Sean spicer, would the president be okay with a package with a time line in which the tax cuts would be enacted and people would feel it in 2018 and not 2017. A bit of ambiguity. Heres spicer. Theres two issues. Fiscal year 17 and calendar year 17. For tax purposes, its calendar year 2017 that theyre probably most concerned with. The president as we work with congress will have those details to be able to flush out. Something that they have to work can congress on. President trump dropped news on this whole conversation just moments ago telling reuters in an interview, speaking about the border adjustment tax, which is a big question in this. The president said, and im quoting from reuters here, it could lead to a lot more jobs in the United States. As that article dropped, spicer talked up the merits of it
saying it benefits workers, americans and the economy. Nothing from the white house yesterday, but certainly it appears theyre starting to talk it up just a bit. Neil . Neil very in
AEW Dark recap (Mar. 2, 2021): SCU steals show for second week in a row
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Episode 77 of
AEW Dark featured Red Velvet picking up momentum, Butcher & Blade beefing with Bear Country, and SCU continuing their roll of show-stealing matches.
Here’s the
Ivelisse & Diamante vs. Red Velvet & KiLynn King (solid)
Fuego Del Sol & Jon Cruz vs. Top Flight (okay)
Gunn Club vs. Tony Vega, Aaron Frye, & Angel Fashion (okay)
Abadon vs. Renee Michelle (okay)
JD Drake vs. Stu Grayson (solid)
M’Badu & Baron Black vs. Bear Country (okay)
Evil Uno, 5, & Colt Cabana vs. Levy Shapiro, John Skyler, & Ryzin (okay)
he was kind, decent. not nice but just nice. he passionately debated. there was no caveat, no clarification, no asterisks. maybe that s because it just hit us no alan. he s gone. one moment so much a part of our lives, the next, where did he g go? it s trite to say be grateful you are alive, even more trite to say appreciate those while you still can but you know something? when it s over, when it s all over for any of us, i think of worse things than to be remembered for being decent and kind and making others laugh. it s not a bad commentary on your life for folks of all stripes and views to say you made them smile, not that they just really miss you but they are all the better for simply having known you.