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Could take further Military Action against the Syrian Government. It comes after washington fired missiles at an airbase from which it believes president assads forces launched a Chemical Weapons attack. Addressing an Emergency Meeting of the United Nations security council, the American Ambassador to the un, nikki haley, said it is in americas Vital National Security Interest to prevent the use of Chemical Weapons. Our military destroyed the airfield from which this weeks chemical strike took place. We were fullyjustified in doing so. The moral stain of the assad regime could no longer go unanswered. His crimes against humanity could no longer be met with empty words. It was time to say enough but not only say it, it was time to act. Bashar al assad must never use Chemical Weapons again. Ever. The Syrian Government denounced the attack as reckless and irresponsible but america has had support from other countries. It was after dark on the East Coast Of America and before the sun had risen in the middle east when the commander in chief gave the order. From two us warships, a volley of Cruise Missiles were fired at a military air base, that has been used, say the americans to launch the Chemical Weapons attack on idlib. It is in the vital Security Interest of the United States to prevent and to deter the spread and use of deadly Chemical Weapons. There can be no dispute that syria used banned Chemical Weapons, violated its obligations under the Chemical Weapons convention, and ignored the urging of the Un Security Council. The grotesque aftereffects of the attack, the United States believe a nerve agent was used, horrified the world and horrified this president. A line had been crossed and unlike his predecessor, he was going to act. Assad choked the lives of helpless men, women and children. It was a slow and brutal death for so many. Even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered in this very barbaric attack. No child of god should ever suffer such horror. What is astonishing, is the speed with which this administration has changed its policy to syria and decided to act. At the start of week, President Trump saw Bashar Al Assad as a useful ally against Islamic State. There was no talk of regime change. But the Chemical Weapons attack changed everybody and within two days, targets had been identified and struck. Here what is we know about the attack. 59 Tomahawk Missiles were issued. The air base is 20 miles from homs. Targets included, aircraft, fuel depots and radar. Because Russian Forces are also at the base, russia was informed of the attack in advance. The aftermath shows damage at the base, but hardly devastation. The pentagon said it didnt target the runways, the aim was to destroy the infrastructure that allows the base to function and the attack has brought the president support. The president was authorised to conduct the strike, he is not asking for a declaration of war, he was dealing with circumstances and as the commander in chief not only did he have the right, he has an obligation to act. Despite the enthusiasm we can see, to quote churchill, it is the end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end. Donald trump, who didnt want to get embroiled in foreign conflict, has just ordered us forces into action as he ended his address last night, he didnt sound like an isolationist. Good night and God Bless America and the entire world. Thank you. The president , not yet 100 days in, has travelled a long way in a short time. Russia which supports president assad has reacted angrily accusing the United States of violating international law. There would be negative consequences it said. Moscow also accused President Trump of damaging the fight against terrorism and so called Islamic State group in syria. Until recently, the Russian Media have been singing Donald Trumps praises. No more. Today, state tv accused him of an unprovoked show of force with the Missile Strike he ordered on a civilian air base. Moscow said it was a gross, groundless violation of the International Rule book. Its definitely an aggressive act against international law, against a sovereign country, and without any true evidence of the assad regime using Chemical Weapons. It is Russian Military power thats been keeping president assad in power. Russias air force and navy is helping syrias leader turn the tide of the countrys civil war, and boosting moscows role in the middle east. Today, the kremlin Accused Washington Of Inventing A Pretext the tide of the countrys civil war, and boosting moscows role in the middle east. Today, the kremlin Accused Washington Of Inventing A Pretext for the Missile Strikes. Those American Tomahawks may have been targeting the syrian military, butjudging by what the kremlin has been saying, its Us Russian Relations that will take a real battering now as a result of the Missile Strike. The russians had been hoping that with donald trump in the white house, relations with america would improve. So far, theres been no sign of that. Today, moscow suspended a deal designed to prevent incidents between us and russian warplanes over syria. Which means that we have two big military powers in the area operating without any contact and any coordination, which is very dangerous. The russians are hoping that this us strike was a one off, but tonight, they are strengthening air Defence Systems across syria, just in case. Steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. Reaction from moscow pretty much resista nt reaction from moscow pretty much resistant from the reaction of the security meeting. Our correspondent nada tawfik is in new york where the Un Security Council has been holding an Emergency Meeting. A polarised debate at the un. Absolutely. We got to hear from several states about their opinion on the us air strikes. We heard Strong Language from the Us Ambassador saying the us was justified in their actions and that they would do more if necessary, also calling on the Syrian Government to start engaging in political talks that the un has been holding, saying they havent held up to that agreement. On the side of the us we had britain and france saying they thought this was a legitimate response to what they consider a war crime and really Holding Russia counter to the several failed the toes they have used to block action against president assad. On the other hand, we had those who were upset with the us action, russias position. It was said to be against international law, they didnt get permission from the Un Security Council, saying that they were the investigator, attorney, judge, and executioner. We heard this is going to be the end of the beginning, not the beginning of the beginning, not the beginning of the end. The ambassador saying that more could happen. Under what conditions will she talking about . think she was trying to send the message that the us Will Act Decisively in the case of any kind of Chemical Weapons use, the idea that president assad and act or whoever was responsible for the Chemical Weapons could act without international reaction, those days are over. What we did see on the council was disagreement amongst everyone, really, that we wanted to tempt down the tone of the things, they wanted to stop this from escalating. The us Secretary General said there should be restrained. We also heard anyone talk when this back to the physical talk that the newlyn has been negotiating in geneva. The key question is how the talks really are going to make any progress for the Syrian People when the seventh year of this conflict these kinds of Division Still remain. Thank you. Until the chemical attack in syria, President Trump seemed to be against any intervention. Jeremy bowen reports evocations of the us strikes for the seven year syrian war. The war crime that killed so many pushed the americans into Military Action. The long term impact on the war itself depends on what the americans do next. More Chemical Weapons attacks on civilians might bring a tougher response. The Syrian Regime denies it has ever used Chemical Weapons. I think regime denies it has ever used chemicalweapons. I think trump himself knows that syria did not use any Chemical Weapons and does not have any Chemical Weapons and it has given its stockpile to the International Organisation responsible for that. The americans say they have cleared proof that the Syrian Armed Forces carried out war finds by using nerve gas against civilians, they are certain of that, thatis civilians, they are certain of that, that is why they carried out this raid. Four years after the invasion of iraq we see iraq has been destroyed. Syria is the second secular state after iraq that is being targeted by the west simply because it is secular and it has an army and again with the Israeli Occupation of palestine. In one of the damascus suburbs in which more than 1000 people were killed by Chemical Weapons in 2013, local people stopped believing the regime yea rs people stopped believing the regime years ago. They want more Military Action from the americans. Translation we hope that foreign intervention will bring an end to the suffering of the Syrian People and not just a the suffering of the Syrian People and notjust a single hit. The solution is for the assad regime to step away from power, the end of the massacres in syria, the end of targeting civilians. A major reason why the syrian war is so hard to stop is that so many countries are involved with different interests and objectives. President assads main allies are russia and iran, the biggest shia muslim trees. These days, the rebels still fighting the regime mainly muslim sunni islamist. Some are approved by the west, some arejihadis. Revel sometimes fighting but each other. There is also a war against so called Islamic State led by the us and its allies. Think of it all as layers of conflict. Sometimes they are parallel and sometimes they intersect and now donald trump has added a whole new layer. The events and the us response will force the Syrian Regime to take american threats more seriously, including calls for regime change. What is certain is that more foreign intervention, no matter who does it, will not bring peace any closer. Do stay with us. We will be live in stockholm with the very latest on a spec it Terror Attack that truck in which four people were killed. Todayis today is about the promise of a new future, a day when a line can be drawn under the bloody past. I think the works of picasso were beautiful, they were intelligent, and it is a sad loss to everybody who loves art. This is bbc news. Our mains dory, after a Missile Strike on a Syrian Air Base, washington says it will no longer allow president assad to use Chemical Weapons without consequences. In other news, Swedish Police are investigating suspect it Terror Attack that killed four people, injuring many others. A man has been arrested in connection with the attack with his identity not disclosed. The incident happened outside a Department Store on the busy pedestrians treat in the afternoon. People have warned against travel to send. Holm against are less strictly necessary. Sadly this afternoon panic. People running for their lives. Around the corner, laurie has ploughed into a Department Store. And on its way, smashing through this pedestrian area, killing and injuring those who happens to be there. area, killing and injuring those who happens to be there. I could actually see bodies lying on the street, i could see the police covering the body with an orange blanket. There were lots of police around, lots of people standing around, lots of people standing around filming, taking photos. heard the noise on the screens and saw the people, as i walked out. There were just outside the store, a dead dog of the owner screaming, it was a lady laying with a severed foot, there was blood everywhere, there were bodies on the ground everywhere. And a sense of panic. People standing by their loved ones but also people running away. Mainly into the minor streets around. Sense of sheer panic. After the police and ambulances arrived at the scene, it became clear this was not an accident. Translation sweden has been attacked. Everything indicates this is a terrorist act. The government is doing everything to support the authorities who are working now and we urge the public to be alert and to listen, not least to be alert and to listen, not least to the information from the police. The Police Locked down the city centre, the metro was closed, and Government Offices shut. They have not found the truck driver at the scene, it was thought he may have entered a nearby metro st station to get away. But soon these pictures we re to get away. But soon these pictures were released of a man the police wa nted were released of a man the Police Wanted to speak to with connection with the incident. And now there has been an arrest. After a day in which four people were killed and many more injured. The people of sweden have not suffered an incident like this for many years. A short while ago, the swedish Prime Minister gave this statement. Sweden has been attacked at 2 53pm, a truck violently ram a Pedestrian Rate in the heart of our capital, leaving at least four people dead, and 15 people syriza the injured. Seriously injured. My thoughts are first of all with the vic tims and theirfamilies. In first of all with the vic tims and their families. In this difficult Moment Police and hospitals are doing everything they can to stay day wise and maintain our safety. Thoughts, concerns, and condiments is have reached many of us from All Around The World and we are grateful for the many warm expressions of sharing our grief. We are determined never to let the values that we treasure, democracy, human rights, and freedom, to be changed by hatred. Lets cross live to stockholder. Manny savage is near the scene of the attack. The hunt is still on for the driver of the truck. The hunt, we understand, is still on for the driver of the truck. One person has been arrested person is understood to fit the profile of somebody else or possibly the same person from a picture that release released earlier on today. Somebody wearing a Lightjacket Release released earlier on today. Somebody wearing a light jacket with a Black Pudding and the leaflet a Black Pudding underneath it. We havent even given the name of the person. We are waiting to find any more information emerges on that. You might be able to hear distracting traffic in the background, the roads around the city centre are starting to reopen, having been closed for several hours, the Subway System also reopening which is allowing a lot of people who were stranded In The City Centre says the attack to finally make it home to their loved ones. As you heard, the Prime Minister said he will do everything it takes to make swedens safe but i think it is safe to say that while people are very shocked about a Terror Attack happening here in a very peaceful country, this has happened at a time when there has been heightened National Political debate about swedens repaired this for an attack. Very early on, the Prime Minister said everything pointed to an act of terrorism in this case. Yes, that is understood to be the case, and that message is still something that he is seeking to betray. One other thing he mentioned in the Press Conference earlier was that he is adding reinforcements to swedens borders, to ensure that safety is maintained there, and also, this friday night, a lot of major Public Places also remaining closed. Shopping mall is, all of this on and theatres as well, so that police and Security Forces can focus their efforts on the places they believe to be most important for the investigation. Thank you. Here in london, are mainly tourist two was locked knocked into the river thames last month has died. 31 year old Andreea Cristea had been visiting london with her boyfriend. Her death brings the number of People Killed by the attacker Khalid Masood to five. There had been a hope that Andreea Cristea would make it. She was young, shed been on holiday, about to receive a marriage proposal. It wasnt to be. Doctors at st bartholomews said shed been in a Critical Condition since the attack. Yesterday, they decided to withdraw life support. We are saddened by the death of miss Andreea Cristea at st bartholomews hospital. She had been receiving care here since the westminster Terror Attacks, having been initially treated at the royal london hospital. And our thoughts are with her friends and family at this difficult time. Id like to pay tribute to all the staff who showed great care and compassion in looking after her. Her family praised the kindness and empathy shown by medical staff and the police. After fighting for her life for over two weeks, they said, our beloved and irrepressible andreea, wonderful daughter, sister, partner, dedicated friend and the most unique and life loving person you can imagine, was cruelly and brutally ripped away from our lives in the most heartless and spiritless way. She will always be remembered as our shining ray of light that will for ever keep on shining in our hearts. Khalid masood cant have cared who he targeted that day, using a blunt weapon, a hire car. He mowed down his victims, somehow sending andreea over the railing of the bridge and into the river. Leslie rhodes, aysha frade, Kurt Cochrane and Pc Keith Palmer also lost their lives. The inquest into their deaths has been adjourned, but it will consider what happened in precise detail that day. The benefit the coroner has is the sheer number of witnesses. Its thought 1,500 people may have seen what happened. Last week, Andrei Burnaz laid a single flower in memory of the woman hed hoped would be his wife. Today, for all the victims, the flowers, the candles and the thoughts kept coming. Senators in the United States have confirmed as the Preening Quart judge following a battle over the post. It is seen as the biggest success so far for president tramp. Resident trumps. President trump. There are rallies in south africa demanding the resignation of the president following his dismissal of the finance minister. Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets to keep the rival groups of them as traitors apart. The groups of demonstrators. Lots more on our website. From us, thanks for watching. Thank you forjoining me, lets start with north america, the rainfall around california, you can see a lot of Heavy Rain Splashing through. Some mounting snow as well. Los angeles missing most of the rain. Friday to saturday, we will see rounds of rain coming off the specific the pacific. San francisco in for some rain by the time we get to sunday. Conditions will be improving. Looking pretty good with sunshine a modest temperatures. The other side of the United States looking fairly quiet on the eastern seaboard, a pretty chilly spring in new york, we have not seen many warm days but the temperatures will be rising by sunday. In augusta, the weather is looking good for the golf. A little on the windy side on thursday, friday looks pretty breezy, too. But dropping through the course of saturday and sunday, lots of sunshine on the way. Temperatures rising, too. The other side of the globe, the north island in new zealand, still dealing with the effects and remnants of cyclone debbie, the storm is long gone but we are still dealing with some problems. The weather on sunday is looking overall pretty good for christ church, wellington and also auckland. Theres talk about the rain in china. Heavy rain developing over eastern areas. Shanghai, we have the grand prix here. Lots of heavy rain pushing through, it looks as though most of the wettest weather will be south of shanghai but there will be wet weather heading towards the city. Lets have a look at the forecast. Probably try but then it will cool off a little bit and we will see some rain on race day. Early in the day. By the time the race is on, the Weather Conditions should be drying out. Finally, look at europe. The weather is looking pretty good along western and southern parts. Lots of sunshine the uk. On sunday, peaking at 23. Eastern and central mad, lots of sun around. Warmer in london than in athens. Past north west africa, all the way into calorific, here temperatures are in the mid 20 jeez, not far off what we will be getting a london. The weatherfor the not far off what we will be getting a london. The weather for the week ahead coming up just a london. The weather for the week ahead coming upjust before ten oclock so dont forget to tune into that. Our main headlines the us has said it could take further Military Action against the Syrian Government after Firing Missiles at a Syrian Air Base from Which Washington believes a Chemical Weapons attack was launched. Meanwhile, the un Secretary General has called for restraint from the Syrian Government and russia, who have denounced the attack, but American Allies Around The World have backed the us bombing of that syrian air filled. In a suspected Terror Attack, a truck is ploughed into a Department Store in the swedish capital stockholm. Four people were killed and 15 others injured, some seriously. A man has been arrested. The us senate has confirmed president johns nominee for the supreme court, neil gorsuch was confirmed by a simple majority after the senate voted on

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