like california. big war going on between gavin newsom and ron desantis. needless to say, liberals are seething with rage, especially thr california governor gavin newsom. that s all coming upe govern.l o the governor will respond to the the attacks from the meda mob, joe biden, and , of course, the desperate presidential wannabe gavin newsom. we ll also analyze the phenomenonpresiden w of why so manymany a americans are moving to sunnmey florida to escape the dystopian scape that california, sadly, has become. stay exc my exclusive interview with thet forty fifth president of the united states , donald trump,e undo that s straight ahs and we ll play trump s best moments from his powerfult se speech this weekend at cpac. a busy night. but first, a breakinhtg news report from our southern border after two record setting years of illegal immigration, this crisis is getting worse. and worse by the day. alone so far this year alone, we are a on pace for yet another recor
five hundred and seventy four riots in thossummer of 2020 very few people involved in those riots have been held accountables hav but yet we have all this videod evidence. if they wanted to prosecutif the the people involved. we had thousands of injured hava amps, billions of property damage, and we had a couple of dozen dead americans. e the only riot that people ineopn washington seem to care to care about was january six . and even lester holt recently reported on nbc, of all places that there was intelligence going back weeks, that they were organizer s thatwantet wanted trouble that day. they knew about it ahead of time and they did nothing to stop it. why ignore five hundred ande? seventy four riots and only focus on the one? that s exactly right.. th this is an organized effort somt by the left, and it s somethingr that every single american needs to take seriously. ic needso i don t care how you s we re preparing on the oversightas we committeh