Its fullness in eternity, we bring our petitions to you using some of his final words. Bless the members of this peoples house and those in authority on all levels of society with wisdom and courage to address the unholy oppression that awaits so many of our brothers and sisters of color. May there be a new creative way of establishing Something Like Community Policing that peace and security might be enjoyed where we live. O lord, do we dare to consider the power of nonviolence in our homes, our communities, our nation, and perhaps in leadership for our world. Might we truly be called, if not challenged, to beat our swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks so that nations shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall we learn war anymore. And as we are reminded, the greatest expression of nonviolent challenge to injustice is the vote. Bless all efforts to secure access to the ballot for all american citizens. Help us, o lord, to answer the highest calling of our he
Withdrawing the amendment. If there is no further debate, the amendment we are back live at the House Appropriations committee. Theyre working on 2021 spending levels for the defense, commerce, justice and transportation department, as well as the department of housing and urban development. The markup is excited to go into the evening. You are watching live coverage on cspan. Chair lowey for what purpose does the member from california rise . The member of california . Thank you. I havent amendment at the desk have an amendment at the desk. Chair lowey the clerk will read the amendment. I ask unanimous consent to dispense of the reading. Chair lowey without objection, the reading of the amendment is dispensed with. Thank you. This amendment is straightforward. It would block a president from starting a war with iran absent expressed authorization from congress. This amendment consists of language that the house is already adopted as part of h. R. 550 in january of this year. Let me be
These unprecedented times. We respectfully ask the public to have patience in delays and gaps during the meeting particularly during Public Comment. Madam secretary, would you please call the roll . thank you commissioner. Please say present when i call your name. roll call and please note that executive director is present. We have a quorum. thank you. Commissioners the next item is item three, communications that wed like to provide further instructions for the Public Comment process. Callers can dial into the toll free number and wait for members to be announced. Three minutes to provide comment on each item. During each Public Comment period callers will be instructed to call 18774153612. You will hear a notification when your line is unmuted. It is best to call from a quawet location and turn your television or radio down. Are there any communications from the Commission Members . okay. Hearing none. Next agenda item four approving minutes from wednesday june 3 Commission Meeting.
Public and staff. We ask for your patience during these unprecedented times. We respectfully ask the public to have patience in delays and gaps during the meeting particularly during Public Comment. Madam secretary, would you please call the roll . thank you commissioner. Please say present when i call your name. roll call and please note that executive director is present. We have a quorum. thank you. Commissioners the next item is item three, communications that wed like to provide further instructions for the Public Comment process. Callers can dial into the toll free number and wait for members to be announced. Three minutes to provide comment on each item. During each Public Comment period callers will be instructed to call 18774153612. You will hear a notification when your line is unmuted. It is best to call from a quawet location and turn your television or radio down. Are there any communications from the Commission Members . okay. Hearing none. Next agenda item four approving
Human Rights Commission for eight years including as president of that commission. Were so happy to have you on board. Ive had the privilege of knowing and working with you for many years so welcome. Would you like to say anything upon your first meeting . I just want to say thank you, dan, for that introduction. Its a privilege and a thrill to be here. Im very much looking forward to being able to join this work on behalf of the city and the people that live in our community. So thank you, its good to be here. Good, good. Thank you to mayor breed foray r appointing you. The approval of the minutes from the last meeting of june 23rd. Upon review of the minutes, commissioners, do you have any edits or if not, we can have a motion to approve and also check to see if we have any Public Comments. Move to adopt the minutes. Second. Im not opposed to adopting the minutes. Im just trying to understand for fourman purposes do we need to write down this was virtual or we dont have to . Thats no