and anything you do see may be given in evidence. do you understand everything that i have said? at the time, i did not know how the accident had happened. it could just be a momentary lapsing, you know, in attention. i don t know, sneezing, a wasp, something like that. i didn t know why the accident had happened, and he had not been forthcoming in seeing so. forthcoming in saying so. i felt a bit sorry for him. as anybody put a call in to nat in flc? we knew at that point there was at least three people dead, and that was our main priority. it has got to be, hasn t it? we have got to get to them families and get them death messages delivered before it is out on social media. and we are always in a fight with social media to get to them families and deliver those messages before anyone else. he is the driver of this, yeah. the relatives of 51 year old paul mullen, from washington on wearside, are quickly located and informed. 2408 from tango. but the couple in the other car are hard
Catching up on our JUNE recaps we realized we did not completely lay out the events that could have affected this survey. This book began on MAY 25th and concluded on JUNE 22nd. That means there were two federally-mandated three-day weekends: Memorial Day and Juneteenth. What does that mean for you? Well, the possibility exists that 50% of your weekend listening was affected IF your listeners got out of Dodge for those weekends. It also means that two Mondays were compromised, though your .
Flaherty & Crumrine Total Return Fund Inc. (NYSE:FLC – Get Rating) was the recipient of a large decline in short interest during the month of May. As of May 15th, there was short interest totalling 4,000 shares, a decline of 25.9% from the April 30th total of 5,400 shares. Based on an average daily trading […]
APRIL is a time of hope and renewal. Baseball fans across the nation believe in the possibility of their teams’ success (sit down, ORIOLES fans). The EASTER BUNNY spreads her bounty for children of all ages to discover and devour. And radio stations soldier on with the hope that this latest survey will be the one that makes all the difference. It is a LUCY/CHARLIE BROWN/football situation that is repeated 13 times a year. Why does APRIL stand out? Frankly, it doesn’t. This is just .
Flaherty & Crumrine Total Return Fund Inc. (NYSE:FLC – Get Rating) announced a monthly dividend on Monday, April 25th, Wall Street Journal reports. Investors of record on Thursday, June 23rd will be paid a dividend of 0.122 per share on Thursday, June 30th. This represents a $1.46 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield […]