Nation-building has been reduced to form over substance. A performance of symbols, gestures and emotions that hold little meaning for the nation and her people as we live our lives daily.
summit. discussions on the civil war in syria are expected to dominate the agenda. today he ll meet with vladimir putin. the only place we can move today is to force the hand with russia. did he overstate his ability to do these things? it s truly my view that he did. new information from the documents leaked by edward snowden. the guardian newspaper reports that british and american agencies spied on top diplomats at the 2009 g-20 summit in london. called for a nationwide strike today in protest on the crackdown on demonstrators. in colorado, the wildfire is 60% contained. officials say someone started the fire. we have a crime scene in there. we have downed power lines in there. we have a long road. vladimir putin denying insinuations he stole robert kraft s super bowl ring. prince philip has left the hospital. one of the bounceback wins from san antonio. the u.s. open champion. just couldn t help but look up to the heavens and think my dad had s