Navjot Singh Sidhu Son Wedding News: In a joyous announcement, the household of former Punjab Congress president and renowned cricketer, Navjot Singh Sidhu, is abuzz with preparations as his son, Karan Sidhu, is set to get married on December 7. The first glimpse of the wedding card has recently surfaced, adding to the anticipation surrounding the upcoming nuptials.
Cricketer turned PoliticianĀ dropped a series of pictures on social media featuring him, his wife Navjot Kaur Sidhu, daughter Rabia Sidhu, son Karan Sidhu, and Inayat Randhawa, his to-be-daughter-in-law.
The former Member of the Punjab Legislative Assembly shared an update on her condition. Dr Navjot Kaur took to social media to post a video after her first chemotherapy.