Concerned citizens circulated a petition with the goal of ammeding town regulations to restrict the use of leaf blowers. The petition ended up with 411 signatures and caught the attention of town leaders who scheduled a public hearing and town meeting where the matter will be voted on.
It sounds like a line from a cheesey 80's horror film or an Ozzy Osborne song lyric but in Brookfield, Connecticut these words come with a side of chills. They conjure real feelings of fear in a community that was rocked by a case so dark and so mysterious that it's still raising questions today.
We had a nice four days in New London, I posted the pictures to social media and I never thought about the mansion again. Then, one day I was having a conversation about the trip with a friend who has lived in Connecticut much longer than I have. I asked him about the massive structure and he told me it was a haunted lighthouse.
If you had to guess who has the most bear sightings this year, would you choose New Milford or the rest of Greater Danbury? For a more complete picture, New Milford is Connecticut's largest town and these are the towns that I'm considering as the rest of Greater Danbury:
Most times, I don't need to be told that I might be in danger. I usually get a gut feeling that something isn't right, long before I know what that something is. This is a trait that scientists believe all of us have, we can sense a threat in fractions of a second.