YEah, yEah, yEah. I know. That fEEls good to bE onEEls Goo Top and thE bottom. Happy tuEsday, EvEryonE. EarliEr, prEsidEnt bidEn addrEssEd thE UnitEd Nations GEnEral AssEmbly for thE lasr tT TimE as commandEr in chiEf. HE said, ill miss sai thEir colorful costumE and thEld way thEy sing. Its a small world, AftErEr L all. EarliEr today, thE prEsidEnt Earl thE un, ng lEasEd asking lEadErs from All OvEr ThE World to put asidE thEir diffErEncEs and EnjodEy amEricas quality. HE thEn lEd thE EntirEy AssEmbly in a rousing pErformancE of dEatH To amEric a. But in a sign of goodwill, israEl prEsEntEd him with a monogrammEd pagEr. YEah, so PrEsidEnt Erdogan of turkEy also addrEssEdassEmb ThE GEnEral AssEmbly today, causing onE man to ask, did SomEonE TurkEy . NEw footagE of an unidEntifiEdn jump in scotlands loch NEsshu SuggEstsmp in thaT ThErE might bE two loch nEss monstEr. ThrEE morE and thEyll havE a show. Jill bidEn mEt with Martin ShEEn and othEr actors from thE wEst wing. ShEEn said it wa
[ ] feels good to be on top. And the bottom. Happy tuesday everyone. Earlier today president biden interest united nations general a simile for the last time as commander in chief. He said he will miss their colourful costumes and the way they sing. At the small world after all. Earlier today the president of iran also addressed the u. N. Asking leaders from all over the world to put aside their differences and enjoy america s quality. He then led the entire assembly in arousing performance of death to america. But in a sign of goodwill is representative with a monogram pager. [cheering and applause] [laughter] so the president of türkiye also addressed the general assembly today. Causing 1 man to ask, did someone say türkiye? new footage of an unidentified hump in scotland s loch ness suggests that there might be 2 loch ness monsters. 3 more and they will have a show. [laughter] joe biden met with martin sheen and other actors of the west wing. Sheens it was nice to meet someone
President harris facing claims of flipflopping now former president trump accused of changing his stance on abortion. Israel says tightening its grip on terrorists in the west bank. Of a target. American soldiers are injured or killed 15 isis fighters. Good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. U. S. Central command announcing the raid president biden in delaware. He and vice president kamala harris are expected back in the spotlight next week for their expected to agree to get a campaign rally in the pivotal state of pennsylvania. Lucas tomlinson has life in the white house with more. Good evening. American soldiers in the elite 75th ranger regiment part of the military joint special operations command carried out the daring raid early thursday morning. We are told the assault force hidden isis compound 15 islamic state fighters were killed including some trying to escape. The building was armed with numerous weapons, grenades and explosive suicide belts were told the ame