Trump and other candidates in the 2024 presidential race, which could have lasting implications for the pro-life movement.