Transit infrastructure is unable to support the Current Population density, let alone the proposed higher densification. Sfmta has the second oldest and the highest mileage Public Transit fleet in the United States. This is a bay area problem. Oakland and fremont are also on the worst city list. The m. T. A. Has a serious staffing problem. As was mentioned, not enough drivers and not enough skilled workers to maintain aging equipment. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please and if we can return the overhead. Thank you. Good morning, transit authority, i am a tenant in district eight. I am a munimobile writer. I take the jay line, the 49, every line. I have been in this city almost 50 years so ive familiar with the transit, which is in a sorry state. The proposed state senate bill 50, the more homes act, links housing density and the proximity to transit. The bill 50 would enable developers to build higher and more dems housing along transit corridors with the highest percentage of t
This is the Transportation Committee. We hope to be joined by voice chair commissioner mandelman. Our clerk is here. Would you please call the roll. roll call we have a quorum. Please read the next item. Approve the minutes of the december 5, meeting. This is an action meeting. Any changing or comment on the minutes. Any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none. We are joined by vicechairman delman and commissioner mandelman, we are approving the commentexhibit minutes from dec5 is there a motion . Motion made by commissioner ronen. Why dont you call the rolling othe roll onthat. roll call . We have final approval. Next item, please. Item 3. Remember adoption of rail Program Manager job classification and revised Organization Chart. Good morning. We convene once a year on personnel related items. Last december i brought before you staff reorganization plan with updated Job Description and reclassification of six positions and asked for a Salary Structure increase as well for all staff
We have a quorum. Thank you. I would like to begin this meeting by welcoming our newest member c. A. Q. I think the 307 th member of the sfcta that i have served with c. A. Q. Commissioner dean preston c. A. Q. To the Transportation Authority board. And we look forward to working with you and your staff not only on district five issues c. A. Q. But on citywide issues and regional transportation issues. Now that i have acknowledged commissioner preston c. A. Q. I want to have him participate in his First Official act. Is there a motion to excuse commissioner haney . Would you like to raise your hand and make that motion . I would. Is there a second for that motion . As much as this will upset our attorney c. A. Q. We will take that without objection without a roll call vote. Commissioner haney is excused. Welcome to commissioner walton and before i make the chairs comments c. A. Q. I would like to afford commissioner preston a moment to say a few words on his first day in his First Offi
Up and rush things through. For the third time in history a president is on trial in the u. S. Senate. Watch live tuesday when the trial resumes at 1 00 eastern on cspan2. Now new Jersey Governor Phil Murphy delivering his second state of the state address in trenton. Lieutenant governor oliver, Senate President sweeney, speaker coghlan, majority leaders kane and brad nick. Members of the legislature included in the rocket escort that came in with me, chief justice radnor, associate justices of the supreme court, judge grants, members of the cabinet, former governors gloria, mcgreevy, and cody, tammy murphy. Distinguished faith leaders, veterans, members of organized labor, fellow new jersey and. Five weeks ago today our state was shattered by the gunfire of antisemitism and hate. In jersey city, harold and police detective, joseph feels, and three innocent people were murdered in what we now know was an act of domestic terror fueled by a vicious and unjustifiable hate. This was an act
Please read the next item. Approve the minutes of the december 5, meeting. This is an action meeting. Any changing or comment on the minutes. Any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none. We are joined by vicechairman delman and commissioner mandelman, we are approving the commentexhibit minutes from dec5 is there a motion . Motion made by commissioner ronen. Why dont you call the rolling othe roll onthat. roll call . We have final approval. Next item, please. Item 3. Remember adoption of rail Program Manager job classification and revised Organization Chart. Good morning. We convene once a year on personnel related items. Last december i brought before you staff reorganization plan with updated Job Description and reclassification of six positions and asked for a Salary Structure increase as well for all staff except for executive director. October 2018 the board had asked staff to convene a Disciplinary Panel review to review the current and alternative oversight project delivery of