Talk with him about hackers and paralyzed me. Tire societies. Computers that out some are you and governments that go crazy for your data. We explain how these technologies work, how they can go, what was in for, and thats how they can also go terribly. Watch it now on youtube. Ah, this week on world stories, latinos could swing the u. S. Midterm Election Results in iranian woman is fulfilling her dream. In germany, we begin in ukraine where 3000000 people depend on the post office for their pensions. Couriers also deliver anything that cant be bought at the front lines like food and medicine. Luba not got heads out when the air, right alarms stuff. She works in the north east of ukraine, delivering mail and cache pensions. The People Living close to the front lines. They never know when Russian Artillery might hit by the uber swallows for fear war york. What can i say the pension is no me and they wait for me. When i was off work for a man gall, some even called and asked when theyd b
Global ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation. How do we make cities greener . How can we protect animals and their habitats . What to do with all our waste. We can make a difference by choosing reforestation over deforestation recycling over disposable Smart New Solutions over steam set in our ways. Earth is truly unique and we know that that uniqueness is what allows us to live and survive. Google ideas, the environmental series in global 3000 on d, w, and online ah, this week on world stories, latino as could swing the u. S. Midterm Election Results in iranian woman is fulfilling her dream. In germany. We begin in ukraine, where 3000000 people depend on the post office for their pensions. Couriers also deliver anything that cant be bought at the front lines like food and medicine. Luba lapka, its out when the air right alarms, stuff. She works in the north east of ukraine, delivering mail and cash pensions to People Living close to the front lines. They never know when R
Northern most count please. Ah for a time long, but still very much alive, d w, travel, youll go to the Central Hospital in germany, europe. Oh, do you recognize where exactly . Whats the fun . Ive learned a lot. Our culture history. All their d. W. Travel extremely worth a visit with this week on world stories, latinos could swing the u. S. Mid term Election Results in iranian women is fulfilling her dream. In germany, we begin in ukraine, where 3000000 people depend on the post office for their pensions. Corey here is also deliver anything that cant be bought at the front lines like food and medicine. Luba nautica heads out when the air right comstock. She works in the north east of ukraine, delivering mail and cash pensions to People Living close to the front lines. They never know when Russian Artillery might hit by the uber swallows for fear were york one. What can i say the pensioners know me, and they wait for me when i was off work for a mongrel, some even called and asked when
Is the end of the pandemic insight. We show what he could look like will return to normal. And we visit those who are finding it difficult to success in weekly coping. 19 special every thursday on d. W. With this week on world stories, latinos could swing the u. S. Midterm Election Results in iranian women is filling her dream in germany. We begin in ukraine, where 3000000 people depend on the post office for their pensions. Couriers also deliver anything that cant be bought at the front line, like food and medicine. Luba lat car heads out when the air right alarm stop. She works in the north east of ukraine, delivering mail and cache pensions. 2 People Living close to the front lines. They never know when Russian Artillery might hit by the uber swallows for fear war york. What can i say the pensioners know me, and they wait for me better when i was off work for a man gall some even call it and asked when id be back. Wouldnt parts of water . No, its not just about delivering pensions.
Suspend pulled in to the tele. Enjoy. Honest. Please. Please price and what that fullest . Too hot been well enough enough. Oh oh. 000000000. Oh okay. Good. Now it has been is theyll say 40 pounds of raise the car to the party. The cap ceased crowd was to look, this is burning port benches putting oh oh oh sure. Oh, it was supposed to be a celebration but ended in tragedy. Ah. Late night party goers were crushed by a crowd. Pushing forward in the heart of sol. Excite, men was building in the run up to the 1st halloween after 2 years toned down by covey 19 restrictions. Just before midnight, local time, dozens of people fell unconscious in an alley. Authorities are still trying to find out exactly what happened. Emergency workers tried to revive victims who had suffered cardiac a rest in the cares of the narrow streets. Medical teams are still taking many of the injured to hospital. Wow. Earlier i spoke to journalist William Gallow with voice of american soul. He told me more about what