Surveillance and the sort of central question i want to think about today is can intelligence agencies operate in a Democratic Society and be successful at protecting the government and its citizens while also upholding those same Citizens Rights . Especially the right to dissent. In other words, are liberty and procurity compatible . No doubt, there is a need for intelligence communities to operate. Threats exist from foreign and domestic sources, those threats are real. They have been real throughout u. S. History and they can come from across the political spectrum. But for over a century, in addition to taking real threats to the lives of american citizens, bureaus and agencies within the United States government have surveilled those who have expressed what the Cato Institute described as, quote, Strong Political views that run count toer to the prevailing government paradigm. This challenges the notion by those who support a state of some sort if you have nothing to hide, you hav
Compatible . No doubt, there is a need for intelligence communities to operate, threats exist. Foreign and domestic threats are real. Theyve been real throughout u. S. History. But for over a century in addition to taking action against real threats to the lives of american citizens, bureaus and agencies within the United States government have surveilled those who have expressed what they call Strong Political views that run counter to the prevailing government political paradigm. This challenges the notion that if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. I will come back to that later in our discussion. Maybe you adhere to that view, maybe you are on the fence about it, maybe you reject it. That is fine. We will discuss it later. But the history of abuse of surveillance necessitates that discussion. The same tools used to protect can be used against citizens for sometimes nefarious reasons. Going back in history, in 1908, Teddy Roosevelts attorney general creates a squad o
From foreign and domestic sources, those threats are real. They have been a real threat u. S. History. I think they can come from across the political spectrum. But for over a century, in addition to taking action against real threats to the lives of american citizens, bureaus and agencies within the United States government have surveilled those who have expressed what is described as Strong Political views that run counter to the prevailing government political paradigm. Will this challenge is the notion often expressed, by those who support a surveillance state of some sort, that if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. And i want to come back to that later on in our discussion. Maybe you would hear to that you, maybe you are on the fence about it, maybe you firmly reject it. That is fine, we will have an opportunity to discuss that later. But the history of abuses in domestic surveillance, in this country, necessitates that discussion. Because the same tools that can
Up Citizens Rights especially the right to dissent. No doubt, there is a need for intelligence communities to operate, to exist. Foreign and domestic threats are real. But for over a century in addition to taking action against real threats to the lives of american citizens, bureaus and agencies within the American Government have surveilled those who have expressed what they Cato Institute Strong Political views that run counter to the prevailing government political paradigm. This challenges the notion that those who support the state in some sort that if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. I will come back to that later in our discussion. Maybe you adhere to that view, maybe you are on the fence about it, maybe you rejected. That is fine. We will discuss it. But the history of surveillance necessitates that discussion. Can the same tools used to protect be used against citizens for sometimes nefarious reasons. Going back in history, Teddy Roosevelts attorney general
Knew. But my doubts aside, the health and Human Services is denying it. Do to your knowledge were protocols followed at all time. I am not a ware of any violation of isolation or quarantine protocols. Breaking right now. New reports of a whistleblower. Washington post report a whistleblower complaint. A whistleblower at health and Human Services. A whistleblower complaint. Trish here we go again. Im tired of it. We should be working together to fix this problem. There is time for that later, right . But you deal with the task at hand, would you, please . Instead of working to come together, cnn and others are promoting a kinds of hysteria, almost relishing the declines in our stock market. Its wrong and you should take responsibility. They should provide accurate, nonsensationalized information. But when you are a onenote network that wants to bash the president at every possible turn, what do you expect. It reminds me of their missing plane story. They are taking their cues from polit