Richard wears many hats. Of ambassador. And the future of afghanistan. Frequent morning joe contributor and of course our fearless leader the president of non counsel for relations. We are listening to Richard Haass the author and academic who has just come out with yet another book the world a brief history. He calls it a little bit of a departure. I want to start richard because it was only after you turned in the manuscript that the world was confronted by the covid19 pandemic and in the roughly two months since that happened they had highlighted so many of the teams in concepts. What does the pandemic tell us what is the pandemic tell us about the world right now. Thanks also to everyone on this call. Needless to say i hope everybody is well. As we all get through this one day at a time when groundhog day at a time. What i think the pandemic tells us first and foremost is that the world matters and that is an obvious thing for member of the council on foreign relations. The world m
A lot of people stick their careers on the exactopposite, that we are all part of the universal human family and if youve written three books like that , so what sets these causes is of course the anxiety of antagonism and this is the last point ill before i close on the question because the anxiety of antagonism is something that its interesting to me as i travel the world. I have had to deal with the anxiety of antagonism in teaching young people in the United States in germany or in south africa and that is the anxiety of being presented with a problem for which theres no imaginable solution even though if there is a solution it cannot be theorized at this moment so the anxiety of antagonism produces responses which are redundant and unread and emotional rather than analytic. That has a lot to do with the work in 1869, he changed the British Public School System and one of the things he did, he said we cant be teaching but people in the Public Schools columns that dont have solution
No 2 ways about it theyve just been out of business for too long and as much as i miss the camaraderie back at the headquarters in washington i must say i have never felt claustrophobic during the couple of months since they sent us home and we still manage to do a show every week and i will confess that i am going to remember this restful time fondly but thats anecdotal you have actually researched this and one factoid you have surfaced which many of us can relate to 40 percent say theyve gained weight during quarantine and thats the 40 percent who admit it and i was equally unsurprised that nearly a 3rd that you have surveyed admit they are drinking more and you are very kind to surmise that we are easing isolation with the zoom happy hours but from a product to vittie standpoint how are employers and employees and customers tolerating this trio mo d. Private of in person interaction. Theyre doing it the way were doing it right now its you know whats fascinating is how little im usin
Midtown detroit. However from the downtown area in detroit. Were eight or nine miles. Downtown is one district, as they say now in detroit, and midtown is the next district after that, and years ago, new center was created like another part of the city, and that is another maybe five or seven miles beyond us. So were really right in the heart of the cultural life of the city with the universities, the library, the main library, the wayne state university, the health centers, and a lot of galleries and africanamerican museums, historical museum. So were in a wonderful cultural rich area of the city. I call it the heart of the city. And youre just a couple blocks off woodward avenue if people know detroit. One block off. I knew a little train that goings up and down the road and says one mile one block from woodward avenue and turn left and youre right with us. Allison, whats the last month been like for you at source book sellers . Well, we had to get used to having our doors shuttered
Kelly clarkson saying what doesnt kill you makes us stronger can numb bull companies emerge from this crisis better off i think they can i think were all learning how to do work differently and i think this is one of those life gives you lemons make lemonade type of a moment and as such i think this is one of those survival of the fittest things youre going to see businesses come out of this and come out stronger better and youre also going to see a lot of businesses unfortunately go under. Yeah restaurants are gonna fold theres no 2 ways about it theyve just been out of business for too long and as much as i miss the camaraderie back at the r. T. E. Headquarters in washington i must say i have never felt claustrophobic during that couple of months since they sent us home and we still managed to do a show every week and i will confess that i am going to remember this restful time finally but thats anecdotal you have actually researched this and one factoid you have surfaced which many