Prizewinning and distinguish Foreign Correspondent and columnist for the Washington Post and friend, jim hoberman. Good to be here. And then to be the luckiest man i can say truthfully the gemini is fascinated i really didnt expect to read every word that was so vast and once i started i couldnt put it down. So in 2005 i know you did seven books. I did character and character assassination. That is it. It is a pleasure to work with the senatornd that they would do more. I find this strange to be talking about him i was really surprised to discover about the mccain family that he had western roots im a carpetbagger in arizona i grew up as a carpetbagger but i didnt realize that about john mccain was a carpetbagger when he ran for office. Talking smalltown mississippi and then to get the reaction. And john mccain seven forebears. And with the own personality so no doubt is derived from the personality of his father and grandfather in the position of mississippi mccain with that enthusias
We have it signed here but his book is the luckiest n, light with john mccain and jim and i have been fascinated with it. I didnt expect to read every word as my reading list is so vast and once i started i couldnt put it down. Its kind of you tosay, thank you. You worked with senator mccain in 2005 and i am blanketing, i know you did seven books, do you remember which was the 2005 one . It could have been a book on character assassination. We sold thousands of copies and one to the senator and i believe we ran low on signed copies. I find this a little strange to be talking about him without him after spending time with him. The other thing id like to say before i turn this over to jim was that i was really surprised that the mccain family listened to deep roots. I just assumed he had western roots. Im a carpetbagger in arizona. But i didnt recognize that john mccain was perceived as something of a carpetbagger when he ran for office but i asked johngrisham when we did an event , of c
Team i was not planning on that my daughters brain cancer she had at four i got out of the navy and went back to the country for her Health Care Plan only 8 percent of you have ever survived and shes done it twice when she was in safe shelter in june i decided again i needed to do something for the country. And as i watch i thought there was something this nation invested in me in the military in order to represent a democrat but they reelected me without spending a Single Campaign penny because i believe our choice is not just to beat mister trump but to unite america again where they believe somebody will be accountable to them above party or self or any interest that is the primary i am running and second for far too long we have had people who dont understand the military will never fix a problem no democrats or republicans vote for that tragic misadventure in iraq how it would be before they decided to begin went all the way to turkey shameless invasion that we lead against the ku
Watch the new night at 9 00 eastern and pacific here on cspan. Cspan. Orgo go to and find video past Prime Ministers questions and other British Public affairs programs. Monday on the communicators, russias involvement in the 20 16th election with reporter julia. Facebook has said they learn that a bunch of ads placed during the election were placed by russian outfits under anonymous accounts. They were politically divisive ads, not necessarily aimed at one candidate or another, but aimed at selling divisiveness. Watch the communicators monday not at 8 00 eastern on cspan two. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson and the qatari minister spoke in doha. He responded to questions about Iraqi Security and the ongoing blockade of qatar imposed by saudi arabia and other middle east states. Michelle from npr. Question. A first of all, how much i you worried about the iranians helping iraq retake parts of turkey took . What is next for the kurds . Tell me about what you tried to do to head off the