Damien McGill owns three rental units on Manchester Street in Christchurch and has collected data over winter showing they are already warm.
Government officials are looking into landlords’ concerns that a requirement to upgrade heat pumps in many rental properties is excessive. However, the analysis is not a priority for the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development – and no new advice will be imminent despite the deadline for new or renewed tenancies to meet the Healthy Homes Standards approaching in July this year. A Christchurch landlord raised the issue with
Stuff, saying he believed getting bigger heat pumps was wasteful and could lead to tenants not heating their homes.
René Simonis was paying $180 a week for a house on the site of Waikato s former Candyland, but a proposed rent increase started him investigating whether it was up to spec.
A threatened stampede of landlords leaving the residential property market has failed to eventuate. The Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (RTAA) passes into law on February 11. Under the new law, landlords can no longer issue 90-day ‘no cause’ termination notices and fixed term tenancies will automatically roll over to periodic tenancies on expiry unless otherwise agreed. Rent increases have been limited to once a year, rental bidding has been outlawed, and landlords have to allow tenants to make minor alterations (such as baby-proofing, hanging pictures, and earthquake proofing) to their rental.
What landlords say about bad tenant blacklist after complaints to Privacy Commissioner
4 Feb, 2021 04:30 AM
4 minutes to read
Landlords have responded to Privacy Commissioner John Edwards hitting out at some of them for holding tenant blacklists and requiring more information than is legal. Edwards announced he will focus on the collection, retention and disclosure of information by landlords and property management agencies after his office received many complaints.
Sharon Cullwick, executive officer New Zealand Property Investors Federation, said bad tenant or blacklists were not a fair or transparent way to find out tenant details because they were one-sided and could unfairly keep someone out of the market because of inaccuracies.