Excalibur welcomed us to Dark and was joined by Taz on commentary…
1. Duke Davis vs. Nick Comoroto. Comoroto hit a powerslam and a powerbomb for the quick victory.
Nick Comoroto defeated Duke Davis via pinfall.
Briar’s Take:
Your typical enhancement match with Comoroto getting the victory in a matter of seconds.
2. Duke Davis vs. Aaron Solow. Davis threw a dropkick that sent Solow out of the ring. However, Solow hooked the knee and began stomping on Davis. Solow followed with the corkscrew kick to Davis and hit a pedigree type finisher to lay out Davis quickly.
Aaron Solow defeating Duke Davis via pinfall.
AEW Dark recap (Mar. 2, 2021): SCU steals show for second week in a row
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Episode 77 of
AEW Dark featured Red Velvet picking up momentum, Butcher & Blade beefing with Bear Country, and SCU continuing their roll of show-stealing matches.
Here’s the
Ivelisse & Diamante vs. Red Velvet & KiLynn King (solid)
Fuego Del Sol & Jon Cruz vs. Top Flight (okay)
Gunn Club vs. Tony Vega, Aaron Frye, & Angel Fashion (okay)
Abadon vs. Renee Michelle (okay)
JD Drake vs. Stu Grayson (solid)
M’Badu & Baron Black vs. Bear Country (okay)
Evil Uno, 5, & Colt Cabana vs. Levy Shapiro, John Skyler, & Ryzin (okay)