Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The Supreme Court on Friday asked the office of the Delhi Lieutenant Governor to file a reply on the AAP government plea, seeking the release of funds for its 'Farishtey Dilli Ke' scheme providing free treatment to accident victims. India News | SC Seeks Delhi LG's Response on AAP Government Plea Regarding 'Farishtey Dilli Ke' Scheme.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Friday that his government is working to institutionalise global cultural initiatives and develop a modern system on the lines of similar events in cities like Venice, London and Sao Paulo. India News | Govt Working to Institutionalise Global Cultural Initiatives in India: PM Modi.
Telangana got a new iconic landmark on June 21 when KT Rama Rao inaugurated the Karimnagar cable bridge. Built on the Manair river, it is the biggest cable bridge in South India. Watch stunning images of the bridge. Also, check videos of India s first cable-stayed rail bridge Anji Khad in Jammu & Kashmir.