by uber lefty reed hastings that s struggling the streaming service netflix today reported a loss of two hundred thousand subscribers in the first quarter of the year.re0,00 it is the first time in a decade that netflix has reported a loss of subscribers and it said the company s stock plunging by twenty five percent in after hours trading. and for cnn plus it s now cnn negative three hundred million dollars. they got 10,000 subscribers th. imagine the hubris of thinking that something people don t want for free that you re going to charge money. it now turns out not enough to pay extra cash to watch the same people they don t want to watch on a regularar cable shocker t. and now twitter. it s an elon musk fans. to can you believe it now he literally had to come up with forty four billion dollarss to make a stand for free speech. so i don t know his philosophy
. we were competitors whenit he took over for larry kingor and he actually does a great show. it s interesting as soonti as hw walked off wouldn t do the apology. that morning show went from the firstho to last for him.that s t all right.he that s all the time we have left this evening. set your dvr so you never miss. an episode.k yo thank you for making this show possibleu forho. y in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham s b next . we ll see you tomorrow night. i m laura ingram and this is ingraham angle from washington tonight . losing your voice. that s the focus of tonight s angle. now it s been a very bad week or so for the local media.e you had w disney standing with the radicals and now we re we re looking at disney stock this morning, senator . it s down another 1% after losing fifty billion in market0 value in the month of march, stock is falling out of bed as a result, the netflix run