the national security aenls hge issuing a forceful defense of the programs. keith alexander testified for hours today before the house intelligence committee. he said ironically the leaks by edward snowden showed the rigorous oversight and compliance our government uses to balance security with civil liberties and privacy. he also insisted the programs have foiled dozens of terrorist plots. these programs, together with other intelligence, have protected the u.s. and our allies from terrorist threats across the globe, to include helping prevent the potential terrorist events over 50 times since 9/11. at the hearing officials detailed four such instances, including plots to bomb new york subways and the new york stock exchange. meanti meantime, nsa director insisted no one is listening to your phone calls or reading your e-mails. is the nsa on private
that we shouldn t do intelligence gathering to prevent terrorism but rather are we setting up a systems of checks and balances. indeed. at today s hearing on intelligence gathering, the director of the nsa pushed back at the general criticism of the program. he will not only repeated the claim of the fbi director last week that these surveillance programs might have prevented 9/11 but that they continue to foil potential attacks to this day. these programs together with other intelligence have protected the u.s. and our allies from terrorist threats across the globe. to include helping prevent the terrorist the potential terrorist events over 50 times since 9/11. genuine is us now is alan grayson of florida and karen finney my colleague and the host of disrupt with karen finney. welcome to you both. congressman, general alexander today revealed that this information helped prevent separate attacks on the new york
potential terrorist events over 50 times. we ve got a guy trying to blow up a new york subway system. a nascent plotting to bomb the new york stock exchange. we are increasing our chances of preventing a catastrophe. his ratings will drop five points. obama of hires his utah as his speechwriter. people under 30 love their phones. the young people you always make fun on this show. i make fun of everybody. kids don t like it. we had an accident there. a stray elbow to the nose. what people typically want is a clean solution. the russians are all in. hezbollah is all in. hezbollah, iran and russia. here s what we re going to do and we just moord. we re talking about giving them more light weapons. it s never enough. it s insane.
it. this is not us doing something under the covers. this is what we re doing on behalf of all of us. for the good of this country. credited another classified program, looking at classified information of other users looking at a plot to blow up new york subways and preventing the attack. not just critical, it was the one that developed the lead on it. i would say it was the one that allowed us to know it was happening. despite his vigorous defense of controversial programs. senators voiced skepticism. it certainly defies logic that you need to collect all of the telephone calls made in the 312 area code on the chance that one of those persons might be on the other end of the phone. on display, concern about civil liberties makes for strange political bedfellows, conservatives agreeing with liberals. what i worry about is how far do you believe this authority extends. here i have my verizon phone.
months old. my second official father s day. so excited. so adorable. i have twin girls as well. did you bring pictures? i did bring pictures. i have twins, too, but i don t talk about them. they are in cleveland. my two daughters are probably watching this morning, too. great to have you in for a clayton as well. lets talk about the big news of the day. we re gettingormation today, just came out yesterday, about all the terrorist plots that the nsa says it successfully thwarted as a result of this big surveillance program. they released this to congress yesterday and the senate intel committee has now released it to the public. they say there was a terrorist plot, as we ve heard 2009 to blow up new york subways but they also now say there were 20 other countries where terrorist attacks were thwarted because of this. that was not the idea of the whole program started over seven