there are some supporters here. and he s wasting no time postin a list of things to make americ rate again. what is his bold national visio for. with the objective be a quantum leap in the american standard o living? our objective would be a quantum leap in the american standard of living, almost one third of the landmass of the united states is owned by the federal government, we should hold a contest to charter up to ten new cities and award them t the best proposals for development, and new shop at home ownership in in fact the american dream. you want bold, that s bold, as bold as using hot sauce to treat . that s not a suggestion. some people learn the hard way. we keep hearing about affordabl housing, but no one ever has a handle on that. that s because our cities aren built for adding that in the mix . it s time for news towns, planned wisely. when time could be a solution for the homeless by choice. sure, you could live off the land, but not on my front lawn. you c
join me and great modernization and beautification campaign getting rid of ugly buildings,. getting rid of ugly buildings . that s the best. of course, the guy is into real estate, he knows ugly buildings sucked. i think that was the quote unde his high school picture. we could just hire and tivo to do the rest. here is what we ve got. we ve got new inexpensive practical cities built on available public land, flying cars, also repopulation in beautiful buildings freight all this boils down to optimism which is the best kind of optimism there is. so it s clear he s running for president, and i m zaria, never trumper s in skittish republicans, each of them think he was going to let you get awa unscathed, did you? wake up and get ready come with
may be some financial dealings that have to do with russians. pete: border with chad. president trump as soon as they claimed that phrase fake news. i would call it at this point a fake investigation. never trumper s but the democrats picked up. talking about the free beacon sending them to trump. the never trumper s are behind that. then it passed over to the clintons. fusion gps use the russians through another source. fusion gps has expanded numbers close to reporters in the so-called mainstream media. and also the obama administration and the fbi which recognizes it or presumably wiretapping. this is as bad as they get and it has flipped companies said at last hour. 180 on the democrats. russia, russia, russia was all