Cancer was once considered a disease that was primarily affecting Western nations; sadly, it has firmly entrenched itself within the Indian healthcare landscape, which is posing significant public health concerns. According to the 4th edition of.
In the heart of ancient wisdom, nestled within the revered texts of the Atharva Veda, lies the Manduca Upanishad. Despite its brevity, spanning merely 12 verses, this Upanishad has captivated scholars and spiritual seekers alike..
The recent barbaric terrorist attack on Israel, appropriately dubbed Israel’s 9/11, where living children were burnt alive, and hundreds were killed in their beds. Innocent teens participating in a music festival were hunted and killed.
It is contended that our brush with extra-terrestrial intelligence is nothing new but adequately suppressed from the public due to unexplained reasons at the highest levels of government in many nations. When Neil Armstrong took.
In the ancient Indian texts, they were known as the Sapta-Rishis, the seven great sages who guided humanity’s spiritual journey. But what if these revered figures were not mere mortals but visitors from another world?.