The Keqiutou Site group, an archaeological cluster going back to the Neolithic Age 6,500-7,300 years ago, was one of China s top 10 archaeological discoveries in 2023. Located on Pingtan Island in southeast China s Fujian province, the cluster includes the Keqiutou, Xiying, Donghuaqiu and Guishan sites.
There are many places in our world where the value of myth or mythical practices is entirely dismissed as fictitious and irrelevant in the modern worldview.
Through the scholarly efforts of 13 Chinese research institutions such as the Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Relics and Archaeology, a recently published study has uncovered the 100,000 years of evolutionary history of rice.
A Neolithic grave dating to around 4800 BC, featuring rich grave goods, has been discovered near Eichendorf, Germany, offering new insights into ancient