Along the Street: Prominent California impressionist setting up shop in McMinnville
Submitted photo##Artist Erin Hanson s paintings often feature subjects she s seen in the outdoors. She said she is looking forward to moving her studio to McMinnville, where she will be closer to nature.
Submitted photo##Hanson used her open impressionistic style to capture the light and mood in her painting of the Oregon Cascades.
Artist Erin Hanson, considered one of the leading contemporary impressionists in the country, is relocating her flagship gallery and studio to McMinnville .
Hanson paints in a style described as “open impressionism,” which, like the traditional French impressionism of Monet and Renoir, captures light and movement.
Along the Street: Business recovery grant applications due Dec. 20
The latest round of Yamhill County COVID-19 business recovery grants opened Friday morning with the 8 a.m. launch of an online application portal, at
Awards will be up to $10,000 each. The county has $1.4 million in funding to distribute, part of the state’s $55 million fund for business relief.
Application must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 20.
Grant recipients will be chosen through a lottery system. Priority will be given to entertainment, fitness, tourism, hospitality and event sectors, along with businesses forced to close due to the governor’s “freeze” orders.