Privacy Commissioner crackdown on information compiled and shared by landlords
3 Feb, 2021 04:00 PM
3 minutes to read
Some property management agencies and landlords were asking for very detailed information from tenants during the selection process. Photo / Peter Meecham
The Privacy Commissioner is cracking down on privacy breaches by landlords after tenants were ordered to produce bank statements to secure homes or placed on secret blacklists .
Privacy Commissioner John Edwards announced he will focus on the collection, retention and disclosure of information by landlords and property management agencies after his office received a raft of complaints.
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Edwards said he was aware some property management agencies and landlords were asking for very detailed information from tenants during the selection process, while others used public forums to compile lists of so-called bad tenants .
What landlords say about bad tenant blacklist after complaints to Privacy Commissioner
4 Feb, 2021 04:30 AM
4 minutes to read
Landlords have responded to Privacy Commissioner John Edwards hitting out at some of them for holding tenant blacklists and requiring more information than is legal. Edwards announced he will focus on the collection, retention and disclosure of information by landlords and property management agencies after his office received many complaints.
Sharon Cullwick, executive officer New Zealand Property Investors Federation, said bad tenant or blacklists were not a fair or transparent way to find out tenant details because they were one-sided and could unfairly keep someone out of the market because of inaccuracies.