now drawn condemnation even from house republicans. said the ranking democrat. sadly, mr. issa has chosen not to do the honorable thing. but this is no surprise. because he chose to do exactly the same thing when it came to the hearings on benghazi. you ll remember that the co-chairs of the independent review of september s deadly attack wrote to the mr. issa volunteering to give open testimony. the public deserves to hear your answers and our questions, wrote the ambassador thomas pickering and mike mullen. unfortunately, darrell issa declined preferring to hold secret meetings that he can leak at his own convenience. mr. issa himself must know the dangers of selective information. after all, he was connected to two allegations of car theft. he increased his company s fire insurance from $100,000 to $400,000 just three weeks before his warehouse burned down.
that we shouldn t do intelligence gathering to prevent terrorism but rather are we setting up a systems of checks and balances. indeed. at today s hearing on intelligence gathering, the director of the nsa pushed back at the general criticism of the program. he will not only repeated the claim of the fbi director last week that these surveillance programs might have prevented 9/11 but that they continue to foil potential attacks to this day. these programs together with other intelligence have protected the u.s. and our allies from terrorist threats across the globe. to include helping prevent the terrorist the potential terrorist events over 50 times since 9/11. genuine is us now is alan grayson of florida and karen finney my colleague and the host of disrupt with karen finney. welcome to you both. congressman, general alexander today revealed that this information helped prevent separate attacks on the new york
say trying to sort through and find the truth with all due respect, mr. gray son, i m not sure it s accurate to say the livl of access that they will have and what that means. as they testified today, they said that some of the things we ve been able to be actually trace through this program did lead to their ability to shut down these terrorism threats. and that being said, there s a real question as to, when you do a google search on google, are you accessing only a part of the system, not all of the system. so again, that s what i d like to actually know more information about. and frankly, i d like to i want members of congress asking more about why we ve had this proliferation, frankly, of this intelligence state where we know, lee fong of the nation last week showed us in a great piece, these contractors are abusing the information, booz allen for example that they re collecting on americans for their own political purposes. right. okay. mr. gray son, willet me play you somet
you know, here s the thing about that. . when you talk about posting photos online. what do we all think when we talk about data driven campaigning that that is? that is all about collecting information assimilating that information, building a profile to then target you for your vote. in the same way on the consumer side you know, google and other companies do it to be able to sell you a product. again, i think if we re going to have this conversation, let s have the bigger conversation. there s not even an industrywide standard on do not track in terms of tracking us, tracking us through the cookies when we re online. we re not safe as it is. that s a mythology if we think that it just stops because google anya who are upset that this program was reveal. they re collecting on us too. karen finney disrupting the conversation and congressman alan grayson, thank you both. you can catch disrupt rupt with the karen finney every saturday and sunday at the best time of day, 4:00 p.m. ri