Days after eight NCP MLA led by Ajit Pawar joined the Eknath Shinde-led government in Maharashtra, union minister and BJP leader Raosaheb Danve on Friday said his party's doors were open for those who have faith in PM Narendra Modi's leadership.
Addressing party workers at the Y B Chavan Centre, he said: “MLAs come, and can go anywhere. Don't complain. Let them live happily, wherever they are. Till we are together, let’s work to create a new generation of leaders.”
Three parties in the ruling coalition means the BJP will have to settle for less, when it comes to seat-sharing for the state's 288 Assembly and 48 Lok Sabha constituencies
As many as 32 of the 53 Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) MLAs attended the meeting called by the Ajit Pawar group, while 18 MLAs were present at the conclave addressed by the NCP chief, sources in both factions said.