Withdrawing the amendment. If there is no further debate, the amendment we are back live at the House Appropriations committee. Theyre working on 2021 spending levels for the defense, commerce, justice and transportation department, as well as the department of housing and urban development. The markup is excited to go into the evening. You are watching live coverage on cspan. Chair lowey for what purpose does the member from california rise . The member of california . Thank you. I havent amendment at the desk have an amendment at the desk. Chair lowey the clerk will read the amendment. I ask unanimous consent to dispense of the reading. Chair lowey without objection, the reading of the amendment is dispensed with. Thank you. This amendment is straightforward. It would block a president from starting a war with iran absent expressed authorization from congress. This amendment consists of language that the house is already adopted as part of h. R. 550 in january of this year. Let me be clear. This amendment would not have bit the president from using the authority he currently has under article two of the constitution to respond to any attack on the United States or our allies. He has that authority. It simply makes it clear that the president of the United States cannot go to war with iran without expressed authorization from congress. Madam chair, we know that the Trump Administration has taken very clear steps to escalate tensions with iran in an attempt to build up an unconstitutional and unauthorized war. First, this admin attrition pulled out of the joint comprehensive plan of action, the jcpoa, despite the fact the remainder of our European Partners stated they would remain committed to it and that iran was compliant with the deal. Then, this administration floated using the 2001 as a legal basis for engaging in military action in iran. Former state Department Legal advisor labeled this as ridiculous. So, this playbook is very clear. And we have been down this same road on iraq. We cannot afford to make the same mistake again. I know we do not all agree on how to manage the United States relationship with iran, and we have a lot of work to do to ensure that the United States will assume comprehensive diplomatic issues we have. We should all agree we should not send the signal that the president or any president must come to congress to assure that the full congress receives all the information that they need to make an informed decision. And that the president comes to congress to seek expressed authorization in accordance with the constitution. Madam chair, i ask for an aye vo te and i hope we can get a bipartisan vote on this one. Thank you again. Thank you. I support the gentlewomans amendment. The amendment would prohibit funds for military force against iran unless congress has the cleared war or authorized such force in line with the war powers resolution. I would want to be clear. Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism and threatens our interests in the region and israel. Having said that, and you decision to commit our forces against iran should not be taken lightly and must involve congress. I would ask for your support of the amendment. Chair lowey mr. Calvert is recognized. Rep. Calvert i strongly oppose this amendment. This abutment appears to be based on a no war against iran act which the house voted on several times in recent months, which has no chance of becoming law. This language would block funding for any use of military force in or against iran unless congress has declared war. A National Emergency is graded by an attack upon the United States. I cannot imagine a more counterproductive restriction on this or any other president. Just to remind my colleagues, there is no country that is more hostile to the interests of the United States and our allies, especially israel, than iran. There should be zero ambiguity. The right of the United States to defend itself and its allies from iranian hostile acts. These hostile acts include dozens of attacks against americans in iraq. Attacking the u. S. Embassy. Attacking our commercial shipping in the gulf. Providing aid to these groups across the region, including those aiming to attack israel. And ultimately, launching more than a dozen Ballistic Missiles in a deliberate attack against u. S. And Coalition Forces in iraq. Perhaps not all my colleagues on the other side would agree, but our response to this iranian provocation, strike on general soleimani, was appropriate and helped strengthen deterrence. Unfortunately, this provision directly undermines that enhanced deterrence by calling into question the ability and the will of the United States to defend our partners and our national interests. This amendment impermissibly and unwisely tries to tie the president s hands in iran, emboldens our adversary, and creates dangerous doubts about the American Power and purpose in the middle east. I oppose this amendment and i urge its defeat. Chair lowey mr. Price is recognized. Rep. Price thank you, madame chairman. I rise in strong support of this amendment. We have every reason to take cautionary measures to prevent war with iran. We have every reason to ensure that President Trump comes to congress before taking offensive military action. President trump recklessly upended an intricate diplomatic achievement to prevent a nuclear iran, the jcpoa. He had nothing to replace it. Indeed, he had no diplomatic path to the much lauded better deal. The administration then launched and ill defined maximum Pressure Campaign and assassinated the head of the force, general sola solemani, which sent us to the brink of war. The house already voted to require congressional approval for additional military action in iran. And we should reaffirm that position through this amendment today. Contrary to what colleagues on the others to the aisle have argued, this is not about whether iran is a good or bad actor. We know the answer to that. Its a matter of asserting the constitutional power of the Article One Branch of government. Yes, it is about that. It is also a matter of reining the extremely dangerous policies of this administration towards iran. I urge a yes vote. Chair lowey ms. Granger is recognized. Chair, iger madam strongly oppose this dangerous and highly partisan amendment. This measure would tie the hands of the president , undermining our National Security and putting u. S. Service members at risk. Iran had a long and bloody history of attacking u. S. And Coalition Forces, both directly and indirectly. Iranian regime remains the greatest threat to regional stability and security in the middle east. Iran continues to destabilize iraq. They are jeopardizing our partnership with baghdad by using malicious and violence to achieve their political agenda. Yet, this amendment would prevent the president from us money to new attacks on the u. S. And coalition partners, our diplomats, and commercial shipping in the persian gulf. Im deeply concerned this amendment would make conflict more, not less likely for the United States and our partners in the middle east, including our great ally, israel. For all these reasons, the president rightly threatened to veto a measure with similar language when it was debated by the house earlier this year. I oppose the amendment. And for the safety and security of our country and allies, i urge its defeat. I yield back. Chair lowey mr. Cole. Thank you, madame chairman. I strongly oppose this amendment. I think we ought to take a minute and review the facts. We are told that somehow the president did something wrong and pulling out of the Iranian Nuclear deal. It was a terrible deal. It was a deal that was so bad, it was not put before congress. There are people on both sides of this room, both sides of the aisle that opposed that deal. The majority of the house oppose the, the majority of the senate opposed it. If any of you think it was a brilliant deal, i beg to differ. We were told the iranians were keeping the deal. No kidding. If you get a deal that could, you will keep the deal. To allow them to continue to work towards acquiring nuclear weapons. 150 billion out of the deal. It basically improved their position. It was a bad deal for the United States. To be fair to the president , he said he was going to pull us out of that deal when he was running for office. This was not a mystery. For those of you who seem to think that President Trump is likely to lead us to war with iran, i would invite you to look at the facts. Look at what has happened on his watch and what the iranians have done, how he has responded. You all remember the fact we had a drug shot down drone shot down in International Airspace by the iranians and mr. Trumps own pentagon urged him to strike a rent. He didnt do it. Saudi arabia was attacked by the iranians. That would have been an excuse to attack. Is that with the president did . No. He said Missile Defense forces to help saudis defend themselves. Ships in the gulf attacked by the iranians. That would have been a good excuse to attack. Did he do it . No, he put together ignition National Naval task force to defend. We have the u. S. Soldiers attacked by iranians in iraq. Did the president respond with an attack . No. He attacked the iranian proxies in iraq. Only when we finally had a threat against the American Embassy did he act. Did he act by attacking iran . No. He took out a known terrorist, general solemani, who had killed hundreds of american troops, who was in the region orchestrating other forces to attack us. That is not the pattern of somebody who wants a war with iran. Maximum pressure, absolutely. This is a regime that deserves a leading sponsor of state terrorism in the world, in the world. It has killed hundreds of american soldiers. So, if the president wants to play tough against the people like that, i think it is the appropriate thing to do. I think this amendment would send the wrong message at the wrong time to a very dangerous enemy of the United States. So, for that reason, i urge its rejection. If there is no further debate, the member from california is recognized on the amendment for one minute to close. Thank you, madam chair. Let me just say, there are three branches of government and the constitution requires restrictions on the president. Two,again, under article the constitution allows the president to respond to any attack on the United States or our allies. So, these arguments opposing this amendment are not making the point. The point is what we are doing is ensuring that we exercise our constitutional responsibility when it comes to congress, based on the restriction, based on what the founders wanted, and based on what our Constitutional Responsibilities are and that is to come to congress, any president , to seek express authorization for any military authorization. And, it only makes sense for us to do our jobs, i would think, if in fact we want to continue to be a branch of government that does have oversight responsibility over the executive branch. The president can play tough, any president can. They have the authority under the constitution to do whats necessary in defense of our country or our allies. This is about us doing our job. Thank you, madam chair. I asked for an eyaye vote. Chair lowey the question is on the amendment offered by the member from california. All those in favor, say aye. Aye. Chair lowey those opposed say no. No. Chair lowey in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. Roll call, madame chairman. The opinion of the chair, the ayes have it and the amendment is adopted. Roll call vote, please. Chair lowey all those in favor, record a vote. Raise your hand. The sufficient number being in support. The clerk will call the roll. Ilar, aye. Bishop, aye. Mrs. Bustos, aye. Mr. Calvert, no. Mr. Carter, no. Mr. Cartwright, aye. Mr. Case, aye. Ms. Clark, aye. Mr. Cole, no. Mr. Crist, aye. Ms. Delauro, aye. Mr. Fleischman, no. Mr. Fortenberry, no. Ms. Frankel, aye. Ms. Granger, no. , dr. Harris, no. Mr. Joyce, no. Mr. Killmer, aye. Mrs. Kirkpatrick, aye. Rs. Lawrence, aye. Ms. Lee, aye. Mrs. Lowee, aye. Miss mayne, aye. Mr. Molnar, no. R. Newhouse, no. Ms. Fingery, aye. Mr. Price, aye. Mr. Quigley, aye. R. Rogers, no. Mrs. Rutherford, no. Mr. Ryan, aye. Mr. Siriano, aye. Mr. Simpson, no. Mr. Stewart, no. Rs. Torres, aye. Mrs. Wasserman schultz, aye. Mrs. Coleman, aye. Mr. Womack, no. Youre not recording. Mr. Amaday, no. On this vote, the aye have 30, nays 22. He amendment is adopted. For what purpose does the member from maryland rise . Madam chairwoman, amend am at the desk, amendment number two. And i would ask that the reading be dispensed with. Without objection, the reading of the amendment is suspensed with. Fleb maryland is recognized for five minutes on the amendment. Thank you, madam chair. This amendment is an amendment that the committee has seen last year also, but is still an important amendment. Its very simple. As we know, tricare spends billions of dollars out of the d. O. D. Budget. Those hospitals that want to contract with tricare have to have certain quality standards, and with this amendment does, it inserts a section in the bill that would require those hospitals to certify and have policies in case of an abortion or attempted abortion that results in a child born alive. They would have to be policies that that infant would be taken care and resuscitated. Its very simple. Its different from the child born alive act. There are no criminal penalties. Its just that if you want to receive money from tricare money, that you have to simply have this policy in place. There are dozens, probably many more than dozens of policies that these hospitals have to have in place that indicate quality, so this is not overly burdensome. The argument will be made that, well, this never occurs, but, in fact, over the period of 2005, 2014, the c. D. C. Identified 143 such cases in the United States. Thats the c. D. C. Numbers, not anyone elses numbers. And that might even be an underestimate. This is a simple way to make sure those quality measures would be in place at hospitals that request and would receive tricare funds. You know, its particularly important, because this issue came to light when the governor of a neighboring state, of course, when talking about this, the possibility of an infant born alive after an attempted abortion said, if a mother is in labor, i can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be resuscitated, if thats what the mother and family desired. Then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and mother. Adam chair, the fact is that the born alive infant protection act of 200 clearly identifies anyone after birth to be a person, human being, child, an individual, worthy of protections under the law. That bill, of course, in 2002 passed unanimously in the senate on a voice vote from the house, so hopefully theres no discussion about whether thats appropriate, that a human being born alive qualifies as an individual with protection under the law. All this does is it says that that healthcare facility has to offer that individual protections, including resuscitation and care following birth. And ive moved for the amendment and yield back the time. Madam chair, i am opposed to the gentlemans amendment, the born alive infant protection act of 2002 was signed into law in 2002 and provides full, Legal Protections to all born infants, regardless of their stage of development or the circumstances of their birth. I believe the amendment is redundant and am opposed to it. Mr. Calvert is recognized. Thank you, madam chairman. I support the gentlemans amendment that seeks simply to protect a baby born alive after an abortion and to ensure that every possible care and sprecks provided. We must have the humanity to protect living, breathing infants outside of the womb and its mother and have the courage to defend life, especially at its most vulnerable. I urge a yes vote on the gentlemans amendment. With that i yield back. Ms. Grainger is recognized. Thank you, madam chair. I strongly support the gentlemans amendment. We have a responsibility to protect life if a baby is born alive after an abortion. We must make sure that Everything Possible is done to preserve the life of the child. I urge a yes vote on this amendment and i yield back. Miss her air butler is recognized. Thank you, madam chair. I just wanted to urge adoption of this amendment. Unfortunately, because there are babies who are born alive during an abortion, and while state laws prohibit homicide, they cant clarify what a doctor is expected to do in that circumstance, and the hope here is that there is some guidance, so that if it happens, which i am sure is very distressing, that there is some guidance for how they take care of it, make sure that that baby is given the same equal medical care that any other baby of that gestational age would be offered in a hospital setting, basically theres language in theyre talks about the reasonable course of care, basically just making sure that theres equality under the law. For those who are not paying attention in this issue, again, there are government articles, the c. D. C. Did a 2003 to 2014 setting. My colleague mentioned that at least 143 babies were born alive, and subsequently died after an attempted abortion. Theres a g. P. O. Article that talks about it being an everyday occurrence. Its a little bit older. The state of arizona reported 10 babies born alive in just five months in 2017 after an attempted abortion. Canada reports 491 babies were born alive during an abortion between 2000 and 2009. And there is evidence, unfortunately, that babies born alive are being killed or neglected after the fact so that should concern everyone in this room whether youre prolife or prochoice f. A baby is born alive after an abortion, they deserve constitutionally the same exact protection under the law that any other baby is equal to, and this is a very difficult issue. But in 2017, while answering questions there were standard procedures for verifying if the baby was born alive and what happens after he fact, an abortion floir air and Air California wouldnt answer the question directly, and then later observed that it depended on who was in the room. You know, an example, when observers do find it troubling, three former employees of an Abortion Clinic testified in 2013 that the doctor they worked for in denton, texas, actively killed babies born alive during an abortion. That should terrify every single one of us. Again, whether youre prolife or prochoice, you cannot argue with this. You know, planned parenthood representative testified in 2013 that even if a baby was born alive, the decision on whether what to do with the newborn, should they survive, would still be left up to the mother and doctor. While planned parenthood later issued a statement in response to the outrage generated by the original comments that they would provide care to the infant, the first statement, it doesnt make the first statement obsolete so. This happens. It happens on our watch t. Happens among us. This amendment is basically just taking that step where there are federal taxpayer dollars involved to tricare beneficiaries, that if that occurs, that those kids who were born alive and needing medical care will have access to it. I just urge every person in this room to take a moment, whether you like that this happens or not, recognize the truth is that it does happen, and we have a responsibility to help provide guidance so that its not on a doctors conscience or, god forbid, just an assistant in the room that we have taken those steps to make sure that equal protection under the law is provided. And we talk lot about what types of kids are going through these instances, and theres a lot of defense on access for women, women of color, to have this access, but those babies, if they are born alive, regardless of their color or station in life, deserve this access. And i would urge its adoption. With that, i yield back. Ms. Franco . Thank you, madam chair. Ell, here we go again. I will acknowledge my republican colleagues for persistence and zeal and blocking access to legal abortion. Every which way they can. If you cant get in the front door, employ g in through the back door. The back door is closed, you try to climb in the window. If the window wont open, you slide down a chimney. And now youre stuck in a chimney because we know that this amendment fabricates a problem that does not exist. And a law is already on the books that all Healthcare Providers have an obligation to provide appropriate medical care to their patients. It is obvious that the motive behind this amendment is to scare Healthcare Providers, put hem fear of losing funding and not provide safe, legal abortions to their patients. And this amendment, im sorry to say, is just another tool of the Trump Administration, which has since day one aggressively targeted the health, rights, and bodily autonomy of women. A woman must be in charge of her own reproductive destiny, not the president , not the Vice President , and not any member of congress. I oppose this amendment, and i ield back. Seek recognition. Thank you. Thank you, madam chair. I rise in such strong opposition to this amendment. To insert the socalled born alive act. Im going to be very blunt, because this is an issue that i feel with so much conviction, this amendment is a reduce to ban safe and legal abortions in the United States. This amendment is a rouse, ecause the title is a fiction, that a woman could have an abortion as she gives birth is flatout untrue, it is simply not how medicine works. I repeat, if a woman is in labor, she could not and would not have an abortion. That suggestion is not only false, it is callous. Ask those who support this amendment. Wheres your feeling . Wheres your feeling about the deep connection that women have ith child rearing. What do you know about that sacred bond between a scommore a child . And you should know that. This amendment is not only degrading to women, it is demeaning. Abortions that occur after the first three months of a pregnancy account for only around 1 of all abortion, and they occur almost exclusively because a woman is at risk, or her pregnancy is no longer viable. Think about women. Its a unique role that we have, to have children, and to we would in labor call for an abortion. These situations could be scomplife death for time sensitive, and women and their doctors need every option possible. They do not need politicians tying a doctors hands or shaming the woman. This amendment is a rouse, because it is authorizing language in an appropriations bill that has no business being an appropriations bill. Its completely unnecessary, because there is no similarity between safe and legal abortion and the false claims of infanticide. Let me repeat, abortion is safe and legal, and i might add the law of the land. If there is any evidence of wrongdoing, it can and must be handled under existing law. Of course, if there is harm or mistreatment of newborns, it must be absolutely investigated nd prosecuted. I do not think anyone in this room disagrees. But this amendment is not about that. It is part of a deliberate Misinformation Campaign led by the froze rouse up base voters, to interfere with medical care, and intimidate doctors out of practicing. D it is, again, meant to humiliate women. I trust women. I trust women and their doctors , and we should trust women. Making the decision to continue or end a pregnancy is a complex medical and such a personal decision. Throughout their pregnancy, a person must be able to make Health Decisions that are best for their circumstances, including whether to end a pregnancy without interference from politicians. And i urge my colleagues to please oppose this amendment. I yield back. If theres no further debate, the member from maryland is recognized on the amendment for one minute to close. Thank you, madam chair. Just for the sake of clarification, and ive only t a few here, but this woman survived an abortion attempt at 22, this woman survived an abortion attempt, melissa survived an abortion attempt, joyce i cant survived an survived ttempt, jill an that last one was a nurse who talked about some of these survivors. So i think i respect where the gentlelady is coming from. But we have to be crystal clear. Once a baby has left a mothers womb, it is not part of her body. Its heart part of her heart forever. And as a mother who has had a pregnancy that was no longer viable, let me share with the committee, she actually turned 7 this week, i am intimately connected with the difficulty around this decision. Were not talking about a womans right to an abortion. Were talking about when the baby is born. This baby is already here and deserves medical care. And i realize this is a tough one. 2006, a 23weekold baby boy was born alive at a diagnostic center in florida. When he began breathing and moving, the Abortion Clinic owner reportedly cut the umbilical cord and zipped him into a biohazard bag still alive, after which he died. That was reported by nbc news. It happens. Youre not throwing your belief about being prochoice out the window by saying once a sbeab here, were going protect it. Its remarkable to me that you can convolute those two arguments. It is factually inaccurate. It is scientifically inaccurate. It is, i would say, morally inaccurate. But at the very least, dont use science or talk about this as somehow separating a womans right to an abortion in this country. She will still have that after this bill would be passed. I am simply arguing for those babies who were born alive, i shared a few names who are alive today, its just a pink the mother in that room, thats a pretty tough foil swallow. I would argue that at that point, when a baby deserves lifesaving care, its not going to make it easier for the mother if that baby is killed. That is infanticide. I want to be very clear about the vote were going to take. With that, i yield back. Faup theres no further debate, the member from maryland is recognized for the amendment for one minute to close. Thank you very much, madam chair. The only deliberate misinformation here today is that this never occurs, that this somehow blocks access to abortion in any way. I urge members, just read the amendment. By the way, its not authorizing on an appropriations bill. This is not an authorization amendment. This is strict limitation amendment. So i know the talking points. But whoever writes those talking points, they ought to read the bill, my amendment a little more carefully. Im not authorizing on an appropriations bill. This does not block access to abortion in any way. There are laws on the books, but, in fact, the case of that governor across the potomac river, it was about the passage of a bill that would actually repeal bans on thirdtrimester abortion. Thats what that governor said, when that sbeab born alive, somehow people in that room are not supposed to resuscitate that baby. Thats incredible. Thats unbelievable. Ive been in the recover room for 30 years. I would never even think about not resuscitating a baby that has a heartbeat. All this says is thats got to be the standard of tricare hospital. Thats all. I yield back any time. The question is on the amendment offered by the member from maryland. All those in favor, say aye. Those opposed say no. The nohs have it. He amendment is not adopted. The vote has been requested, all notices favor to record a vote, raise your hand. Sufficient number being in support or recorded vote is ordered. The clerk will call the roll. Miss aguilar, no. Mr. Amaday, aye. Mr. Bishop, aye. Mrs. Bustos, no. Mrs. Calvert, aye. Mr. Carter, a. Mr. Cartwright, no. Mr. Cathes, no. Miss clark, no. Mr. Cole, aye. Mr. Chris, no. R. Cellular, no. Mr. Fleischman, aye. Mr. Horsenberry, aye. Miss frankel, no. Ms. Grainger, aye. Mr. Graves, aye. Dr. Harris, aye. Mr. Butler, aye. Mr. Hurd, ay. Mr. Joyce, aye. Mr. Killmer, no. Rs. Kirkpatrick, no. Mrs. Lawrence, no. Ms. Lee, no. Mrs. Lowey, no. Miss maine, no. Mr. Molnar, aye. Mr. Newhouse, aye. Ms. Fingery, no. Mr. Pocan, no. Mr. Price, no. Mr. Quigley, no. Mrs. Robey. Mr. Rogers, aye. Mr. Rutherford, aye. Mr. Ryan, no. Mr. Siriano, no. Mr. Simpson, aye. Mr. Stewart, aye. Mrs. Torrez, no. Mrs. Waserman shultz, no. Mrs. Coleman, no. Mr. Womack, aye. Snupe this vote, the aye are 24, the nays are 28. The amendment is not adopted. This is the last amendment on defense. For what purpose does the member from florida rise . Madam chair, i have an amendment at the desk. The clerk will read the amendment. Madam chair, i ask unanimous consent the reading be dispensed w. Without objection, the reading of the amendment is dispensed with. Madam chair, my amendment would strike language in this bill that restricts the department of defense from transferring certain surplus military equipment to federal, state, and local Law Enforcement agencies. This provision, which was also carried on the house justice and policing act, reinforces a false narrative that we need to demilitarize the police. Since 199, the Defense Logistics Agency has been administering the military surplus program. To reallocate, surplus military equipment to Law Enforcement agencies who can benefit from those added resources. Over that time, madam chair, over 6 billion have been saved by Law Enforcement agencies because they were able to take advantage of this program. In in of these cases, they were able to acquire lifesaving equipment for their officers and the citizens that they serve. In 2015, president obama signed an executive order prohibiting the transfer of Armored Vehicles and rifles from being transferred under this program. Madam chair, those are exactly the same items and types of equipment that was used to save lives at the pulse nightclub in orlando, florida, in june of 2016. Im sure we all remember the pulse nightclub shooting in my home state of florida. A heavily armed individual murdered 49 floridians, wounded over another 50. During the police response, they set off a series of controlled exexplosions called flash bangs to distract the shooter and used an Armored Vehicle to breach the walls of the nightclub so that they could then pin down the suspect with fire, rifle fire, and extract those who were captive inside that nightclub. They saved many lives. So we can call that military equipment, i call that lifesaving equipment. In fact, one of the officers who definitely had his life saved was shot in the head, but because he was wearing his ballistic helmet, his life was saved. If this section is signed into law, many officers may not have access to the explosives, the Armored Vehicles, the rifles, or the antiballistic helmets that or they will simply have to purchase them, at great expense, through our local, state, and federal agencies. The underlying provision here takes off the table resources we have invested in. My amendment will assure this meant remains available, as we continue to ask more of our Law Enforcement officers. This is not military equipment for our Police Departments. This is lifesaving equipment. Think how many more ofilians and what number officers may have had to die that night at the pulse equipment but for the they had available on that night. I urge adoption of this amendment. I am opposed to the amendment. He mentions lifesaving equipment. I wouldnt disagree with his assertion that we ought to always look for ways to protect Law Enforcement officials and First Responders. That is exactly what our former lobiondo and ik did, when we authored the Partnership Grant that offers 5050 grants for Law Enforcement officers to purchase vests, which are very expensive. Youe are other forms if wish to do that. If the amendment is adopted, the prohibition on handouts, which i dont think is lifesaving, or grenade launchers, which i dont think are quite lifesaving, or quite lifesaving, grenades and grenade launchers would be available. The secretary of defense also has Waiver Authority for vehicles such as hummers and ambulances, so i think the gentleman overreaches and i will oppose his amendment. I stronglyive support the gentlemens amendment. Striking section 8132 of the bill, partisan rider that limits the department of defense ability to transfer property to Law Enforcement agency spirits since the early 1990s, the dod has transferred over 6 billion worth of the tot worth of equipment Law Enforcement agencies, in what is commonly referred to as the 1030 three program. This program has been critical in ensuring local Law Enforcement officers of the tools they need to protect our communities. That is why leading Law Enforcement organizations oppose the obama era executive order which this section would require compliance with. According to these organizations, programs like the 1033 program have been a vital resource in allowing state and local Law Enforcement to acquire items used in searchandrescue operations, disaster response, and active shooter situations, that they would otherwise not be able to afford. Furthermore, when President Trump rescinded the obama executive order in 2017, the president of the National Sheriffs association said that by reinstating this program, the president will provide more resources to local Law Enforcement to keep their communities safe, without additional cost to taxpayers. Thosed to listen to serving on the front lines keeping our Community Safe, and fromct the 1033 Program Unfair attacks. I use a yes vote on the amended and healed back. Chairwoman lowey ms. Lawrence is recognized. Representative thank you. Of Congress Member and a former mayor who had the ultimate responsibility for a trained, professional Police Department. It is very clear that my colleagues on the others had had a wonderful opportunity to support the george lloyd bill that would enable us to empower a communityo be policing agency. And today we are talking about giving them military equipment. The other issue i would like to put on the minds of those who think about this horrible , thetion that happened shooting incident. We must get serious about where we are with gun control control in america. Lacktunately, there is a of energy or commitment to have that conversation. If we could put just as much energy in restricting the type of guns that are available in public, not to take away your Second Amendment right, but if we truly feel that the military should be equipped with military equipment, than we should have a clear understanding of what the machinery and weapons that should be in the hands of civilians. Have a military that we fund with all this money from defense, we should fund them to have military whitman, and it should not be in the hands of civilians. A realwe could have discussion about gun control in this country. Thank you. Miss granger nash chairwoman lowey miss granger. Representative i strongly support the amendment. While some of my colleagues have concerns about military it meant in our communities, there are many examples of where this has saved lives. A Police Department in texas ended a tragic shooting by using equipment they received from the department of defense. The shooting resulted in the death of four Police Officers on one Rapid Transit officer, and would have been much more deadly of police had not had access to equipment needed to take out the shooter. It is a sad reality that many , police this country and First Responders are underfunded and prevented from purchasing what they need to do their jobs. Prohibiting Law Enforcement from having access to surplus equipment is wasteful and misguided. I think the gentleman for his aadership and his work as lawenforcement officer before coming to congress. We appreciate him sharing expertise with us on the committee. I your js vote on the amendment. Lee. Rwoman lowey miss i hope mytive colleagues will oppose mr. Rutherfords amendment. Weapons of war have no place in our community. They cause more harm than good. They divide police from the communities they are supposed to serve. And they reinforce the toxic idea that police are some sort of occupying army. We must stop let arising our police forces. Evidence has shown that Law Enforcement agencies that obtain military equipment are more prone to violence. The justice in policing bill representative Hank Johnsons thoughtful approach, restricting section 1033. It is not a ban on surplus equipment, but has strong restrictions to prevent anything lethal or aggressive being transferred. It limits the transfers to equipment available for civilian not mind you civilian use, for a war zone. When writingeement the justice and policing act that representative johnsons language was stronger than obamas 2015 executive order. Billdefense appropriations carries those same, strong restrictions. Outragense to national over police violence, armed vehicles, assault weapons and again theser, once weapons of war filled our streets and communities, treating Peaceful Protesters like they were a hostile, invading force. Rather than people asking for their rights to be respected, we need to change this dynamic. Bycan start vice start stopping the dumping of free weapons of war onto our city streets thank you. If there is noy further debate, the member from florida is recognized on the amendment for one minute to close. [indiscernible] chairwoman lowey is your mic on . Representative thank you. When i think about officers in the North Hollywood shootout in win over 20 Police Officers and citizens were shot, many had to be rescued by actually bringing in an armored to get some of those people out of danger before they bled to death. Room easy to sit in this and talk about military equipment. Officers when those are fighting for their lives, it is not military whitman, it is just lifesaving equipment. Ourot turn your backs on Law Enforcement. They need this equipment. Both police and. Ivilian in that incident in North Hollywood, they had to actually go to a gun store to get rifles so that they could take out these two heavily armed individuals. It went on for over a couple of hours. This is not militarizing police, it is giving them the tools they need to do their job to keep the Community Safe. It is not military. It is lifesaving. I urge a yes vote and yield back. Chairwoman lowey the question is the amendment offered by the member in florida. All those in favor, say aye. Those opposed, say no. Chairwoman lowey in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. There any further amendment or discussion . Recognize the gentlewoman from ohio for a motion, and ask for your support for this bill. Representative i moved to the defenseport appropriations act 2021 to the house. Chairwoman lowey all those in favor, say aye. Those opposed, now. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. A recorded vote has been requested. All those in favor of a recorded vote, raise your hand. Inficient number being support, a recorded roll will be taken. Aye. mr. Egg are, e. Bishop, ay this is bustos. Mr. Calvert, no. Mr. Carter, no. Mr. Cartwright, aye. Mr. Cates, aye. Ms. Clark, aye. Mr. Cole, no. Mr. Crist, aye. Aye. Delauro, mr. Diazbalart, no. Fortenberry, no. Miss frankel, aye. No. Granger, mr. Graves, no. Dr. Harris, no. Ms. Herrera beutler, no. Mr. Hurd, no. Mr. Joyce, no. Ms. Captor, aye. Mr. Kilmer, aye. Misses kirkpatrick, aye. Misses lawrence, aye. Ey, ay mr. E moolenaar, no. Mr. Newhouse, no. Mr. Lazo, no. Kingery, no. Mr. Poe can, aye. Mr. Quigley, aye. Rogers, no. Mr. Rubens berger, aye. Mr. Rutherford, no. Mr. Ryan, aye. Mr. Cerrado, aye. Mr. Simpson, no. Mr. Stewart, misses torres, aye. Ms. Wasserman schultz, aye. Coleman, aye. Mr. Womack, no. Misses bustos has not recorded. Aye. S bustos, [indiscernible conversations] chairwoman lowey members now have five minutes to record their boat tour change their vote. Conversations] mr. Stuart, no. Chairwoman lowey on this boat, areayes are 30, the noes 22. The motion is agreed to. I ask unanimous consent that staff be committed staff be permitted to make technical changes to the bill. Seeing no objections, so ordered. Wonderful. Congratulations. Free at last. No, you have to be on the floor next week. Conversations] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [indiscernible conversations] chairwoman lowey ladies and haveemen, we have rt we two bills to go. Please be seated. Our second order of Business Today is consideration of the commerce, justice, science appropriations bail for fiscal year 2021. Serrano tognize mr. Present the bill. Representative thank you, madam chair. It has been an honor to serve with you on this committee. Members of new york, and as friends, your commitment to our state and nation is unparalleled and your record of Public Policy accomplishments is outstanding. In my 25 plus years on this committee, i have spent 20 on the cgs committee. Cjs committee. It has issues im passionate about for my committee in the bronx. Im glad to have this opportunity to combine the bill that combines Economic Development. These are vitally important issues. The commerce, justice and science appropriations bill 71. 4 billion in discretionary budget authority, 1. 7 billion decrease from last year. To decreased needs associated with the completion of the 2020 census prethat said, at this funding level, the bill sustains increases to invest in Economic Development, reduce gun violence, address Climate Change, scientific , and Police Reform. Let me go into detail. Midst of ais in the moment of reckoning with its history of Racial Discrimination and police violence. Voices are crying out for justice, fairness and change. Overdue foris well the people i have represented from the bronx, especially black americans around this nation. Seriously. Se voices the bill includes major Reform Efforts to enhance Law Enforcement accountability and better protect civil rights. To do that, the bill increases funding for the civil rights , the u. S. Attorneys, and the fbi that practices those investigations. Language to rollback Justice Department polities policies that have hindered this oversight and will provide funding for a National Task force on Law Enforcement oversight and police conduct. In addition, the bill funds nearly 500 Million Dollars for new Grant Programs proposed in the George Floyd Justice in policing act, to drive Law Enforcement reforms and accountability practices. Require recipients of federal Law Enforcement grants to implement open Reform Efforts if they want federal funding for Law Enforcement. Whoequiring those entities receive jagged money to set aside 25 of those dollars for training and accountability efforts. The federal government is deeply serious about ensuring Police Accountability and protecting civil rights. The bill that these does these things without neglecting important priorities elsewhere including proposals for Climate Change and no, and invest and a, ande change and noa makes investments in those priorities. There are also investments in the Minority Business Development authority. We have increased the atf budget by 150 million. Atf budget by 150 million with a program of grants and increasing funding through the stop the violence act and promotes and promote criminal Justice Reform with increases in the step act and Second Chance act and increase to address the ongoing violence epidemic. The bill ensures our scientific leadership will continue by 200 70ng funding by million to the National Science foundation and by 101 point million 101 million to know noaa. 01 million to and we ensure we are training the next generation of scientists. I want to recognize subCommittee Staff and personal staff for their work on this bill. Enormous effort under extremely difficult circumstances. I want to thank everyone , including darren staff,n and my personal martha and matt and others for their work as well. They are all remarkable. I want to recognize and thank the Ranking Member from idaho for his contribution in partnership on this bill. I know he doesnt agree with everything here, and i greatly appreciate his input and friendship. Lastly, i want to recognize mccloskey,bers, mr. Mr. Graves, miss robie and mr. Hurd. Parts ofall been key this committee and congress. You after my retirement. I have left serving on this institution at this committee. Serving here has been the honor of my life. From being born in west puerto rico, to a tenement in the south bronx, to Public Housing, the new York State Assembly and congress, the American Dream has truly been part of my life. Yield back, i would like to do something out of the ordinary. My central staff, castaneda, if she could stand up, she became an american citizen last week. And that is something we should applaud on a day like today. [applause] t ith that, i yield back back. Nowrwoman lowey i recognize the subcommittee Ranking Member. Representative thank you, and thank you for your long service to this institution, madam chair. You have served the committee well and served many years in the u. S. Congress. Chorusd to add that the of comments made about your fine service. And we lookthe best forward to keeping in touch. I also have the mic now, pete on hisratulate retirement. I have known pete for a long time. I withheld my comments earlier , knowingld to the bill i would have a mic eventually, but pete and i got to know each caucus, hadwith the that in common and worked closely on bipartisan issues. Thank chairman s errano and his staff for addressing concerns of members on this side of the aisle. It has been a pleasure to work side chairman serrano on the commerce, science and Justice Committee bill this year, and throughout our years. Rrano all theman se best as he embarks on the next chapter of his life. He will be missed, but we look chrward to staying in tou and making sure he keeps us posted on the next chapter of his life there are a lot of good things in this bill that we can , providingr example no less than 100 million for the space watch system we call sls. The importantys Message Congress intends for nasa to redouble efforts to produce the block one day. With its upper stage and payload faring and the ability to comb manifest crew and cargo, the block one b represents transformational capability for the United States and deep Space Exploration. Pace oft increase the slsacquisition to ensure an is available for missions in meeting the needs of the human exploration program. Sls block one b is also key to National Security. The government should never find itself in a position of having to ask a companys permission, or another country, for access to space. Issue. National security o want to thank chairman serran for including 110 million for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion to work toward design of a flight demonstration by 2024. The bill includes a strong funding for agencies that ensure compliance with our trade laws and agreements. I am pleased it funds the commerce departments new aluminum imports monitoring program. I applaud President Trumps attention to this serious issue areoreign actors as they dumping subsidized aluminum into the u. S. Market. To deploy this important program, i urge the department to consult with the full value chain of the aluminum industry to ensure the program protects such ases and workers, those in the district i represent in alabama, who support the full aluminum supply chain. The bill strongly supports the administrations industries of the future initiative with new investments in quantum information science, artificial intelligence, 5g research and advanced manufacturing. Addressesn, the bill issues impacting all our communities. It increases funding for Drug Court Programs and other initiatives that address the as dnaepidemic, as well programs helping to analyze the backlog of Sexual Assault evidence and solve cold cases. The bill also rightly directs directsest carbon the Justice Department to take novel approaches to address online child exploitation, human trafficking, and obscenity. And finally, i want to thank no for working with us to include 10 million for the vortex southeast program. The southeast u. S. Experiences some of the deadliest tornadoes in the country. Vortex southeast is doing critical work to help us understand environmental factors and include Weather Forecast communications in my home region of the south. In some strong funding areas make the deficiency of this bill more glaring. The majority rejects americas moon to mars Artemis Initiative and the funding needed to lend the first woman on the moon. Excited tore see our astronauts to fly to the International Space station on american launch vehicles again, and they know the Strategic Value of u. S. Space supremacy. President trump once to reenergize American Leadership in space and i believe that is a unifying principle, not an issue that divides this country. At conference time, i was hopeful we could remedy some for groundin funding infrastructure and human landing systems, deficiencies that jeopardize efforts to return to the moon. Worse, the bill responds to radical demands to defund a lot of things the police need. None of the federal Law Enforcement agencies in this bill, including the fbi, atf, dea or u. S. Marshals service, artfully funded. Moreover, by imposing unauthorized impositions on the jagged and other programs, the majority has chosen to end programs for strong with strong bipartisan suit work, and looting Critical Mental Health services for officers, the stop School Violence act, which supports purchases of School Hardening equipment and active Shooter Training under the police act. The majority blocks funding for antimeth and heroin taskforces. The consequences are alarming. I have no doubt our side of the support Police Training reforms and other timely policy initiatives, but the majority decided to go in a different direction. The bill also contravenes existing law by funding lawyers for unauthorized aliens arriving at our southern border, a grant for directt provides legal representation of migrants at taxpayer expense. It will serve for an additional inducement for people considering that dangerous, deadly journey north. It also eliminates Second Amendment to actions that have enjoyed historical bipartisan support, provisions not Even Associated with criminal misuse of firearms. It is for these reasons i look andard to our debate today, the opportunities to improve this bill. I also think majority staff, bob jeff, trisha, tj, shannon and ej. And on our side, the staff, and kristin,rren along with my staff megan and mark, that have contributed so much over the last several months. Forward to ourok debate and yield back. Chairwoman lowey i would like to recognize myself for opening remarks. O andnk chairman serran drinking member aderholt for their work on this bill, as well as the staff crafting the product for us. I want to say a few words about my good friend, chairman serran o. In 1993, we joined the Appropriations Committee together. An valuable leader of this committee, this congress, and host important, a dear friend. Workedrman, he has diligently to ensure our senses is conducted accurately and fairly. Tireless advocate for american citizens of puerto rico, particularly in fighting for the resources to recover and rebuild after the devastation of hurricane maria. From supporting Climate Change research and working to prevent gun violence, to ensuring new york receives its fair share of hasral funding, joe serrano been a tremendously effective legislator. More than 40 years of Public Service to new york, and is the longestserving hispanic member of congress, joe has ensured that this committee is more responsive to the needs of all americans, which is embodied in his final cjs bill, which we will consider today. This committee and the American People will miss is presence greatly when he retires at the end of this congress. Sense ofss his smile, humor, and his good heart. My friend, it has been an honor to serve with you. Wethe bill before us, as confront the twin crises of the covid19 pandemic and systemic American People are demanding action to build safer and stronger communities for all people. The fiscal year 2020 one cjs appropriations bill recognized recognizes and acts on the urgent need for meaningful Police Reform, Racial Justice, and the defense of civil rights for every american. Billg funding in this would support Law Enforcement reforms at the state and local levels, while catalyzing Economic Development in disadvantaged communities, that is fundamental to a more just and equitable society. Time when we must restore american faith in Law Enforcement, the commerce justest science will provides strong funding increased the commerce justice science bill provides strong funding to increase civil rights and improve Police Practices, including 500 million in federal grants to states and localities, to carry out Police Reform initiatives. These investments would bring about real change. Beyond this urgent tasked inlity, we are this bill with investing in programs that are most Economic Development, keep our communities safe, reduce gun violence, and advanced evidencebased scientific research. This bill do so by providing an 20 3 million for the Economic Development administration to stash 23 20 3 million for the Economic Development administration to spur funding forardhit programs, money violence against women to protect the most vulnerable as our nation faces a troubling new wave of gender and Domestic Violence as a result of the covid19 pandemic. An increase of 9. 7 million for the National Instant criminal helpround check, to prevent guns from entering the ofng hands, and an increase 270 million for the National Science foundation to foster innovation and american competitiveness. I congratulate chairman serrano and i urge support. I would now like to recognize Ranking Member granger for her opening remarks. Thinkg member granger i for leadershipo on the committee. From efforts to combat criminal threats and protect children to programs to increase competitiveness, the bill supports important priorities for members on both sides. Innovators and manufacturers invest in cuttingedge research on technology. I commend chairman serrano and chairwoman lowey, however several items concerned me, for example, longstanding language carried to protect Second Amendment rights are stripped from the bill. ,he bill makes new investments but only selectively. There is not a penny more for nasa. The bill fails to provide Adequate Funding for essential component of nasas Artemis Program, human lending systems on which the first woman will travel to the surface of the moon. An inadequate amount is included for lenders, and undermines prior investments in deep Space Exploration. Flat funding for nasa reveals a deliberate effort to undercut americanto renewed space dominance, shortsighted. Sending american astronauts to the south pole of the new will showcase leadership and technological advantage of the United States that will enhance our National Security by allowing us to establish a strategic presence on the moon. Our nation is facing serious threats in space, specifically from china. The Artemis Program was solidified after learning about chinese capabilities and future plans read the u. S. Has fallen behind in Space Research and development that will soon be outpaced by the chinese if we dont act immediately. Being a world leader in space will be expensive, but wont be nearly as costly as letting china dominate us in space. Protect our National Security and economy is to dominate space and beat the chinese and peers. For too long we have allowed china to challenge us with negative implications for our economy and National Security. Federal lawer funds enforcement agencies. Not one has a budget request fulfilled in the bill. Funds forn, grant state and local Law Enforcement partners are conditioned on policies far outside their control. Will indefinitely withhold critical active shooter response training and grants for School Violence prevention measures. In addition, funding that can be used for body cameras, bulletproof vests and investigations over time will be halted. Instead, funding is directed to a misconduct registry that can publicly report baseless accusations, welcome news to any criminal looking to sideline a good officer. This is what Defunding Police looks like. The bill demonstrates why bipartisan agreement is needed for us to make progress. Yet, an attempt to make Police Reform bipartisan was rejected in the house last month. I was mayor of fort worth, texas. At that time, the city had one of the highest crime rates in the nation. We took it on and in two years had the largest crime rescind the nation. That by respecting and encouraging police, giving the equipment they needed, also encouraging them to work citizens who want a safe city, and encouraging businesses to provide jobs so people could provide for their families. That was given made all the difference. I hope we keep this in mind. Iq. You. Ank chairwoman lowey miss lucille roy ball seeks recognition. Representative thank you. Congressman serrano, i would like to say it has been a pleasure to serve with him over the years. I wish him well, and his voice on behalf of or to rico and the terror on behalf of puerto rico and the territories will be missed. I rise in support of the managers amendment and make the chairman for including my amendment to direct a study on racial and ethnic disparities in the Justice System. It is wellknown that africanamericans, latinos and native americans have greater exposure to the criminal Justice System than nativeborn whites. As documented by a Previous National academies report, these include large racial and ethnic disparities in interactions with police, as well as outcomes within the Justice System. The need to rectify inconsistencies in our Justice System as gained greater attention over the last several years, and the current social movement places the challenge of inequality at the forefront of criminal justice policy. Contains funding for many outstanding programs and policies that would address different aspects of the inequalities in our criminal Justice System. However, up until now, there has not been a thorough research inequalities,the nor a systematic sciencebased assessment of how to reduce racial and ethnic inequalities in the Justice System. Study would bring together bipartisan criminal justice scientists to evaluate on racialvidence inequalities that pervade our criminal Justice System, and the effectiveness of strategies proposed to address these problems. Thorough assessment of the major Unanswered Questions on race, ethnicity, crime and justice is essential to provide base forknowledge debate and policies on crime and criminal justice, as well as to ensure our criminal laws and processes facilitate rather than undermine citizenship. Thank you for including this request and i wholeheartedly support the managers amendment. I have a listey of 13 speakers. Please keep remarks short, as we still have another bill tonight. I recognize mr. Graves. I would like to thank you for working with me to include additional priorities security andcyber Telecommunications Security in this bill. In the last few months, we have seen the importance of having a reliable and secure Network Available to each of us as we have transitioned to a mostly remote workforce. These networks and platforms need to be secure. That is why i included in the legislation language for the development of a cure 5g network, including technology and verified to be secure from foreign surveillance. In the race to 5g, it is important our nation remains at the forefront of innovation, but not at the expense of personal, economic and National Security. While protecting our networks, we need to make sure apps and platforms we download on personal devices dont have ties to Foreign Governments with a history of bad action. Technology a Major Company found a widely used app in the u. S. Which is run by a chinese company, or stateowned entity, had been downloading more than 2 billion times globally, was copying data from user phones. Id, data could include user passwords, pictures and much, much more. Last week, fbi director wray said the bureau was opening a new china related counterintelligence case every 10 hours. Those should concern us. That is why we are directing the department of justice to ban operations of known foreign entities who actively steal data and information from our devices on behalf of a Foreign Government secondly, to assist the private sector with combating the onslaught of private of Cyber Attacks and attempted breaches, we ask the doj to report to this committee on efforts to share Threat Intelligence with the private sector. Based on intelligence, this area can certainly be improved. Information sharing should be a twoway street. Cyber security has been a top priority of mine over the past for years, and the reason is simple. We are at a cyber crossroads. We must acknowledge that the threats that exist do exist, we must lean in and must be vigilant. Thank you to each of you for your recognition of the importance of these issues. I want to commend the majority and minority staffs for your thoughtful and effective working relationship with the lead point , brian hasy team on working with me on cyber security, he is the best. Mr. Esther serrano and serrano, you have been a delight to work with. All the best to you in the days and years ahead chairwoman lowey years ahead. Iairwoman lowey mr. Grace, want to thank you for your focus on cyber security. You pursuing this field and sounding the alarm is so very critical, to me and all of our colleagues. And i know you are retiring. I wish you well, but i certainly hope you will continue your andrtant work in this area, keep this congress informed, and keep pushing us forward, although i will be retiring as well. There are many people who understand the importance of this area, so i thank you for your leadership. Captur is recognized. Representative thank you. , your hard work and personal courage while serving as chair of the commerce justice science subcommittee are fully reflected in this bill, and serve as enduring testimony to what an honorable, Effective Member can do to transform our nation, when account at a time. We are so indebted to you. Americans across our country, especially underrepresented communities, you are for equal justice, and our nation must yield the Justice System and Economic System that is accountable to our people and systematically destroys inequality to achieve justice. Your bill mixed critical investments in this regard, and programs to reimagine the way our country approaches justice and Public Safety. It provides for a robust Economic Development plan, necessary for our nation to reach deep to meet economic inequities in the challenge of coronavirus. Chairmenair man serrano and lowey. This bill has a plan to lever the unfair level the unfair Playing Field for millions of americans. It provides important increases for the United States commission on civil rights. Tos bill makes commitments science agencies that underscore american scientific innovation. Between the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration and nasa, your will makes investments that will yield longterm results. Years from now, as we reflect on this moment of transition, we will have your stewardship to thank for countless program you have shepherded the bill provides historic funding levels for aeronautics and solar propulsion programs at nasa, programs about much more than reaching to the stars, but ensuring american industry can compete and innovate in a changing world. The same goes for the department of congers that department of commerce, the International Trading association and domestic manufacturing. Chairman, america thank you for your service of the legacy you have left across the commerce justice and science agency, to strengthen our nation from stem to stern. God be with you. I yield back. Chairwoman lowey mr. Rogers is recognized. Representative i want to applaud both chairman serrano and rigging member aderholt. We put together a great bill to ensure many of the priorities that we on this committee in that congress in general have. I want to say especially a few words regarding cerrado s. Rrano, and followup i have had the pleasure over the jillsf working with know on this of committee for serrano on this committee for years. Others company and differed on issues. The samee shared commitment to this country and the elements of this bill that makes a great. So he is the only member of congress i think that has two districts. His district in new york and puerto rico. Booster ofys a great his native land. So jose serrano, good luck to you. Andope you will come back visit us after you leave this congress and the session, and we have enjoyed your company all throughout the i want to specifically thank both of these for continuing to provide very robust funding to combat the nations opioid epidemic. Ladies and gentlemen, we have got an epidemic going on within the pandemic. Problem of theld Opioid Crisis rearing its ugly head again. Have spiked high in the last few weeks within the pandemic that is going on with covid19. 31 million in the bill for the Grant Program, 85 million for drug courts, 30 million for veterans treatment courts, 35 million for the residential substance treatment for state prisoners program. This funding quite literally saves lives, and i applaud you for you commitment to these programs. I am concerned about new that iitions in the bill think will be brought up in one of the amendments later on. I guess by mr. Rutherford. Preconditions that would hold up funding for many very important and vital Grant Programs. I appreciate the intent, conditioning support for manufacturing the illegal distribution of heroin and methamphetamine for example, is dangerous, and puts even more americans at risk. These preconditions to grants may be wellintentioned, but i believe they will do much more harm than good. So we will hear more about that in a few minutes. Until we can address this issue among others, i have to say even though i like the bill, there are parts of it i cannot tolerate and will have to vote no. With that, i yield back. Chair lowey ms. Lee is recognized. Let me think chairman serrano and our Ranking Member for putting this bill together. I also want to thank our chairman jose serrano for his leadership and friendship. You have been a very steady committee chair. You have lead with steadiness and compassion. You have been fair and principled. And i have enjoyed your stories about musicians and baseball players. Especially your stories about Frank Sinatra. I have learned a lot from you and will miss you here in washington dc, but i hope our friendship continues. This bill comes in the midst of a global pandemic, and Ongoing Movement against Police Brutality and systemic racism, environmental racism, and an economic crisis which disproportionately impacts blacks and communities of color. The unjust treatment of black americans and other people of color by some Police Officers in communities throughout this nation is something that demands immediate reform from this committee. I am pleased to see that much of the language in the George Floyd Justice and police act is reflected in this appropriations bill. The policing institutions in our country are deeply entrenched in racism and brutality, and we cannot allow it to continue. Inherently systemic issues require us to reinvest into programs that will keep our communities safe and help them thrive, and i believe that this bill is a step in that direction. Communities of color are reevaluating what Public Safety means due to the lack of safety and systemic racism. Createsding bill opportunities and accountability by creating guidelines for state and local fountains to help protect our communities and limit police misconduct. I was also pleased to see 25 million in grants for Community Based organizations to study and implement effective management, trading, recruiting, and oversight standards and programs to promote Effective Community and problem solving strategies for Law Enforcement agencies. Im also pleased to see increased funding for evidencebased recidivism. 165 million for the First Step Act and 100 million for a Second Chance grant. Seetionally, im glad to increased funding to reform Law Enforcement with a specific emphasis on the 50 million to address racial profiling, implicit bias, deescalation, and the use of force. This Pivotal Point in history has continued to highlight the need for substantial change to policing policies. Finally, i thank the chair for including important language that would prohibit the department of justice from interfering in access to medical marijuana in the states, the district of columbia, and territories where it is legal. As cochair of the bipartisan cannabis caucus, this language is critical to ensuring that the federal government does not dampen what states are doing in terms of full legalization or maryland or legalization of medical marijuana. I look forward to you bringing this bill to the floor. Mr. Chairman, i will miss you deeply, and i want to thank you for your wisdom and your leadership. And i yield back. Chair lowey mr. Rutherford, you are recognized. Rutherford thank you. I wanted to thank chairman serrano and Ranking Member aderholt for this bill. I support many elements within. In oppositionrise as it is currently written. I feel it is actually going to do, inadvertently, irreparable harm to local Law Enforcement agencies across the country. Over memorial day, we all washed at theatched in horror george floyd murder, and now those officers will be held accountable. Bipartisann a conversation on Law Enforcement reforms, many of which i do support. However, i was disappointed that despite there being bipartisan agreement on many of those issues, we did not vote a bipartisan bill in hr7120. I continue to be disappointed in the bipartisan in the partisanship of the bill today. 343 for Community Oriented policing, the riders included will likely prevent agencies from accessing any of that money. This bill holds funding from agencies for many things that are outside of their control. The carotid look at to thekehold policy tied federal funding. And i will tell you at the Jacksonville Sheriffs Office that i led for 12 years, chokehold and carotid hold were not allowed except in lethal force applications. So they are against our Agency Policy and have been for many years. But under this bill, in order to get crucial federal funding,jacksonvilles local government would need to pass a law banning something that is already banned in policies. This requirement leaves Police Officers and their safety at the mercy of local legislature and their processes, which are, as you know, slow and burdensome. In addition to imposing requirements that are out of an agencys control, this bill mandates that many jurisdictions pay for expensive accreditation and Data Collections before they are able to qualify for federal funding. I am a huge proponent of accreditation. In fact the agency where i was sheriff, we had all three national accreditations. We had all those. But i can also attest to this incredibly expensive and laborintensive, with several hundred standards for each of those. But here is the catch22. Agenciese expect across the country currently facing extreme budget cuts to meet these requirements without our help and without federal funds being available . The bottom line is this bill tries to straddle the fence by appearing not to defund the police, while actually doing exactly that, making this vital federal funding nearly impossible to access. Police federal dollars, jurisdictions both large and small will struggle to keep their communities safe. From riders prevent us doing what our constituents expect, working together to uphold the highest standards of Law Enforcement training and policies. I hope that we can move forward and work in a bipartisan manner, but as it stands now, i have to oppose this bill. I yield back. Chair lowey mr. Case, you are recognized. Rep. Case thank you. Thank you for bringing this fiscal year 2021 bill before the committee today. It has been my privilege to serve with you on your subcommittee during my first term on the Appropriations Committee. The wise and gracious leadership you have provided has been a deep education for me and has been a lasting lesson for us all. I support this bill and instruct and im struck all over again by the breath of its reach. Did vent it advances not only goesny vital programs, but so much further to the health and wellbeing to the Natural World and understanding the deepest mysteries of our universe. Of note, it supports the Economic Development of our communities. It includes a 23 million increase for the Economic Development administration which does so much good work in our communities. Additionally, to support our minorityowned businesses have been disproportionately hit by covid19, the bill includes a 10 million increase to the Minority Business Development agency. This bill continues strong support for key lawenforcement initiatives across the country such as communityoriented policing along with important justice Grant Programs our communities rely on, such as violence against women grants, stop School Violence grants, victims of trafficking grants, Second Chance act programs, and missing and exploited children programs. It also includes provisions to promote many of the reforms that were included in the George Floyd Justice and policing act, including funding for independent investigation of law basedcement for Community Organizations and improving Law Enforcement. And to improve the use of force to comply with the scent and other reform measures, and create local taskforces on Public Safety innovation, to name a few. The bill also includes critical theinued investments in National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Science foundation. These will pay dividends for decades to come. I especially want to highlight support for our worlds endangered oceans. Representing the island state of hawaii, surrounded on all sides by the largest ocean of all, our ocean affects every community throughout our pacific in myriad ways, and the importance of our federal investment in management and resource of this and all motions cannot be understated. The 2021 bill meets these needs with 5. 45 million for the noaa, whichanic level andhe 2020 above the administrations paltry request. This will enhance support for the coastal zone management, protection of Marine Mammals and sea turtles, research, Marine Debris removal, tsunami warnings, Sustainable Management of fisheries, Climate Change negation, and much more mitigation, and much more. Speaking of Climate Change, this bill also supports the continued advancement of cuttingedge research and observation of our atmosphere. In hawaii, we are home to the noaa observatory, which has provided the measurements of the level of Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere for over 60 years now. Measurements that are the basis of the world renowned healing curve, proving accelerating Climate Change beyond any reasonable scientific doubt. This did it was also used and relied upon by more than 500 external partners and stakeholders internationally. This bill further upgrades the capabilities of the observatory and noaas other atmospheric observatories to ensure we always have an accurate and current understanding of exactly how our atmosphere is changing, and to do what we can and must to address and reverse such change. In closing, i again thank chair serrano for your leadership on this important bill and urge my colleagues support, and i yield back. Chair lowey my colleagues, the hour is getting late. We still have another bill. I would like to give each person the ability to speak, but if you can limit voluntarily your remarks to two minutes, we can move along. Favor, buting all in i think most people would be in favor. Ms. Herrera butler is next. Rep. Butler thank you for including a priority of mine in this bill that will directly benefit the pacific northwest. Specifically, the bill before us includes 23 million for mitchell act hatcheries, a 1 million increase. This funding helps the state of oregon, washington, and idaho operate a series of hatcheries and fish passes facilities including to declining salmon runs. It is absently critical to ensure conservation of these important fish species, maintain economically viable tribal, commercial, and sport fisheries, and provide prey for southern killer whales. I am also happy to see support for salmon recovery fund. Since 2000, the fund has restored over 1. 1 million acres of salmon habitat and opened over 10,900 miles of streams to spawning fish. The treaty provides important framework for canada and the u. S. To cooperatively manage pacific salmon stocks focused on expanding spawning ham attack including an important investment that this Committee Makes in these programs that are so crucial to our salmon Recovery Efforts in the pacific northwest. Thank you again to the chairman and of course the Ranking Member, both the majority and minority committees, for their hard work on this bill and including these important measures. I yield back. Chair lowey thank you. Ms. Torres is recognized. Res thank you for your amendment. Which includes a provision that i have requested. 27 fellowh, i led lawmakers in a letter to the department of justice concerning a 2006 fbi intelligence assessment on White Supremacists infiltrating Law Enforcement. This assessment describes the threat that is terrifying and dangerous, especially for black and brown communities. Out, ithe report points can jeopardize the separate safety of Law Enforcement as well. Thee this was 14 years ago, facts remain. In 2015, a lead research on domestic terrorism warned about the same threat. We need to know about the state of this threat now in 2020, and we need to know what doj and the fbi have done about it. Even if it is nothing. This managers amendment is just that. It directs the fbi to provide an f date an update on its assessment of what to for missy and lawenforcement and what they have done since 2006 to address these concerns. Given the moment of reckoning in Racial Justice that we are in right now, theres no reason at all not to update this inquiry immediately. So it can inform our dialogue on how we have reformed policing. In closing, i want to take a moment to thank my friend, chairman serrano, for his leadership not only in this committee, but also in the Natural Resources committee, where i served with him. I truly appreciate your support and mentorship over the years, and i yield back. Watson colemanp. Is recognized. Rep. Watson coleman thank you so much chairman serrano and Ranking Member aderholt for their leadership in bringing this very important bill to the committee today. The need for criminal Justice Reform has really the light that recent events have shown on the disparity between all people of color should push us to change the way we think, the way we write policies, the way we approach goals in a system that has always use race to hold people back. As this bill moves in the right direction, i am particularly happy we have information in this bill that implements several aspects of the George Floyd Justice and policing act. I am not going to read them because of the interest in time. I am also interested and happy to see that money is a reflection of our values, the fact we do not put money in bad actors is also a reflection of our values, and we will hold the local communities to the opportunity,qual fairness in policing, and adhering to the policies that will make it legal. The choke holds and the boundaries for the use of legal lethal force, etc. If i would sayss i am grateful to see the 6 million for the research and prevention of domestic radicalization, particularly as we look at the dillon roofs and what they did to innocent black communities and innocent synagogue attendees. I want to thank the chair particularly for working with me on language that would require the department of justice collect data on whether schools receiving grants for School Resource officers ensure that they do not infringe upon the Civil Liberties of their students. I am particularly pleased that we are recognizing the systemic affordedat has been young people as well as older africanamericans, and that we are moving forward in a progressive and an appropriate manner to address the effects of 400 years of history. Thank you. And with that, i congratulate my chairman on his retirement, and i pray god speed and god bless. With that, i yield back. Chair lowey mr. Cartwright is recognized. Rep. Cartwright before we consider the fiscal year 2021 bill, i want to think chairman serrano, my friend, my mentor on this subcommittee, for his exceptional service. We will always remember you for your love of people of the bronx, the people of america, people ofularly, the the territory of puerto rico, that enchanted archipelago to which your heart is ever turning. I also want to thank my fellow members of the subcommittee, particularly Ranking Member aderholt, for his hard work on this bill. There are many important priorities on the bill that will bring real benefits to americans across the nation. For workers and families in district like my own in northeastern pennsylvania, this bill includes a 23 increase to the assistance to Coal Communities program which will bring needed jobs to former Coal Communities. The bill also increases funding for climate research, so we can make decisions based on solid science going forward. It takes important steps to avoid opioid reduce gun violence, improve School Safety. It works to combat child predators with increased funding for the internet crimes against Children Task forces, which are on the front lines of halting the despicable spread of child abuse on the internet. Dangerousresses the practice within federal prisons. Thisn the federal prisons, practice of assigning support staff to perform correctional officer duties referred to as augmentation. Accounting psychologists and teachers as correction officers is wrong and it is fudging the numbers. Staffing shortages in prisons contribute to overcrowding and violence, and these Additional Resources improve safety and security of both staff and inmates. Finally, this bill helps allamericans feel safe in their communities. I want to be clear, this bill puts muchneeded funding toward our nations Police Departments, and provides Critical Resources to improve the training of Law Enforcement officers. It also offers common sense bipartisan policing reform solutions. This is an important bill with farreaching benefits that we can all be proud to support. I again thank my fellow members of the subcommittee, staff, and the chairman for his exemplary leadership on the fiscal year 2021 cjs appropriations bill, and i yield back. Chair lowey ms. Delauro is recognized. Rep. Delauro thank you. I want to first say thank you to chairman serrano, breaking member aderholt for the bill, and take a moment to commend jose serrano. We joined the congress at similar times. Born in puerto rico, chairman serrano fought for americans of color and latinx american throughout his tenure, including his time as director of the hispanic caucus. I have been proud to fight with him. Recently on the issue of family separation at our southern border. The humanity of that administration was not just that it failed as a Public Policy, but that it also failed our morality as a nation, and it failed the wellbeing of children. Serviceshe labor hhs education subcommittee in part because of jose serrano. 25 years ago when we were selecting committee assignments, ande was one slot left since he was ahead of me in seniority, i said oh my gosh, he is going to take the spot on labor hhs. Still feel today that the lord was watching over me, and i prayed he would decide to go elsewhere. And he did. And now we are here. We have been able to make a difference in the lives of the people of our communities and our country. And yes, he is a new york yankee fan, and a Frank Sinatra fan, so there. Let me think they chairman and the committee for his commitment, partnership. We secured three important parisians for local Community Safety. To allow and encourage our tomunities First Responders purchase gun Fire Protection software program, to help First Responders respond to gunfire incidents more quickly, and arrive at the scene more quickly. Second, to address crumbling infrastructure, specifically concrete foundations. At risk because of elevated levels of pyro height which can cause concrete foundations to become structurally unsound, a big problem in our state. And what we can do to slow, delay, or stop this damage. Third, equal pay. A publice and release report about pay information collected through the revised form. Let me close by thanking the chairman for his leadership, commitment. You may change for your community and our country. We owe you our thanks for the work you did on this bill, but the work you have done to bring this country much closer to its loftiest ideals. I yield back. Chair lowey mr. Kilmer is recognized. Rep. Kilmer i want to echo the gratitude displayed to chairman serrano. It was an honor for me to serve on his subcommittee, and i appreciated his kindness and concern for my constituents. I also want to thank Ranking Member aderholt, and of course the Committee Staff for the work on this bill. I want to speak specifically to the investments made in the bill for salmon recovery. In my neck of the woods, salmon are the lifeblood of our economy and identity. This funding meets our obligations under the new law ratified pacific salmon treaty, investing in recover its recovery like hatchery production and sound science. That is essential to recovering orca and supporting tribal, commercial, and Recreational Fisheries throughout the pacific northwest. I am also grateful that the committee included an increase in funding for hatcheries that play an integral role in meeting our regions salmon recovery goals. Finally, i want to thank the chair Ranking Member and the Committee Staff for the ongoing commitment to working with me to secure additional direct assistance to fishery participants in further supplemental legislation. The Economic Relief for seafooddependent businesses in the cares act was a drop in the bucket compared to the need, and noaa has struggled to release this funding in a timely manner. These businesses are still waiting on this relief. In addition, the allocation for west coast tribes fell woefully short of the impacts felt by these communities. I appreciate the inclusion of additional language any managers amendment recognizing the shortcoming, and reminding noaa of its responsibility to uphold tribal treaties. Our nations seafood industry has been hardhit during the pandemic. This is especially challenging for a region like mine where tribal and rural economies are directly tied to this industry. Congress needs to provide more dedicated relief to ensure our fishing dependent communities survive this crisis. I want to thank my colleagues on this committee from both sides of the aisle, including representative herrera butler, who shares my commitment in future Coronavirus Relief legislation. Though recovery will require more, the investments today move us in the right direction and demonstrates our commitment to recovering salmon and the tribal and rural economies. I yield back. Chair lowey mr. Cuellar is recognized. Rep. Cuellar i also want to thank mr. Jose serrano. Hass smart, passionate, and one of the best senses of humor of anyone we know. I want to thank the chairman on his retirement. I also want to thank Ranking Member aderholt for the work he has done working together. I want to thank the committee anotherng money to hire 100 Immigration Judges. Support staff. I want to thank them because in the short three years, i think we have added more Immigration Judges than at any other time in history. Forso want to thank them fronting on Police Reform and money for drug courts, and for m oneys for the Court Appointed special applicants program. And i want to say thank you to mr. Aderholt and my good friend jose. Ince the last time i saw him, have never been the same. I yield back. Chair lowey mr. Crist is recognized. Rep. Crist first, i would like to commend you for your incredible career and service to our country. God bless you for all of that. I want to think chairman serrano for his leadership on our subcommittee. Done an extraordinary job and you will be missed as well, my friend. First, i think the chair for including my request to noaa to address harmful algae blooms that have affected my state. The 30 million provide our nations bravest with proactive Treatment Options helping them avoid jail. This is under the federal treatment coordination act, and i cannot thank you enough for that support. I also commend the inclusion of my request for report language directing the fbi to take meaningful action to address guardianship fraud and to protect our seniors from exploitation. Finally, i would like to voice my strong support for the important work that nasa is doing, including their quest to land our first woman on the moon and the next man on the surface of the moon throughout the Artemis Program. Florida is blessed to be home to both Nasas Kennedy Space Center and a thriving space industry. Space is a part of floridas economy and our way of life. This is a tough year because of all the competing priorities, but we came through. It is critical that congress continue to support nasas mission and push the boundaries of Space Exploration and scientific achievement. I support the bill and urge my colleagues to do the same. I yield back. Chair lowey ms. Wasserman schultz is recognized. Wantwasserman schultz i to add my congratulations and let him know how much he will be saidd to those that have goodbye to our dear colleagues, congressman serrano. As a native new yorker and lifelong yankees fan, now of course new orleans fan, i appreciated his passion for the bronx bombers and for the bronx. Littleknown fact, perhaps. A lot of his loves have been noted, but in spite of being lightly considered oldschool, he was really the earliest a doctor that i can think of of doctor earliest a earliest adopter i can think of of the ipad. That. Ill miss jokes, because no one can hold a candle to jose serrano when it comes to corny jokes. Theres also no one who could hold a candle to him on his passion for his constituents, and also for the work he did so well in putting together this bill. I want to commend him and Ranking Member aderholt for a really excellent bill. He legislation reinforces enforcement of consent degrees, of police other measures designed to address abuse in Police Departments and promote Racial Justice. Since the senate unfortunately has expressed a bewildering unwillingness to even consider this act, i hope we can move some of these urgent reforms through the appropriations process. Im particularly pleased and thankful this bill includes language from my Police Accountability and Community Act i anchored introduced with congressman hastings. We seek to disrupt the cycle between police and communities of color and lead to actionable steps to improve coordination and safety we between police and the people they serve. Further i am encouraged to see the bill also addresses the growing problem of domestic terrorism and white nationalists extremism by providing 6 million for domestic radicalization research. Im also proud to have partnered with my fellow appropriators and the cochair of the congressional caucus on black jewish relations. 8 million for the first time for Matthew Shepard hate and prosecution grants that has been authorized but never funded, to help state and local governments conduct outreach and training on hate crimes, and investigate and prosecute these crimes. Unfortunately our nation needs this support in these trying times and under the Current White House leadership. It also addresses the recent explosion of online child exploitation. It carves out specific funding for the internet crimes against Childrens Task forces to take on proactive investigations that have demonstrated potential to rescue children. While i wish it was funded at the fully authorized level, i understand the budget constraints. We invest further in the safety of our children by increasing the stop School Violence act Grant Funding for schools to implement appropriate measures and other steps necessary to improve School Safety and security. Im encouraged by what this bill does to ecosystem protection, including 34 million for the Coral Reef Program and 22 million to boost funding and partnerships at academic institutes to figure out coral reef bleaching. Also 14 million specifically for harmful algae bloom research. Every year they pose a greater and greater threat to floridas coast. Florida cannot afford more summers like 2018, and the finding in this bill will help us better understand them and how to stop them. Thank you again to chairman serrano. I wish you the best. Lawrence,y misses you are recognized. Rep. Lawrence thank you. Mnan serrano charia fdsa i am so excited this bill provides for the violence against women program. Millions of violence it is very important that we fund our values. I also want to say as the cochair of the bipartisan and democratic womens caucus, i am thrilled to support robust funding that will put a woman on the moon. Backe talking about going to the moon but this would be historic at putting a woman on the moon. Also as the cochairs of the congressional caucus on black jewish relationships along with my colleague, Debbie Wasserman see 8, i am proud to million in grants authorized under the hate crimes prevention act to help states and local government investigate and prosecute hate crimes. Thank thewant to committee for including funding for nist. We know that in america and in the robust and aggressive advancement of a. I. Is lacking that critical, Ethical Development of technology. And so to invest in that so that we can say that as this country moves forward, artificial intelligence, that we do, and america expects us to have ethical standards for it. I support this bill and i encourage my colleagues. I think i made my two minutes. Colleagues, my before i turn this back to mr. Serrano, our extraordinary chair, to offer a management amendment, i just want to alert assesst i am going to our progress at about 6 00 p. M. , because we may have to take a dinner break. So, keep that in mind as we move forward. And we will make the judgment at 6 00 and see where we are. Question . E a actually a brief comment, but i will be quick. To thank chairman serrano for his help with the School Safety funding in this bill. He took great interest, met with our friend max, and once again, stepped up to the plate. I also want to stop a rumor right now. I want to make sure everyone understands that rumor that says that mr. Serrano named the bill cjs after congressman jose serrano was not true. It was cjs before he got the chairmanship. I want to put that rumor to bed right now. Thank you. [laughter] chair lowey your wisdom is always welcome, my friend. Now, seeing no other member wishing to make opening remarks, i would like to recognize mr. Serrano to offer a managers amendment. Mr. Serrano, my friend. Serrano let me first say that i wrote that joke 20 years ago. [laughter] just a coincidence. At the deskendment and i asked the reading be disposed with. Chair lowey without objection. And you are recognized. Rep. Serrano this is a managers amendment consisting of various noncontroversial changes to the bill and report. The amendment has been cleared with the minority and i urge its adoption, and i yield back. Chair lowey Ranking Member aderholt is recognized. Rep. Aderholt thank you. I want to thank chairman serrano for working with us and the rest of our Committee Colleagues to address some noncontroversial bipartisan improvements to the bill. I support the amendment and urge its adoption and yelled back. Yield back. Chair lowey are there any other members who wish to be heard on the amendment . Mr. Price . Rep. Price i do rise in support of the managers amendment, and to add to the many sincere tributes being offered to chairman jose serrano. Best liked the most members of the house, including by me. And he has been a voice of conscience on matters of Human Dignity and equality, and on the importance of full inclusion of the territories in our legislation and confederal benefits, including of course puerto rico. I think more about those things admonitions, and i expect we all do. Joe is a great friend, great chairman, and we all wish him the very best. I want to speak on this managers amendment very briefly, because it includes a provision that seeks to invite oversight and accountability for the bureau of prisons. As it institutes confinement policies to help combat the covid19 risk in federal prison facilities. And those risks are severe. In North Carolina, covid19 has hit the federal prison facility hard. They have 900 cases in that prison among inmates and 60 among staff. Inmates have died and one staff member has died. Virus spreads rapidly in areas of confinement, nowhere more than in prisons. We have to do everything we can to prevent this further spread. So we do have details that the attorney general has detailed guidelines has issued for compassionate relief, which often is a way to deal with this. The cares act and the First Step Act codified standards around home confinement. But the number of incarcerated individuals who has been released has not matched the eligibility, nor the need for fewer persons to be in these facilities to stem the spread of the virus. Each day, Staff Members at our federal prisons must return home to their families, despite being at significant risk by the sheer numbers of people they come into contact with every single day. Federalated people in facilities are serving their time under the custody of the care of the federal government. The bureau of prisons must uphold their duty and follow protocol to release eligible incarcerated persons. So i think the chair and the Ranking Member for recognizing this dire need and taking account of it in the managers amendment and i yield back. Chair lowey i recognize mr. Serrano for one minute to close. I will take less than one minute. The amendment is agreed to by the minority, and with that in mind, i hope everybody can vote for it, and i yield back. Chair lowey the question is on the amendment. All those in favor say aye. Those opposed say no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. The amendment is adopted. Are there any further amendments . What purpose does the member from oklahoma rise . An amendment at the desk. Chair lowey the clerk would read the mma. I asked the reading he dispensed with. Chair lowey the member from oklahoma is recognized for five minutes on the amendment. Thank you. Federal government gives money to state and local Law Enforcement because it chooses to do so. But in the case of tribal Law Enforcement, it does so because it has to do so. It is required to do so by treaty and by trust responsibility. Enforcement is funded through the euro of indian affairs. We all know this but best efforts of a really good chairman, one of whom is immediately to my right, the tribal Law Enforcement funding is woefully inadequate. If you actually looked at the statistics, tribes have about one third the number of Police Officers per square mile that other parts of Rural America have to cover them. And the distances can be vast. In addition to the funding, tribes do apply for some of these other programs. And every time you add additional additions for them to meet, you make it harder for them. Unfortunately, many of the agencies that make these decisions do not know much about tribes and frankly, do not know about the obligation of the treaty obligation the u. S. Government has. That is a problem in and of itself in getting adequate resources. In addition to that, by adding more strings to departments that are, frankly, dealing with a unique set of problems, you really are putting apples and oranges into the same barrel. Let me give you a couple of examples. Probably the biggest single problem aside from resources and tribal Law Enforcement in jurisdiction. Exactly what kind of jurisdictions these departments have over whom, on what territory. No other Police Departments face anything like tribal Police Departments do in that regard. And frankly, they should be exempt from meeting all these conditions. Some of the conditions are simply not applicable. As a number of you have remarked to me, in good faith, look, not because iespectful, think racial profiling is a big problem in lots of america. Not a big problem on indian reservations. Its just a different set of standards. I would ask rather than complicate it for Law Enforcement in Indian Country, pull out Law Enforcement. Let them continue to apply and compete for these grants. Another set of conditions and standards is not likely to change things for the better in Indian Country. Frankly, it will make already underfunded Police Officers, law toorcement units less able get the resources they need to provide a minimum of security for the constituencies that they serve. With that, i yield back my time. Chair lowey mr. Serrano is recognized. Rep. Serrano i rise in opposition to the gentlemans amendment. Bill starts the urgent and necessary process of change by focusing on Police Accountability, civil rights, and justice for all. All includes citizens that reside within our beloved country and its territory. Tribal operated Law Enforcement agencies provide a broad range of book safety services, such as responding to calls for services, investigating crimes, enforcing traffic laws, executing arrest warrants, serving process, providing court security, and conducting searchandrescue operations. Is under the cops funding, the rights guaranteed those Public Safety services will meet the same standards want to all our citizens. No longer will we stand by and allow different policing for one set of citizens over another. Vote, and i must say to representative cole, that i would like to think i have been supportive of many if not all issues regarding tribal communities, because i am supportive of obtaining a better situation for them. But this is one where we want to put everyone under the same banner, and we want a better Police Department and better policing policies for all. And all means everybody. I urge a no vote. Isir lowey mr. Aderholt recognized. Rep. Aderholt i support the moment. Across the country i support the amendment. There are many tribes that depend on grants to improve Public Safety to serve victims of crime, combat violence against women, and support youth programs. Inmr. Cole referred to, parts of Indian Country this is critical given that non11 response times are measured in 911 response times are measured in hours, days. Bill provisionew attaches even more strings and conditions to these important grants actually moves us in the wrong direction when it comes to helping tribes. So we should be looking for ways to provide more help, not additional burdens. I would urge a yes on this amendment. I yield back. Chair lowey miss granger, you are recognized. Granger my friend is an expert on tribal issues and he understands well the impact of this language. I join him in removing these misplaced conditions. They use these grants to address their most pressing needs. These programs support critical tribal Law Enforcement activities such as conducting background checks on gun purchasers, tracking sex offenders, combating drug trafficking, and human smuggling. The conditions and Unfunded Mandates imposed will officially halt, slow, or defund currently one in every three native american women is a victim of Sexual Assault. It is roughly twice that of the rest of the country. Now is not the time to force frustration on these funds. Native American Families cannot afford the consequences of these conditions. I support the efforts of the gentleman and i yield back. Chair lowey if there is no further debate, the member from oklahoma is recognized on the amendment for one minute to close. Cole to my good friend chairman serrano, you have consistently supported tribal causes and your entire career, and i appreciate that. On this one we just simply disagree. We disagree because what is being done here, frankly, runs into the problem that all onesizefitsall proposals do. Not every Police Department is the same. Not every jurisdiction is the same. And this is going to make it harder for tribal governments to deal with higher rates of crime to get the support and the help they need, not easier. And many of the problems it is designed to address simply do not exist in tribal Law Enforcement communities. I think there is a strong case hereto exempt these particular types of lawenforcement agencies from this particularly sweeping sort of set of proposals that are being put on all Police Departments, every place in the country, regardless of their conditions or circumstances. So i urge the passage of the amendment. Chair lowey the question is on the amendment authored by the member from oklahoma. All those in favor say aye. Those opposed say no. In the opinion of the chair, the nos have it and the amendment is not adopted. A recorded vote has been requested. All those in favor, raise your hand. A sufficient number being in support. The clerk will call the roll. [roll call] [no audio] eas arehis boat, the y 32, it is not adopted. For what purpose does the general and from florida arise . I have an amendment on the desk. Will ready the clerk the amendment. The reading of the amendment is suspended. The member from florida is recognized for five minutes. Amen lost aman lost a man lost his sons life in parkland. He has become a champion of making schools safer for children across the country. When he met with chairman serrano, chairman serrano not only showed empathy but acted forcefully and put language and funding in the bill, which im very grateful for. Again, the language is also in this years bill, and i mentioned that a little while ago and i am grateful for that. S well this is hugely important, were talking about 53 million. Let me talk about why this link which and funding is needed. In the case of parkland, the shooter did not enter the classroom, but instead shot through the glass windows of the doors, killing a number of students. Alex ifg maxs son, Stoneman Douglas had bullet resistant glass on the doors, innocent lives may not have been lost. This leg which also calls for immediate notification language also calls for immediate notification of 911 emergency. It took almost nine minutes for 911 calls to be transferred to the appropriate agency. If the proper system had been in place, lawenforcement would have instantly known there was an active shooter. Im grateful the funding is in the bill, but here is the problem. This was19, and i know not the intention of section 219, but as it currently stands, it prohibits state and local governments from accessing even these funds unless they meet all eight Police Related conditions listed by the majority. Failure to comply with any of those eight editions, four of which require state legislation, would hit our schools from accessing prohibit our schools from accessing this lifesaving funding. Failure to comply with all eight of those conditions, four which require legislative action, would prohibit our schools to receive this money to secure the schools. Notve to believe that is the reasoning behind this. Think it is highly irresponsible to tie these restrictive restrictions on a grant that is intended to keep our children in school safe youd i have to believe that is not the intention which is why am respectfully acting for all of you to join me in this amendment that would simply part,e, carve out, this School Safety issue, from section 219. It would not apply to School Hardening grants, i am sure that is not the intent. I yield back. Mr. Cerrado, you are recognized. I rise inno opposition to the dillmans amendment. We must keep rusher on states and localities to improve policing practices. Pressure oneep states and localities to improve policing practices. Some of these changes may seem harsh but they are meant to promote change. Exempting categories undermine those efforts. So many of us voted for these types of limitations without exemption in the George Floyd Justice and policing act. We must work to prevent gun violence in schools by making a concerted effort to keep firearms out of the hands of the wrong individuals, but we cannot allow policing practices to continue as they are. Coveringach has to be all segments of our society. I urge a no vote on this amendment. Mr. Owey i strongly support the gentlemans amendment. A classroom is a space where every child, every student deserves to feel safe, along with every teacher and staff at that school. I believe it is inappropriate to condition a grant for a School Hardening effort on politics and policymaking while communities grapple with the question of how best to mitigate the risk of Mass Violence in their schools. The legislation before us authorizes programs with bipartisan support like school bylence prevention grants attaching unrelated, onerous and unauthorized conditions. Upholds ntlemen, i oppose the conditions in this bill that seek to derail the critical School Safety efforts in the name of leasing reform. Striking these new, controversial provisions is key to ensure that skills schools can receive the assistance they need. I would urge a yes on this amendment and i yield back. Chair lowey ms. Wasserman schultz. Thank you. While bci do i on protecting schools from violence, i rise in opposition to this amendment because the underlying bill rightly places conditions on the receipt of federal Law Enforcement funding to address the nations collective concerns over brutality and racism, phenomenon that have been far too pervasive in policing. The conditions of the bill should be commonsense and noncontroversial. Training past time for officers on racial profiling and a pleasant bias. We should expect trans parity transparency from local Law Enforcement demanded when it is not being met. It is right to condition federal grants so that we can ensure standards are met. That includes funding for School Hardening. I will point out the gentleman from florida, my friend, is not completely correct. The conditions do not apply to separate state and local stop School Violence funding. They do apply to the cop funding. There is School Funding in the cop portion of the funding but not in the separate state and local funding. That is an important distinction. I take a backseat to no one when it takes to working again School Violence in violence. In 2018, a high school in my home county lost 14 children and three Staff Members who were murdered at the marjory Stoneman Douglas high school chaos. My colleague and i have worked with max and worked well together for years to fund the stop School Violence act and School Hardening measures and we will continue to do that. But i cannot support this amendment. Everyone has a right to safety in school, at home, and in their community. We also cannot ignore that too often, Police Presence in schools often leads to disproportionate disciplinary action for students of color. That is why we need to make sure there is accountability and these funds are tied to making those important changes so that everyone, including the students who attend the schools, feel safe in school. We should be unequivocal in demanding changes to Police Practices that will ensure the safety of communities of color who disproportionately face violence and harassment. I will close by sharing a story with you. When ir of years ago started with congressman hastings and our community, a Law EnforcementCommunity Task force, a young lady who was than the student body president at dillard high school, talked to us at our opening roundtable. She claimed to the leaders before her that on our side of town, meaning mine, where my family and i live and our district stands from the ocean to the everglades and broward congresswoman, on your side of town when there is police,nd kids see the they run toward the police because the police are looked at as a safe haven. , onresswoman, congressman my side of town, when kids feel unsafe and see danger and they see the police, they run away from the police because that is the instinct, unfortunately, and the experience of too many children of color. So yes, we need to make important, significant changes to end the reality of Police Brutality in the lives of too many communities every single day. We dont have to sacrifice equity in policing and Law Enforcement in order to protect our schools. We can and most must do both. I yield back. Chair lowey if there is no further debate, the number from florida is recognized for one minute to close. Diazbalart i could not disagree in stronger terms. Using the safety of our children in our schools to put pressure on our Police Departments is friendly something i cannot agree with. One thing has nothing to do with another. This has nothing to do the safety of our children in schools have nothing to do with the issues of policing around the country. This is not theory. Our schools have been proven to be targets. They have been proven to be targets. All this language does is say lets separate these two aspects and make sure we dont put at risk the funds that chairman serrano and Debbie Wasserman schultz and i have fought so hard sure hard for. Lets not jeopardize them because they are unrelated and lets not use the safety of our children as a Pressure Point to get other things done. Priority. D take s tos not use them as pawn get other things done. Theres an opportunity to very nearly, very nearly, and i do this with rate respect, very this schoolve out safety, School Hardening so that we do not put it at risk. I would ask for your favorable consideration. Woman. You, madam chair chair lowey the question is on the mm and offered by the member from florida. All those in favor say aye. Those opposed say no. And the have it amendment is not adopted. Workedded vote has been been requested. All those in favor of recorded vote raise your hand. A sufficient number, the clerk will call the roll. Call] [no audio] chair lowey on this boat, the nays are 32,nd the the amendment is not adopted. For what purpose does the member from florida rise . Madame chair i have an amendment at the desk. Chair lowey mr. Rutherford. Oh. Understand the i eminent has changed. Correct. Erford the clerk will read the amendment. Page 78, beginning line 15, strike or community or unit policing Services Program and insert or for the uses , oneibed in sections 1701 in the hole and two in the whole anditle i of the 1968 act, 2. Chair lowey the member from florida is recognized for five minutes on the amendment. Rep. Rutherford thank you, madam chair. This amendment will really diazbalart amendment and open all of these programs with in the cops grants and give local Law Enforcement access to these funds for school enforcement, information sharing, and active Shooter Training. As this bill is currently written, lawenforcement agencies and local and state legislatures would have to meet arduous requirement in order to qualify for these important grants. Grants that i heard people all r while there is bipartisan support for Police Reform, this bill does not provide a pathway to achieve many of those ideas. Instead, it takes a heavyhanded approach outlining role mandate that are a step toward nationalizing local and state Law Enforcement, not toward keeping our communities safer. The underlying provisions of this bill serves funding from localities who do not or cannot comply with a long list of partisan demands. Funding that keeps our kids safe in school, that improves tribal Law Enforcement, that helps keep drugs out of our communities, all programs that i believe everyone in this room supports. Many of these programs affected by this provision have previously enjoyed, as i said, wide bipartisan support. I have worked with many of my colleagues on this committee on both sides of the aisle to pass and implement the stop School Violence act of 2018. A Bipartisan Group of almost 100 members, 69 democrats in 28 republicans, sent a letter to this Committee Supporting the program. I would hate to see these programs, which have broad bipartisan support, go unutilized or underutilized because of a long list of artisan demands. Partisan demands. Lets make sure our state and local Law Enforcement agencies have access to these important programs. I urge adoption of this amendment and i yield back. Chair lowey mr. Serrano is recognized. Rep. Serrano thank you. Bill addresses the urgent need for change in policing practices and accountability. It ensures that federal funds are not used as a port discriminatory and harmful behavior. Many of the provisions in this one passed by this house a month ago. Act, there are components that establish limitations on eligibility on Grant Programs. On arovisions placed guarantee that those who receive federal funding adhere to the policing standard as passed in the George Floyd Justice in policing act. If you voted yes for the George Floyd Justice in policing act, i encourage you to vote no on this amendment. I urge a no vote on this amendment and i yield back. Mr. Aderholt is recognized. Rep. Aderholt thank you. I support the amendment by imposing new, unauthorized conditions on the cops program, the majority has chosen to halt funding for many programs with strong bipartisan some work. One of these in particular is the Law EnforcementMental Health and wellness act, which provides crucial care for officers that have Critical Mental Health issues that may develop or reduce the rate of officer death by suicide. The occupational fatality rate for Law Enforcement is three to five times greater than the National Average for the working population. The officer who protects us must also protect against incapacitating mental and Emotional Health problems as well as against hazards to their job. I have heard rackley from lawenforcement community directly from the Law Enforcement community in the district i represent on the toll that the career can have on an individual and the growing needs for resources for those threatened by this. As i mentioned earlier in my opening remarks, the underlying bill would jeopardize programs such as the regional information sharing activities, the taskmeth and antiheroin force as well. Theuld urge a yes on gentleman from floridas amendment and i yield back. Chair lowey ms. Granger is recognized. Granger i support the gentleman from floridas a minute. Knows firsthand the potential impact of the language and i agree that it should be stripped from the bill. It is shortsighted to condition state and local Law Enforcement assistance on activities far outside the control of our police and sheriffs department. One program that would be affected is the police act Grant Program thats restraining to i am sorry to counteract shooters and terrorists. This program enhances the ability of Law Enforcement to secure the scene and increases the chances someone involved in one of these tragic event will be able to survive youd in 2020 alone, this program will train at least 20,000 First Responders. That is exactly the type of training needed to keep our Community Safe and professionalize the ranks of our Law Enforcement officers. I find it really sad that we would be placing unreasonable conditions on assistance that could hold up funds indefinitely. I urge support for the amendment and i yield back. Chair lowey if there is no further debate, the member from florida is recognized on the amendment. Ms. Mccollum seeks recognition. Chair lowey you are recognized. Mccallum i am from st. Paul, minnesota, and we have seen the unrest in st. Paul and minneapolis. I would like to go over again the nine conditions. I used to Teach High School so i know what its like in the lunchroom and i know what it is like when you are worried about students committing suicide and they do the next morning, and when weapons come into schools. Im going to go over the nine conditions we are talking about. Nine conditions that they are acting too. It is to improve Police Practices. Eliminate racial profiling. And implicit bias. Eliminate Excessive Force and choke holds. Chokehold is what killed the man who brought the civil unrest forward. Eliminating no knock warrants in drug cases. You know recently there was the case where a woman was shot and murdered and her own home in a no knock warrant. Eliminating contractual arrangements that prevent investigations of Law Enforcement misconduct. Eliminating Sexual Conduct between police and persons in their custody. Folks, i dont think thats asking for too much, i think thats common sense. I suggest a no vote on this amendment. If there is no further debate, the member from florida is recognized on the amendment for one minute to close. Rep. Rutherford thank you. I would point out those are for a law, not a policy. Thats where i think theres going to be tremendous challenges at the state and local level. One of the cornerstones of our democracy is our diversified Law Enforcement authorities who are accountable to the individual communities they serve. Gut thel begins to concept of home role and dangerously moves toward nationalization of state and local Law Enforcement, a move that threatens the very democracy we are all sworn to protect. I will close with a prediction, madam chair, and that is come millionr, the 300 34 334 million placed into the cops programs so wisely by chairman serrano and raking member air hold, we will discover most of that money will still be there. Willmy word, of that money still be there because they will not be able to meet these arduous demands for laws versus policy. With that, i yield back. Chair lowey the question is on the amendment offered by the member from florida. All those in favor say aye. Those opposed say no. In thes have it amendment is not adopted. [indiscernible] recorded vote has been requested. All those in favor of a recorded vote, raise your hand. A sufficient number being in support of the recorded vote, it is ordered. The clerk will call the roll. [roll call] [no audio] chair lowey on this boat, the 30. Are 22 and the nays the amendment is not amendment is not adopted. Is there any further discussion . Seeing none, i recognize the gentlewoman from ohio for motion and i ask for your support on this bill. I moved to favorably record the appropriations act to the house. Chair lowey the question is on the motion, all those in favor say aye. Those opposed say no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. Madam chair . I would like to ask for a roll call vote. Chair lowey a recorded vote has been requested. In favor, raise your hand. A sufficient number, the clerk will call the roll. [roll call] [no audio] any member does wish to record their vote or change their vote . The clerk will tally. [no audio] on this boat, the ayes are 30 and the nose are 22. Allowedt the stuff be staff the allowed i ask that the staff the allowed to make technical changes to the bill. Seeing no objection, so ordered. David . [no audio] [indistinct conversations] chair lowey my colleagues, we made an executive decision but it will depend on your cooperation. D. Will move directly to thu [applause] i know many people have planes to catch tomorrow, etc. , so if we can keep our comments brief, we are hoping we can finish this bill by 7 00. All in favor . Good. I am glad you agree with my executive decision. We are moving ahead. Ok. [indistinct conversations] i madeirman and decisions ok. [gavel] [indistinct conversations] [indistinct conversations] [indistinct conversations] [gavel] chair lowey our third order of Business Today is consideration of the transportation, housing and urban Development Appropriations bill for fiscal year 2021. I will recognize mr. Price to present the bill. Rep. Price thank you, madam chairman. I guess we can assume everyone is ready for the main event. Proud to present the fiscal 2021 transportation, housing and urban Development Agencies appropriations bill. Before i mention some of the highlights, i want to once again thank our Ranking Member and former chairman of this subcommittee, mario diaz bullard, for his diaz bullard, for his cooperation and collaboration. He is a pleasure to work with. I also want to thank chairman lowey for her leadership, represented ranger for her steady leadership, and all of the members of the committee on both sides of the contributed ideas to shape this bill. Finally, i want to recognize our excellent professional staff, our clerk has done a terrific job and always does. He also benefits from a great team. We are also lucky to have another clerk and his colleague. I also want to thank sean maxwell from my personal staff and mr. Diazs staff. We appreciate the hard work these people have done these past months under very unusual conditions. Billyears thud represents a commitment to safety, improving Affordable Housing, upgrade aging of the structure and bolster our nations resiliency to a changing climate. At the same time, as covid continues to sweep the country, we ensure that vulnerable youth,ions homeless, communities of color, the thesey, disabled vulnerable communities remain at the forefront of our efforts. The bill includes discretionary funding and increase of 1. 6 billion over 2020, and 16. 7 billion over the budget request. We are grateful for receiving a healthy allocation and grateful for more than 3 billion in offsetting receipts, which all combine, have allowed us to make Real Progress on our housing and transportation and infrastructure needs. The bill also includes major increases in Contract Authority for formula programs that draw resources from the Highway Trust Fund rather than direct appropriations. That is an increase of 14. 7 billion for highways, i . 8 billion for transit compared to last years level. This is consistent with the invest in america act that passed the house as part of hr t2. Cdbg,vide increases for and to help spur Community Revitalization and the production of new, of oral housing. We fully renew all housing choice vouchers to keep people stably house. We provide 250 million to new vouchers targeted at homeless families and others at risk, and increase homeless assistance grants by approximately 23 over last years level. The largest increase in over a decade. The bill also includes an 11 increase for the Public Housing capital fund and set asides in that fund to address Urgent Health and safety issues youd issues. It also does right by transportation. Amtrak receives more than 2 million. The heavily oversubscribed build Program Receives 1 billion. The popular chrissy program for passenger and freight rail improvements is funded at 500 Million Dollars, a deliberate increase of more than 50 over last year. We provide sufficient resources for fdas Capital Investment grants known as new starts, to ensure that all transit projects in the pipeline can move forward. And we provide nearly half a billion dollars for discretionary grants for buses, bus facilities, and the low, no sion program. The faa, in the wake and 737disasters, max disasters, and boost certification enforcement and to higher safety personnel. Safety must always room in a top priority, particularly at the faa. There are more highlights but i will stop there. These investments will take us forward as our nation faces and if a structure crisis, and that term is not hyperbole. Under the leadership of chairwoman lowey, we have included an emergency title that provides for an additional 75 million for Infrastructure Investments to revitalize our Transportation Networks, jumpstart Affordable Housing production, and further reduce the disgraceful Public Housing capital backlog. The cost orect to think it inappropriate to designate this as emergency spending, but i would ask, what is the cost of continuing inaction for our economy and communities . While neighbors of both parties bemoan crumbling info structure, this legislation is an opportunity to prove that congress, if not the administration, is actually serious about the issue, willing to address the issue, particular as we contemplate the transition from pandemic the full recovery. Finally, i want to underscore that funding on this bill and the accompanying report promote equity and resilience for all communities. We set aside funding for areas of persistent poverty, provide dedicated funding for dot and hud to offer more Technical Assistance to grantees, and boost funding for programs that expand opportunity from housing counseling to Workforce Development to minority internship programs. The bill also seeks to protect taxpayer dollars by incorporating resilience principles into many dot and hud programs that help shape our communities. Not just at the time of disasters. This means tilting smarter by building smarter by requiring Hazard Mitigation and upgrading building codes. It also includes nearly 5 billion in dedicated funding to make water and Energy Efficiency improvements and ensure properties are more resilient in the face of natural disasters. In closing, the departments and programs funded by the tea hud bill are integral to our way of bill are integral to our way of life. Every day, our constituents see the results of an adequate investment in info structure. Natural disasters are increasing in severity and number, exacerbated by increasing Climate Change. Meanwhile, covid19 is ravaging communities, revealing and deepening existing disparities. This bill does its part to meet these challenges headon. I want to again thank our Ranking Member as well as colleagues, on the committee from both sides of the aisle. We have been able to accommodate Something Like 90 of the member requests on this bill from both sides of the aisle. We have worked collaboratively and cooperatively and we look forward to continuing this to enact this legislation into law. Thank you, madam chair. Chair lowey i would like to recognize the subcommittee Ranking Member, mr. Diazbalart. Rep. Diazbalart thank you. Im going to have to take this offer now. Thank you chairman lowey for presenting this bill. I also want to thank you for your leadership on this committee. The remarkable relationship you and the Ranking Member have had in subcommittee and now in full committee, your leadership is evident in this bills investment in safety in rail, safety and housing, and in safety and in safety. Again, you have left a really deep mark with your service. Yesterday, you talk about how impressed you were with the members of the committee here, but i would tell you that a big part of that is your leadership and meaner, and the fact that you are a class act, so thank you, thank you, thank you madam chairwoman. I would also, chairman price, both majorityf, and minority staff. I will mention a couple of people. Shalonda and annemarie are probably the most sleep deprived people in d. C. But they have a great spirit. The chairman also mentioned chris. Chairman price has drafted a , thatno surprise thoroughly addresses the transportation and Housing Needs of our nation. He has also once again really gone out of his way to include the vast majority of the requests from members of both sides of the aisle. An honorablee is person who has been transparent, honorable, straightforward and a privilege and pleasure to work with. I could have a better partner. Once again he is include policies, programs and oversight measures that will surely improve the way agencies in this bill serve constituents. I would like to thank him for a number of things especially. He included 300 million for Port Infrastructure grants, which is not just important to coastal states like florida, but the entire nations freight network. It includes 389 million for the Maritime AcademyTraining Program that will fully fund a training ship in texas. He had to make some tough decisions to get that money, and by fully funding the ship, the chairman chose the right policy for our Maritime Academies to bring this new Training Vessel into Service Without delay. The bill continues investments in rail, transit, highways, infra structure. This will build on progress the committee has made in the past, creating jobs and spurring innovation. Move airf the faa will traffic modernization programs for word, improve safety and just noise concerns across the nation. The bill includes funding to renew Housing Assistance to all households currently served. Let me mention why this is important and we cant take this for granted what the chairman has done. These programs are cart about 2 billion in additional funding just to keep up with the inflation and i am grateful to the chairman. It is our duty to meet this commitment, especially for our elderly, disabled and veterans. I also applaud the chairman for including innovations to address homelessness in america, including families at risk of becoming homeless, victims of Domestic Violence and veterans. Again, the chairman has done i think a remarkable job. Most i strongly support components of this bill, a fine bill he is crafted in a very responsible way, i unfortunately at this time cannot support the entire bill before us at this time. Let me say why. The bill includes as we have heard, 75 billion in emergency infra structure spending. This is outside of last years bipartisan budget agreement. This funding puts frankly our entire process, the hard work, at risk. Controversialme dod and hud measures. They were dropped last year consistent with the budget agreement and should be dropped again so we dont get stuck in unnecessary policy disputes. Despite these concerns, chairman price, i want to thank you once again, for making some really important, tough policy decisions in this bill, and also again for the way you have treated the members of this committee, the members of congress, myself, in putting together this very responsible piece of legislation we have today. I am hoping we can move forward. I am sure we will be able to have a bipartisan agreement after this is all said and done, as we need to do. With that, i yield back. Chair lowey i would now like to recognize myself for opening remarks. First of all, thank you chairman price and Ranking Member diazbalart. Again thet to think incredible staff. We will mention all of the names another time, but our staff is incredible on the Appropriations Committee. 2021 bill ever since a forwardlooking vision to rebuild our nation, strengthen our communities come and together we can revitalize our infrastructure, modernize our transportation system, protect the traveling public, expand access to safe, Affordable Housing, and support our most vulnerable neighbors. The emergency funding in this bill is pivotal to kickstart a strong and equitable recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and the ensuing economic collapse. After an unprecedented year of challenges, the investments in this bill lay the foundation for sustained Economic Growth and expanded opportunity for every american in every corner of our nation. This bill would fund safety upgrades on our roads and rails as well as research to improve safety technology. It would increase funding for amtrak by 50 million, which is 1. 1 billion above the president s paltry requests. For the increase northeast quarters by 50 million. This bill provides significant funding for the gateway projects , one of the most important transportation initiatives in our country. Gateway will improve safety for millions and bolster the economy for the entire nation. In addition, the bill provides 26 billion in emergency funding to strengthen our nations aging infrastructure. Housing is fundamental to every aspect of our lives, but the costofliving, especially housing, continues to play nificant place can sick place significant strain on her constituents, including seniors, low income families, people with disabilities and veterans. Covid19 has only compounded this reality. This bill would make lifechanging investments for americans, including 3. 5 billion for Community Development lock grants, which the president s budget request sought to eliminate. Rental increases assistance, homeless assistance grants, while blocking the trumpet and its duration cool policy Trump Administrations cruel policies viewed it also provides funding to meditate the looming cobit housing crisis and two mitigate the looming covid crisis. It makes dramatic improvements to our nations infrastructure and the daytoday lives of the people we represent. I would like to recognize Ranking Member granger for her opening remarks. Rep. Granger i would like to think chairman price and ranking rt for theirbala work. The programs in this bill reach into all of our communities, creating more Economic Opportunity and improving the quality of life for the American People. The bill continues key transportation infrastructure and safety programs, including highway, transit and port funding. Funding provided for airport and for structure and air traffic modernization is critical for the Aviation Industry as it recovers from the coronavirus pandemic. I want to think chairman price for working with Ranking Member diazbalart to include many of the priorities of members on our side of the aisle. Unfortunate, there are some provisions in this bill that will prevent me from supporting it. The bill is not consistent with the twoyear budget deal signed into law just one year ago. This bill includes an additional 1. 6 billion above fiscal year 2020 because a portion of the military construction and Veterans Affair bill has been declared an emergency simply to make room for more spending on this and other bills. The budget agreement last december was built on understanding there would not be controversial policy writers riders. Language is included that prevents the department of transportation, reallocating funds from the failed california highspeed rail project as well as language that was stripped that would strip adulatory authorities at the apartment of housing and urban develop it. A 75y, the bill includes billion of new emergency spending, including components of the infrastructure bill that were pushed to the house without republican involvement. I did not support that bill because it was a departure from years of partisan work on infrastructure priorities and i cannot support this spending until there is a serious discussion with members on our side of the aisle. The best way to advance housing and transportation opportunities for all of our constituents and get funds in a timely manner is to work together. The programs in this bill are too important important to be dd bipartisan politics. I hope we can address these problems. Thank you, madam chair. I yield back. Thank you. Are there any other members wishing to make short, general comments about the bill . With his is recognized. Congratulate the chair and diaz belied. As our natives our nation faces economic crises, this bill is needed to stimulate the economy and put americans back to work. The chairmans mark would do just that. Im especially pleased the bill includes 25 million for a Pilot Program to restore industrial and distressed communities left behind. We know that feeling well in the industrial midwest. They have never fully recovered from naftas devastating effects. These funds are needed. We must ensure a much more Robust Program is included in the covid19 recovery legislation. This bill makes critical investments in several transportation programs that are the lifeblood of our economy in the regular appropriations. This bill provides record funding for the st. Lawrence Seaway Administration as well as amtrak. The chairmans mark rejects amtraks now its on the time to deconstruct our nations transportation infrastructure. The bill provides 10 million in new funds to provide Supportive Housing for intergenerational families. I have seen the effects of economic dislocation in the Opioid Crisis. These funds would help a great deal. I am grateful for the inclusion of robust funding for section four capacity building. We must think creatively to employ these funds to inspire the next ruination next generation. We will never realize a zero fatality Transportation Division without addressing drunk driving headon. This committee is funding the development of leadingedge technology such as the driver alcatel driver alcohol detection. Invest inntinue to existing technologies to stub drunk drivers while also betting emerging technologies. Mr. Womack is recognized. Thank you, madam chair. Morning totime this express some disappointment of something not in the bill that has been in previous bills. I am talking about the livestock haulers, the Electronic Logging Device exemption. It is common sense. It has been in the bill for three years. It has been supported by both sides of the aisle. Anybody that has a connection to livestock haulers should surely understand that they have two issues going on simultaneously. Looking out for the safety of the motoring public. But also the care and wellbeing of a precious cargo. Provideeld regulations little flexibility for those holding live animals. Can result in sickness and death, especially in the hot weather. Most of our country lacks the infrastructure to load and unload livestock along major roadways, forcing livestock haulers to adhere to a onesizefitsall regulatory environment. Lets think about the coronavirus. We do not have to think in this room behind a mask to understand the hardship covid19 has had. Caller livestock lovestruck livestock hauler. Has beeny chain hardship to coronavirus. We are going to add to the injury by not giving an exemption to the hauling of livestock. Sometimes, i just shake my head. What are we thinking . Yield toe happy to the Ranking Member, madam chair, i just cannot believe that under these conditions, even under normal conditions, that we would not have an exemption for the people hauling the protein we are going to feed on. Thank you, madam chair. I would like to begin by commending chairman price and the staff are putting together a great appropriations bill for fiscal year 2021. I would like to thank him for including language in the report to address the issue of field dumping by commercial airlines. In january of this year, a lowflying airline on an emergency approach to lax dumped 85,000 pounds of dump of jet fuel over my district including over several Elementary Schools where children were playing outside as well as in neighboring immunities. This event was traumatic for the children and families. The jet fuel was dumped at low altitude. The fuel did not properly disperse into the atmosphere as is typical when airlines dump fuel to make an emergency landing. As a result, children in my district were doused with jet fuel and several individuals had to be medically evaluated. Isponding to this emergency, discovered the faa does not keep track of when and where field dumps happen. Where fuel dumps happen. Willanguage in this bill require fa will require the faa to report on domes that happened from 2015 through 2020 and the process the faa uses to review fuel dumps. This will provide congress with the information needed to evaluate current practices and make any adjustments to protect our neighborhoods. This language will also help my community and the surrounding neighborhoods and americans throughout the country know that Congress Takes these experiences seriously and that we are actively working to prevent this kind of traumatic event from happening again in any community. Hi again thank the chair and i yield back the balance of my time. Mr. Kilmer is recognized. Thank you, madam chair. Let me thank the chair, he member and the staff for work on this bill. Too many folks in my district really struggled to keep up with the cost of housing. I am grateful this bill makes investments to help communities like bremerton and to, and countless others i represent, make progress toward meeting demand for Affordable Housing. This bill provides critical investments in the Public Housing capital fund. Working to develop finance and modernize Public Housing. It provides support for programs to help local nonprofits and Community Organizations deliver direct Financial Assistance to help folks make the leap to homeownership. The bill also invest in the diverse Transportation Needs in regions like mine from promoting development to funding ferry systems and providing an additional 10 million for low and no emission ferry grants, which have helped electrify one of the most bully used routes in kitsap county. This will create jobs reduce the climate impacts of our transportation system. That includes Capital Funding for investment grants to support mass transit agencies facing challenges from covid19. I am proud this bill recognizes the Important RoleRegional Airports play in serving the Emergency Preparedness needs of rural communities. As a representative of a region vulnerable to natural disasters, i know how critical airports are to the Emergency Preparedness and disaster response. Ensures airports can maintain the critical structure they need. I my colleagues to support this bill. I urge my colleagues to support this bill. Price forou, chairman your work in putting this excellent bill together. It takes critical steps toward finally addressing our crumbling infrastructure while we are battling the coronavirus pandemic. It is important we look forward to how we can rebuild the economy. This investment in infrastructure are important to doing this. I am pleased to see a total of 5. 7 billion for amtraks northeast corridor including funds that can be used for the Gateway Program where much work is needed to be done. This bill will go a long way in addressing those needs. This bill represents a historic investment in addressing our nations homelessness crisis. By increasing homeless assistance grants to 3. 4 billion, it provides necessary help to state and local governments as they work to provide permanent housing shelters for these families. Totaler 27 billion in for the public houses and capital fund will ensure residents in public houses can live in safe and wellmaintained homes. By investing 19 billion in the Home Investment Partnership program, unities can work to expand Affordable Housing opportunities for lowincome families. Before i close, i want to thank the for working with me to include language that assures hud acts quickly to reimburse housing authorities for thousands of dollars for having units converted under their rental assistance programs. I thank you again. Arch all ofis and i my colleagues doug and i urge all of my colleagues and i urge all of my colleagues do. Thank you, madam chair. Let me thank david price and diazbalart for their work on this bill. We thank you for your unwavering commitment to our nations infrastructure crisis of Affordable Housing, disaster recovery. Continued support for these programs during the pandemic. You have been a dear friend and steadfast leader for the Fourth District of North Carolina. You to theay thank chair and Ranking Member for providing 78. 7 billion for Service Transportation programs consistent with the invest act. 750 million for the northeast corridor grant. The inclusion of funding for studies in two areas we have worked together on for many years. The first is a qualitative study of how publicly available data on mental property and safety violations impacted landlord and renter behavior. People should be able to know if the apartment there thinking about renting has passed issues has past issues. Effort related to the creation of an eviction database including how information is collected, consistent with civil rights protections to understand evictions trend eviction trends like class is protected under the fair housing act. We have taken necessary steps in the cares act to freeze evictions for federally subsidized housing. The heroes act passed in the house included a critical new 12 month moratorium on nonpayment evictions for all rental housing. Given we could be facing a wave of evictions across the country if the heroes act is not enacted, we have no way to track evictions, which would provide Critical Data for policymaking like deciding where resources should be spent. Tracking evictions was an issue prior to the pandemic. It was needed even more greatly as a result of covid19. These two critical studies will inform our policymaking to pursue how we can best track evictions and how publicly available rental Property Health and safety violations information allows renters to make the right decisions for themselves and their families. I strongly support this appropriations bill and i think the chairman and the Ranking Member for the dedication to making transportation and housing safer and invest in our infrastructure. Mr. Cole is recognized. I want to thank both our chairman and Ranking Member for working so well together in a matter which one of them happens to be chairman in which one happens to be Ranking Member. It has been one of the most effective partnerships. I want to thank our chairman for not retiring this year so these opening remarks can be a lot shorter. [laughter] thank you, mr. Cole. I also want to thank chairman price and ricky member diazbalart for the bipartisan work they have done. I want to mention a couple things. Thank you for the highway rail crossings to make sure we do not cross the street. I want to thank you for that infrastructure money. I also want to say thank you for the money for housing whether it is the homeless or Housing Assistance. And of course, the money you provided to the airports. I want to mention one particular item to close. That is the National SecurityMulti Mission vessel. The three entered 45 Million Dollars to the National SecurityMulti Mission vessel program. This is something that can be assigned so they can go ahead and train merchant marine cadets. Want to say thank you so much. I yelled back the balance i yelled back the balance of my time. Thank you, madam chair. Thank you, chairman price and wrecking memory diazbalart for your hard work on this bill. On to thank the staff. This bill makes critical investments in our transportation and housing infrastructure. I want to thank the committee for including one particular program. Million provides 55 for the federal Aviation Administration to replace air Traffic Control towers, more than doubling the enacted amount in fiscal year 2020. Air Traffic Control towers provide essential services to the airspace system by coordinating the movement of passenger and freight flights safely and efficiently. Despite the critical importance these towers serve, the average age of towers across our nation is 33 years with the oldest towers reaching 65 years. In my district, we have two towers in desperate need of replacement. Chicago Rockford International airport operates one of the oldest towers in the country. 1958, before the federal Aviation Administration was even founded, the tower is too short to allow controllers to adequately see the end of the runway. Continue to face the issues that come with any aging structures such as losing heat during the midwest winter. That is not the kind of environment we should be asking air Traffic Controllers to work in. The air Traffic Control tower is one of the worst buildings ive ever visited during my time in congress. From a roof that leaks into asbestos filled feelings to a basement that floods in almost any storm, this airport is long overdue for a new tower. This funding will help address the backlog of air Traffic Control tower needs and an ourrtant step in ensuring controllers are given the tools to provide for the Safe Movement of people and goods. I yield back. Ms. Clark is recognized. Thank you, let them share. I am grateful for this great bill by a great chairman who has a great relationship with a great Ranking Member and great staff to back it up. These are muchneeded investments. I am particularly grateful for the Domestic Violence piece that you included that will help survivors prevent homelessness and help prevent seniors that come in massachusetts from being evicted in this pandemic. And for all of the Climate Resiliency pieces you added. Thank you. I yield back. Chairwoman and chairman price. I appreciate your leadership and your staffs support throughout the process as we crafted this bill. We are meeting to discuss transportation at a time when so many streets are empty and somebody flights are grounded. We are discussing housing and urban development at a time when upended pandemic has decades of incremental progress in communities across the inland empire where i live. And countless others across this country like it. Everyone is struggling right now. Some will get through these times better than others. That is why am grateful for the muchneeded focus on homelessness. It includes a 250 million increase for programs to reduce unsheltered homelessness. Torly 25 billion to boost reduce the Public Housing maintenance backlog. Im also pleased my colleagues incorporated so many of the provisions i called for in this legislation. Transit Oriented Development policies and a Pilot Program that helps state and local government make smart Infrastructure Investments to increase Affordable Housing near public transportation. Regionaln to find a infrastructure reseller reader, which helped infrastructure accelerator. Administrations callous Public Housing rule. Targeting undocumented immigrants that houses that threatens the housing of 55 million american children. This is a 76 billion investment in American Progress at a time when so much of our society is grounded to a halt. These funds will ensure people in my community do not have to face the perils of coronavirus without the security of a place to call home. This bill makes the investments we need to one day on shutter our economy again. Im proud to support it. I am proud to have worked on it under the superb leadership of our chairwoman. Amore i end, let me say i truly grateful for the opportunity to serve under your leadership as Appropriations Committee chairwoman. Especially as we review such an important bill to my district. The committee will miss your leadership and your letter sent and your legislative legacy is an inspiration to all of us. Well, thank you. It does not appear there are any of the members wishing there are other members wishing to make misses lawrence, you are going to be the last member. We eagerly await your comments. Thank you, madam chair. I am so excited. I want to be on the public records. The cochair of the bipartisan congressional caucus on foster youth. I have fought tooth and nail to prioritize the Mental Health of children who are entering the foster care system. I so grateful of the chairman and the committee included language that acknowledges the mental anguish suffered by foster youth. It strongly recommends the u. S. Department of housing and urban development provide enhanced funding for collaboration with the department of health and Human Services to identify and support programs that could promote Mental Health screening for foster youth. It goes further to note that their understanding that Mental Health screening should occur within 30 days of a child entering the foster care system just as we do physical health screenings. We know if a child is in foster care, they have experienced a trauma in their life. Thank you so much. This is what we should be doing. Are there any other members wishing to make general comments about the bill . Wishingo other member to make opening remarks, i would be delighted to recognize chairman price to offer a managers amendment. Madam chair, thank you. I do indeed have a managers amendment at the desk. Mr. Praise is recognized. Has amendment is technical corrections to the bill. Some noncontroversial language as well to clarify the intent of a few parts. We have worked with my friend, mr. Diazbalart, and accommodated many requests from both sides of the aisle. We are confident in asking colleagues to support the minute. Wrecking member diazbalart. Ranking member diazbalart. I yield back. Are there any other members wishing to be her . I to be hard . I recognize wishing to be heard. . We asking colleagues for support. All those in favor say aye. Those opposed say no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes. Have it. Are there any further amendments . For what purpose does the member from florida rise . I have an amendment at the desk. The clerk will read the amendment. Went to ask unanimous consent the reading be dispensed with. Without objection, the reading of the amendment is dispensed with. You. Ank sectionndment strikes 193, which prevents the dot from reallocating funds from the failed speedway project. Last year, the the dot cancel this agreement for the reason the California Highspeed Rail Authority failed to comply with the terms of the agreement. Costs escalated from 33 billion almost 100 billion for 100 billion. The initial service was going to be delayed from 2022 to as late as 2029. Even Governor Newsom through in the towel on the project, scrapping the original thread or 80 mile route from San Francisco to los angeles because he said the project would cost too much and take too long and only committed to trying to complete a smaller segment from bakersfield to merced. After canceling the agreement, dot d obligated 900 deobligated and hundred 9 million in unused funds. This funding should be made available for other real projects including other rail projects including other worthy projects in california. Girardi is forza the majority is forcing dot to lock these funds away if there is any litigation on the project. My amendment would free up these funds for worthy projects that are ontime, on budget and that create jobs and opportunity. I would urge a yes vote. Chairman price is recognized. I rise in opposition to this amendment. My colleague is addressing the merits of the california highspeed rail project. That is not the question before us today. Us is thefore question of whether the project should or should not be built in the midst of this litigation and in the midst of an agreement to work it out through the legal system. The question about whether it should or should not be built is not before us. The section of the bill we mimic aims to strike simply upholds an agreement that the department of transportation and the state of california have already reached. Agreed2019, the parties to freeze the fiscal year 2010 highspeed rail until a decision is reached in federal court on the decision to deobligate funding for the project. Dot to 193 merely holds that agreement. The question of dot was right or wrong to terminate the grant agreement, we can debate that all we want. That is not what we are deciding today. It will have its day in court. In and the existing language insurers it has its day in court and we respect the legal process. Hired to my colleagues to vote against the amendment. I urge my colleagues to vote against the amendment. Mr. Diazbalart. I strongly support this amendment. I want to thank mr. Rutherford for bringing it up. I do not think we should limit the ability of agencies to reallocate funds from projects that have proven to fail to deliver. They have failed to deliver on their grant agreement. This amendment would free up nearly a billion dollars from a project that has not lived up to its expectations and has not delivered on the original agreement. I thank the gentleman for bringing it up. I would support it. Ms. Granger is recognized. Yes, thank you, madam chair. I also supported the amendment. It is unfortunate the majority included a rider that locks away funds recovered from the highspeed rail project. Those funds should be made available for other Infrastructure Projects that deserve our support. Mr. Rutherfords amendment improves this bill by freeing up funds for other needs. I thank the gentleman for offering the amendment. I urge a yes vote. Madam chairman. Ay over here thank you, madam chairman. I could not help myself. I support this amendment. This project is the biggest boondoggle in the history of boondoggles. For god sake, lets be merciful and put a fork in it and pass this amendment. [laughter] debatehere is no further , the member from florida is there anymore . The member from florida is recognized for one minute to close. Thank you, madam chair. I will be quick and say that i do not think we should reward failure. If programs are not executed as promised, the agencies under our jurisdiction should recover those funds and allocate them where they are needed. This is common sense stewardship hard arentayers a vote. The question is on the amendment offered from the number from part appeared all those from florida. All those in favor say aye. In the opinion of the chair, the nos have it. The amendment is not adopted. Ready . Ok. For what purpose does the member from North Carolina rise . I have an amendment to the desk. The clerk will read the amendment. I ask the reading be dispensed with. The reading of the amendment will be dispensed with. The member of North Carolina is recognized for five minutes on the amendment. Madam chair, i would hopefully agree that this is a highly appropriate member appropriate amendment. And has to do with requiring passengers on board airplanes, amtrak trains in certain Public Transit vehicles to wear a face mask for the duration of the declared covid emergency. Health risk of covid19 remained dire as. Cases skyrocket in many states. Scientist and Public Health experts agree that one of the simplest things we can do in the most important things is to wear a mask. Evidencee months, the and advice has only become stronger as to how important the simple act of wearing a mask can be. Mandates that until this pandemic is over, commercial airlines, the large transit agencies require passengers and employees to wear a fast mask a face mask when on board a plane, train or bus. Ensuring we protect each other is not just the right thing to do. It also provides confidence to the public when it comes to travel. Whether it is a quiktrip to the store across town or a longer journey across the country. Many of us have experienced what it is like to travel from our district to washington by plane. We have experienced the uneven safety protocols of air travel in the time of covid. Some airlines have blocked middle seat. Others have not. It is nearly impossible to social distance on aircraft and many other modes of public transportation. While Many Airlines and many transit agencies have required passengers to wear a mask, these policies are not universal. The enforcement is uneven. We are not just talking about members of congress. We are talking about everyone who travels. Healthcare care workers, caregivers, Grocery Store employees, retail workers. So many other essential people rely on trains and buses and transit to get to and from work each day. Telework is not an option for these frontline heroes. Just as we are wear a mask in this hearing room, at the Grocery Store and in public, everyone can and should wear a mask while on a plane, train or bus. As a matter of common sense. It is a basic consideration of each other. My amendment adds a proven measure of safety to travel and provides a modicum of reassurance to the traveling public and dedicated workers from flight attendants to Bus Operators who keep our Transportation Networks running. The languages familiar the language is familiar to us by virtue of its inclusion in the heroes act. Chair. K you, madam i rise in support of the amendment, which would require something that should have been already required. The use of masks on major forms of mass transit on major forms of transportation. As my home state of florida faces record breaking numbers of covid19, we can no longer rely on good faith alone to see us through this pandemic. As a nation, we have to get more serious about a simple improvement tool that has helped flatten the curve in countries around the world. Masks must be required on mass transit. The future wellbeing of our country depends on it. This is common sense during a pandemic. In a few weeks, we have committees across the country facing children returning to school. The more people that are circulating through our communities and our economy, more critical it is that we are Wearing Masks that protect one another from one another. It is absolutely essential. Many americans do not understand the Scientific Evidence or worse, they view the adoption of this basic safety measure eyes undermining their freedom somehow or as an affront to their political belief. My right and youre right to live without fear of being exposed to a deadly virus by my neighbor is an important right that need acknowledgment. The right to stay healthy and not have someone else infect you because of their impudence. At a time of unprecedented fear and confusion, the added the adage knowledge is power has never been more relevant. It is why i am introducing the how awareness and prevention products you act. Createl that would National Campaign through the cdc to improve public understanding of the tools and methods to reduce the transmission of covid19. As communities proceed through the various phases of the reopening, understanding how to protect ourselves and each other is critical. People are dying. People are becoming infected. In many cases, they are becoming infected because of others ref usal to wear a mask or sadly, their own refusal. The marvelous who wear a face mask, the more lives that are saved. That is scientific simplicity. As members of a civilized society, it is our shared responsibility to keep one another safe. We must think of our neighbors and our colleagues in wear a mask. We cannot keep this we cannot beat this virus alone unguarded. It is the right thing to do. It also has the benefit of getting the economy back on track more quickly. But is something we can all unite behind that is something we can all unite behind. The hour is late. I going to close this session, but i cannot resist associating myself with the comments of the chairman and the gentleman from florida as i see pictures of people attending mass events in many states around the country without mass, without social distancing and they wonder why the numbers in the United States of america are going and up are going up and up. I think the chairman for your comments. My friend from florida for your comments. I do hope wisdom prevails. I do hope i want to thank all the members who have been here else . Someone ok, i will finish my sentence. I gather i would just like to thank all the members for your cooperation. Wearing the masks, we are socially distant and i think we have accomplished a great deal in these outstanding sessions. I want to thank all the chairs and the members who have been dissipating. Dr. Harris, was it you . Im sorry. I did not see you. I seek recognition. You are recognized. I just want to offer the amendment a couple of questions. Or protective Face Covering. That is different from cdc guidance, which is says face masks. I would like to ask, what is the other protective Face Covering . Is that a bandana . Why is the language different from the cdc language . The language is not deliberately different from the cdc language as far as im concerned. A Face Covering is another name for a mask. This is language that was in the heroes act and was worked out with a number of with extensive consultations. We paid particular attention to it. It does not seem there is anything objectionable. We are talking about a Face Covering and a mask. Ofit inhibits the spread whatever one spreads when one coughs, sneezes or talks. There is a reason i ask. There is an article that discusses whether face shields are better than face mask. Will the gentleman yield . I certainly will. Improvement of the discussion, i am reading from cdc. Gov. This edc recommends people where cloth Face Coverings in public settings, especially when other social distancing writers are difficult to maintain. Coverings most likely to reduce the spread of covid19 when they are widely used by people in public settings. Cloth Face Covering should not be won by children under the age of two. They reportedly they repeatedly refer to as cloth Face Coverings in their guidelines. Right. I reclaim my time. The specific cdc guidance on airplanes just says face masks. There is a reason i ask this. What im getting to is in other places in this amendment, you say or in accordance with cdc guidelines. You do not say it in this part. The reason i ask is because if law, if the part of cdc for instance says face shields are in fact as the evolution of protection using Face Coverings of some sort occurs, this edc could say face shields are pfeffer are preferable to face mask. We would be saying unless the languages permissive. That is why i asked, are face shields considered a protective Face Covering . My question is, is that true . Orondly, why not say following cdc guidance . Cdc guidance changes over time with the evolution of scientific knowledge. It sounds like we are saying as congress, this is what it is. Out if this edc figures Something Else and change if the cdc figures out something. Our fascial think youd included in secondly, why not say according to cdc guidance or as recommended by the cdc . I think it is evident from the language that we intend to include face shields. As why the language is that is why the language says what it does and is expansive as it is. Would hope and expect that just as it has become clear over the last three months that probably the most important thing we can do is wear masks. I do not think that was fully appreciated three month ago. Just as busy evolves and as the city as busy evolves in the cdc learns more, i would hope people implementing this legislation would be responsive to that. I believe our languages generic and expansive enough to permit the. Thank you very much. If there is no for the debate, the member from North Carolina is recognized on the amendment for one minute to close. Thank you, madam chair. The amendment ensures uniform standards for Face Coverings, Worker Protection and basic sanitation procedures in accordance with cdc guidelines. Will mirror basic scientific understanding. This is about common decency. It is about protecting each other. It will help restore confidence for travelers. It will help as we get the economy moving. The industryde certainty about what their responsibilities are under the law. All of the stakeholders here should value the specificity and the certainty of this so that nothing is left to chance and that we protect each other. The question is on the amendment offered by the member from North Carolina. All those in favor say aye. Those opposed say no. Any the opinion of the chair, the ayes habit. The amendment have it. The amendment is adopted. What purpose does the member of new jersey rise . I have an amendment at the desk. The clerk will read the amendment. I ask unanimous consent. Without objection. The reading of the amendment is dispensed with. Thank you, madam chair. The member from new jersey is recognized for five minutes. Amendmentfering this to fix technical issues with the Disaster Relief funding for design for survivors of hurricane sandy. Newly eight years ago, sandy caused billions of dollars in damage in new jersey as it ravaged the east coast. For complex reasons, many people who were not eligible for Disaster Relief funds are mistakenly awarded money. Now, eight years later, any families are hoping for a large sum or on the hook for large sums. My amendment would allow the secretary of hud to waive recruitment to waive recruitment. One, if the recipient is now deceased. Or two, if the recipient has been defrauded, filed for bankruptcy are gone through foreclosure. It would also protect individuals from having to return funds when they received assistance from multiple programs. This duplication of benefits problem has been a major issue in many disasters and this language is similar to what the house has endured for many for other disasters. As the only member on this committee from the state of new jersey, i am proud to offer this common sense amendment to tovide a pathway leading constituents who have shared heartwrenching stories. Take for example john who have who was on a fixed income. He and his wife have had to cash out Retirement Funds to complete their new home. Since his passing, he left behind a recruitment to his wife. It is wellintentioned folks like these who benefit from this amendment. It makes no sense to recapture funds awarded to an individual who is now was who is now deceased. It is not benefit the Public Interest for hud to reclaim funds from individuals experiencing extreme hardship. That is why i encourage my colleagues to vote yes on this amendment. Recognize i recognize chairman price for one minute to close. I rise in support of the amendment. Amendment i will take just a moment to explain. She has lined out the circumstances under which it would apply very well. I went to i appreciate very much your work on this along with her colleagues from new jersey. Cooperated in putting together what turned out to be a fairly complicated process. In the end, we have a good solution. I am confident in recommending it. Does appear technical and complex. Toreally does boil down fairness for individuals hit by disasters. Iny of us have had disasters our own states many in our own states. Many funding streams can be used. They assist individuals harmed by disasters. Each program has its own requirements. Sometimes people apply for and receive funding from multiple programs without realizing they may be breaking the rules. Sometimes there is a recapture where a grantee some of the money is taken back and used for other purposes, other recovery purposes. Sometimes pursuing a recapture puts the disaster survivor in a completely untenable position. Months or years after the disaster struck, they may face the prospect of losing their home or business by virtue of having money clawed. Revictimizing these individuals is not in anybodys interest. What is what we are dealing with with respect to the sandy disaster. This amendment would implement an approach were grantees in consultation with hud could seek relief in cases where it makes sense. They still provide safeguards against fraud and abuse. Does not increase cost. These are funds that have already been appropriated. It is a good solution, and equitable solution that will offer relief to people who we do not want to revictimize. I should also stress it is similar to a progression included in hr 3702 that passed with bipartisan support under suspension of the rules last november. Its a it simply applies that principle to additional beneficiaries. I want to thank ms. Watson coleman for her work on the issue. Thank you, chairman. I also want to thank congresswoman Watson Coleman for bringing up this issue. Issues thatlar to congressman Waterman Schultz and i have worked on in the past. Chairman price and i have been dealing with this kind of issue for a number of years. The chairman mentioned the bill that passed the house, which is something that we have to continue to push. I look forward to working with him and with congresswoman wasserman congresswoman Watson Coleman. I would urge the adoption. If there is no for the debate, the member from new jersey is recognized on the amendment for one minute to close. Thank you, madam chair. I want to stress it is a common sense fix. I hope my colleagues will vote yes and provide muchneeded relief. Thank you. I yield back. The question is on the amendment offered by the amendment from new jersey. All those in favor say aye. Those opposed say no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. It is adopted. Is there any further amendment or discussion . Seeing none, i recognize the gentleman from ohio for a motion. I asked for your support for this bill. Modem share . Madam chair . Report theavorably transportation and urban Development Appropriation act of 2021 to the house. The question is on the motion. All those in favor say aye. Those opposed say no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. A recorded vote has been requested. All those in favor, raise your hand. A sufficient number being in support. The clerk will call the role. Ladies and gentlemen, please make sure the clerk can hear you. Mr. Agee. Mr. Amedeo. Misters bustos. Aye. Mr. Calvert, no. Mr. Fleischman. No. Mr. Franco. Ms. Granger. No. Dr. Harris. Dr. Harris, no. Mr. Butler. Mr. Butler, no. Mr. Joyce. After joyce, no. Mr. Kilmer. Mr. Chilmark, aye. Misses kirkpatrick. Lee. Aye. Can we please have some quiet . So that the clerk can hear you. Ms. Maine. Aye. Mr. Newhouse. Mr. Newhouse, no. Mr. Palazzo. Mr. Palazzo, no. Mr. Price. Mr. Price, aye. Mr. Quigley. Mr. Quigley, aye. Mr. Rutherford. Mr. Rutherford, no. Mr. Surround him. Mr. Serrano. Aye. Torres. Torres misses ms. Wasserman schultz. Ms. Wasserman schultz, aye. Misses Watson Coleman. Mr. Womack. Mr. Womack, no. Does any member wish to record their vote or change their vote . The clerk will tally. Have to announce it, dona . I have to announce it, dont i . [indistinguishable converstions] thank you, dear. Good work. On this vote, ladies and gentlemen, the ayes are 30. Are 22. To make technical and conforming changes. Seeing no objections, so ordered. Without objection, the committee stands a joint. Three days. Stands adjourned. Three days. During the summer months, reach out to your elected officials with cspans congressional directory. It contains Contact Information to stay in touch with members of congress, federal agencies and state governors. Order your copy online today at cspan store. Org. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] the president s. From public affairs. Available in paperback and ebook. Every president , organized by their ranking by noted historians from best to worst, and features perspectives into the lives of our nations chief executives and leadership styles. Visit our website, topan. Org thepresident s, learn about each president and order your copy today wherever books and ebooks are sold. Next, democratic president ial candidate joe biden talks about clean energy and infrastructure development. He spoke earlier today in delaware