Nexus Select Trust in talks to acquire The Marina Mall in Chennai, developing a diverse portfolio with Grade-A malls in Hyderabad. Plans to double assets to 20M sq ft in 5 years, reflecting India s retail growth and mall consumption surge.
Nexus Select Trust in talks to acquire The Marina Mall in Chennai, developing a diverse portfolio with Grade-A malls in Hyderabad. Plans to double assets to 20M sq ft in 5 years, reflecting India s retail growth and mall consumption surge.
966,994,334 Units of Nexus Select Trust are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 18-MAY-2024. These Units will be under lockup for 368 days starting from 16-MAY-2023 to.
Brookfield India Real Estate Trust has signed a binding agreement to acquire a 50% stake in four Bharti Enterprises properties for 60 billion rupees , including debt, it said on Thursday. .
Canadian alternative investment firm Brookfield is taking full control of four commercial properties in northern India after agreeing to buy joint venture partner Bharti Enterprises ..