The search for the leopard that was spotted on Friday night in south Delhi’s Sainik Farms area was still on Monday while at least 50 police officials have been deployed in the area to monitor the situation. Forest and police officials on Monday said they were yet to locate the leopard
Get latest articles and stories on Latest News at LatestLY. The search for the leopard that was spotted on Friday night in south Delhi's Neb Sarai area was still on while at least 50 police officials have been deployed in the area to monitor the situation. Latest News | Search for Elusive Leopard on in Delhi's Neb Sarai.
The search for the leopard that was spotted on Friday night in south Delhi's Neb Sarai area was still on while at least 50 police officials have been deployed in the area to monitor the situation.
In yet another case of dog bite, a teenage girl was admitted to Delhi's Safdarjung Hospital after she was attacked by an American Bully dog. The police have booked the owner of the dog.