Q: What do we know about recent observations of GNSS interference and spoofing in Eastern Europe? What lessons can we learn regarding civil user mitigation of these threats? What can we learn from recent incidents and their impact on civil aviation? ZIXI LIU, SHERMAN LO, JUAN BLANCH, YU-HSUAN CHEN,
This research analyzes the wide-area 2022 Texas GPS jamming incident using data from airborne receivers through Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) and ground receivers at Continuous Operating Reference Stations (CORS). ATHIEU JOERGER, CHENMING FAN, SANDEEP JADA, VIRGINIA TECH Wide-
A look at algorithms developed for the real-time detection and localization of GNSS interference sources, and an investigation into last year’s disruption at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. IXI LIU, SHERMAN LO, TODD WALTER, JUAN BLANCH, STANFORD UNIVERSITY GNSS serves several safety-of