The Centre for Neuro Skills is a specialized medical facility that helps people with traumatic brain injury recover their functioning and reclaim their freedom.
Many individuals infected with COVID-19 continue to experience symptoms after recovering from the initial viral infection. Persistent symptoms include neurocognitive and neuropsychiatric symptoms that can interfere with meaningful daily activities and roles. Given the symptom overlap, best practices and evidenced-based techniques for the treatment of concussion/mTBI can inform treatment approaches to manage symptoms and reduce the negative impact of long COVID.
Aerobic exercise is a nonpharmacological intervention that has been shown to improve not only cardiovascular fitness, but also depressive symptoms, and cognition following traumatic brain injury.
The Centre for Neuro Skills is partnering with the American Heart Association and the American Stroke Association. 23ABC's Kallyn Hobmann visited the center to learn more about what they're promoting.