IPS officer Pravin Ingawale of NIA Mumbai, came to Pune Police Commissionerate and handed over cash rewards of Rs 10 lakh and certificates to the policemen Amol Najan, Pradip Chavan, Bala Rafi Shaikh, Aniket Jamdade and Dnyaneshwar Panchal of Kothrud police station
The NIA said that the plea of the accused was not tenable and the agency had sought an extension on September 25 to file the chargesheet which was granted by the special court for 90 days till December 28.
India News: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) made significant strides in its crackdown on the Isis terrorist network by arresting 15 terrorists in raids ac
The convicts along with slain terrorist Mohammad Saifullah had set up a hideout in the Haji Colony area of Lucknow and had prepared and tested some improvised explosive devices (IEDs), as per the National Investigation Agency (NIA).