National Express East Anglia – 242 jobs to go, 61 vacancies frozen, including 3 drivers, 11 cleaners, 44 caterers, 53 retail staff, 19 Stansted Express train crew, 7 workshop engineering staff , 73 call centre staff, 4 revenue-protection staff, 29 support staff South Eastern Trains – 300 jobs to go South West Trains – 660+ jobs to go, including platform, information, clerical and cleaning staff Nearly 100 ticket office jobs to go, despite government orders to reduce planned opening times cuts First ScotRail - 40 jobs to go
Matt Merrigan was a member of the small Irish Trotskyist group in the 1940s, the Revolutionary Socialist Party, and a socialist all his life. He eventually became president of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, and died in 2000.
In the mid-50s, for a while, he wrote reports on Ireland for Labor Action, the paper of the Independent Socialist League of Max Shachtman, Hal Draper, and others in the USA.