Action and abuse of power chording to press secretary Sarah Sanders Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee have opened an investigation because they are terrified that their 2 year false narrative of Russia collusion is crumbling in a written statement she accuses Democrats of playing pathetic political games and says Democrats are not after the truth they are after the president that s White House correspondent Greg Clarkson and here s one Democrat who apparently will not be seeking the presidency in 2020 I m not running but I m going to keep working and speaking and standing up for what I believe Hillary Clinton talking with News 12 Westchester for the 2nd time and wonder what a stem cell transplant is apparently h. I.v. Free doctors say the British man has been off h. I.v. Drugs for about 18 months now but not a trace of the virus on Wall Street this hour stock futures are higher right out how futures up about 17 points at this mess and p. Futures 3 and a half points higher mor
U.s. Some government buildings have been closed and many federal employees have been told not to go to work not because of Christmas but because of a government shutdown senators however were working they were called to a special session of Congress to try to find a funding deal acceptable to all but without any sign of compromise Democrats and Republicans were left simply blaming each other the Roi is about Donald Trump s long promise for a physical barrier along the border between Mexico and America Democrats have refused to give the president the $5000000000.00 He says he needs to build it you re listening to the latest world news from the b.b.c. . President Trump s decision to withdraw u.s. Troops from Syria has led to another high level resignation at the White House Brett McGurk The envoy to the global coalition fighting the Islamic state group said in his resignation letter that the premise or pullout of American forces from the region would create the conditions that gave rise
a sloop and I gunboat that s what my mother made alone she made was chicken gunboats well. Pleased God said look how about this boat you re going out on the past and how fresh again it goes 20 miles an hour on no no no no no you don t mean it was you tell it to my office now why you think how much you re me thank you thank you she. You know you hear all sorts of rumors about the cigarette Jordi theories are tossed around like confetti on a New Year s the celebration Well I m not going into all the whys and wherefores but I can speak for the makers of Camp more camels have been made than ever before in our history and fill the demand can t be met but when you do get camels they are camp fill of cigarettes and costlier tobacco blended in the time honored camel way not one shred of tobacco that isn t properly aided being you can build reputation will not be sold on the river no matter what the pressure of these times as the camel every time you buy I think a rat a rich full flavor and
Call it Super Saturday Federation s Catherine Cullen. Column says 7 percent of those asked say they don t expect to be done until Christmas Eve within her family they re just glad I m a planner. However I have been a bit of a last minute shoppers Peter King c.b.s. News former Army Sergeant Jeffrey MacDonald convicted of killing his pregnant wife and 2 young daughters nearly a half century ago will not get a new trial orders today from a federal judge a Donald a former Green Beret now 75 has maintained his innocence. As news you guys can hear from him pod cast today s growth Who would win a 3 mile bicycle race an 11 year old girl or last year s winner of the Tour de France it all depends on the bicycle it depends on their vehicle pulls on a 10 speed in the pro racers going to win every time but put the race around a try sickle in the 11 year old wins every time you see it s not the driver it s the vehicle when it comes to generating revenue it s exactly the same if you have a job or a
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