Shock trials for the UISS are vital to determine whether the system can withstand the possible detonation of a mine or an enemy attack during operations.
The Unmanned Influence Sweep System surface drones can operate from a variety of platforms and keep sailors safely removed from dangerous underwater mines.
said that the object looked “very similar” to China’s underwater glider, Sea Wing. The Chinese Sea Wing operated using a buoyancy compensation system filled with oil and is used for oceanographic research and has onboard sensors to measure seawater temperature, salinity, turbidity, chlorophyll, oxygen content, and ocean current changes, Naval Drones noted.
Developed by the state-run Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sea Wings were reportedly deployed in the Indian Ocean,
Forbes reported in March. The report further said that 14 such UUVs were supposed to be deployed in the Indian Ocean region but only 12 were used.
The glider was tested in 2017 and reportedly set a new world record by reaching a depth of 6,329 meters. The previous record of 6,003 meters was set by a US vessel. Quoting the developer, the Chinese media reported that the glider has a special “coat” made of light carbon fiber material to protect it from the huge pressure in the deep sea.