speaker boehner, reid will choose the cochair from the group. the task find another $1.5 trillion in cuts by thig. people are going on the joint committee should be open to solving the debt problem of the country and not let ideology stand in the way. reporter: senator mark warner, virginia moderate democrat would like to be on the super committee after serving with the gang of six over the last year. we work in a bipartisan way that we actually had a plan laid out because i think the plan is too small. i m reluctant yet. we need to be closer to $4 trillion in debt reduction. reporter: democrats, including the white house, suggest members are serious about getting deficit under control and must be open to tax increases. we have to approach the big thorny issues, entitlements and revenues. the way to do that is through the committee. reporter: but mcconnell told fox s neil cavuto don t count on it. the chances of this passing with the appoint tees that boehner and i will p