Could take further Military Action against the Syrian Government. It comes after washington fired missiles at an airbase from which it believes president assads forces launched a Chemical Weapons attack. Addressing an Emergency Meeting of the United Nations security council, the American Ambassador to the un, nikki haley, said it is in americas Vital National Security Interest to prevent the use of Chemical Weapons. Our military destroyed the airfield from which this weeks chemical strike took place. We were fullyjustified in doing so. The moral stain of the assad regime could no longer go unanswered. His crimes against humanity could no longer be met with empty words. It was time to say enough but not only say it, it was time to act. Bashar al assad must never use Chemical Weapons again. Ever. The Syrian Government denounced the attack as reckless and irresponsible but america has had support from other countries. It was after dark on the East Coast Of America and before the sun had r
Matthew, 34, was last seen in Newlyn, north-east of Ballarat, on Friday afternoon. His family is concerned about his welfare due to a medical condition.