University of Nebraska-Lincoln student Trey Lamkins shares his experiences regarding cancer and how he organized the Husker Cancer Support event to bring together students who have been affected by cancer
The Association of Students of the University of Nebraska met Wednesday to approve funds for the spring concert, promote dietary restriction training and reinstate the Safe Ride program.
LINCOLN, Neb. Rep. Adrian Smith of Nebraska’s 3rd Congressional District will deliver a Feb. 20 presentation at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln highlighting challenges and opportunities in international trade as the Clayton Yeutter Institute of.
Lincoln, Nebraska, Feb. 9, 2024 Rep. Adrian Smith of Nebraska’s 3rd Congressional District will deliver a Feb. 20 presentation at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln highlighting challenges and opportunities in international trade as the Clayton.
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln s Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement office hosted the Halloween event, Scarlet and Screams, at the East Campus Union, which included a haunted house and hayrack ride. Many working the event were UNL student volunteers.